5th Class

*         Kinds of verb   There are three kinds of verb.     *             Transitive Verb The verb which requires an object to complete its sense is called Transitive verb.   example.jpg  
  •  He arrived little early.
  •  Raman provokes me to do the mischief.
  •  The hunter kills the animals brutally.
  •  English has taken the center stage.
In the sentences given above, verbs 'arrived', 'provokes', 'kills' and 'has taken' can't make complete sense themselves. They need the object to make sense. Therefore, they are called transitive verbs.     *             Intransitive Verb The verb that does not require an object to complete its sense, but makes complete sense by itself is called an Intransitive Verb.   more...

*          Introduction   Definition: A verb is a word which shows an action, state of being or possession of a noun or pronoun. Or The word which says something about a noun or pronoun is called a Verb. (All saying words are verbs)     example.jpg  
  •  Mahesh Bhupati plays Tennis.
  •  The man killed a mouse.
  •  It is an arduous task.
  •  They are very courageous.
  •  The decision has been taken by me.
In the sentences given above the words 'play', 'killed', 'is', 'are' and 'has' are verbs.   Generally verbs are divided into two parts. They are the following: Helping verbs: Is, are, am, was, were, has, had, will, shall, etc. Main verbs: Go, read, write, learn, sing, walk, talk, etc. Here we will discuss other kinds of verb as well.  

*        Kinds of Pronoun   There are eight kinds of Pronouns. They are the following: 1.  Personal Pronoun 2.  Demonstrative Pronoun 3.  Interrogative Pronoun 4.  Reflexive Pronoun                                                   5.  Possessive Pronoun 6.  Distributive Pronoun 7.  Indefinite Pronoun 8.  Emphatic or Emphasizing Pronoun     *          Personal Pronoun   The pronoun that is used for a person or a thing is called a personal pronoun. Personal pronouns are used for both subjects and objects.
  •  I was not involved in merry making.
  •  We would have reached there on time.
  •  You should help the poor.
  •  He / She completed the task.
  •  They are very arrogant.
  •  It is really a very tedious task.  
In the sentences given above, the words, i we, you, he, she, they, and it are personal pronouns.     more...

*      Introduction   Definition: Pronoun is a word which is used in the place of a noun. Pronouns are used to avoid the repetition of nouns in a sentence.     example.jpg  
  •  Robin did not come because he was busy.
  •  Poonam drank water because she was thirsty.
  •  The book was cheap so he bought it.
  •  The dogs were hungry so they wanted food.  
In the above given sentences, the words he, she, it and they have been used in places of Robin, Poonam, book and dogs (all Nouns). All these words are pronouns.

*      Practice Exercise   Identify the kind of noun in the underline part of each sentence.         Rabindra Nath Tagore was a great poet.   Answer: Proper Noun: A proper noun is the name of a particular person. Rabindra Nath Tagore is a name of a particular person.         My father is going to market   Answer: Common Noun: A common noun is the name given to the class of person. So, father is common noun.         She is buying gold from the jwellers.   Answer: Material Noun : A material noun is the name of substance. Gold is the name of a substance.         I admired his honesty.   Answer: Honesty more...

*       Multimedia in Training   Multimedia presentations are a great way to introduce new concepts or explain a new technology. In companies, this reduces the design and training time. Individuals find it easy to understand and use multimedia. Corporate training has been the largest and oldest area for multimedia technology. It is especially suitable when processes, products and services involved are complex, frequently upgraded and modified. (See Figure 5.5.7)             *     Training areas/or multimedia applications are:
  • Management skills
  • Industrial and shop floor training
  • Information technology products
  • Medical and health care
  • Government services
  • Military weapons system  
    Question.jpg      Training areas for multimedia application are: (A) Industrial and more...

*     Multimedia in Research     Multimedia modeling of research processes is used in a variety of disciplines in science including medicine, biology, engineering/and surface examination. In mathematical and scientific Research, multimedia is mainly used for modeling and simulation. For example, a scientist can look at a molecular model of a particular substance and manipulate it to arrive at a new substance. Representative research can also be found in journals such as the Journal of Multimedia. (See Figure 5.5.6)               Question.jpg        In which of the following disciplines multimedia modeling of research processes is/are used? (A) Surface examination                               (B) Biology (C) Engineering                                                 (D) Medicine (E) All of these     Answer: (e) Explanation Correct more...

*    Multimedia in Advertising and Film Making   You must have seen lots of impossible things happening in TV commercials and wondered how people fly in the air or jump off from high buildings without getting hurt. In advertising, promoting products require an effective medium able to catch the interest of the targeted market. Multimedia plays a vital role in advertising, creating a huge influence in the market and gaining popularity. (See Figure 5.5.5)               When the animation and the graphic designs are used to sell products or services, it is known as multimedia advertising. There are various forms of multimedia advertising such as videos, online advertising and DVDs, CDs, etc. The companies can always increase their customers' base through multimedia advertising; therefore, multimedia advertising positively contributes in the marketing more...

*     Multimedia in Desktop Publishing     Computer technology has increased the potency and power of the print media, making it far more visually stunning and internationally acceptable. The publishing industry has adopted multimedia techniques to make their products more slick and professional and their processes faster and more effective. Multimedia knowledge in the print and publishing industry allows the use of video and still images to be integrated into documents at the pre- print stage. Further, it allows the developer to view and review his product trying out various combinations, alterations and effects for font, layout and colour before he or she can finalize his/her publication. Multimedia also allows the printer to preview the different options before deciding the best choice for his or her publication. This eliminates most of the elements of uncertainty in the printing process. While desktop publishing traditionally meant more...

*     Multimedia in Business   Sales and marketing have experienced a newer approach to the target customers through multimedia usage. Online presentations give deeper insight into the business for the user. It keeps the audience alert and interested, thus leading to better chances for sales. Even   basic   office applications like a word processing package or a spreadsheet tool becomes a powerful tool with the aid of multimedia business. Pictures, animation and sound can be added to these applications to emphasize important points in the documents. Multimedia can also offer critical services in the business world. While information can be conveyed by the singular use of still pictures, video, film, audio, or text, multimedia potentially multiplies the degree of effectiveness, due to the added entertainment value. Such benefits cannot be easily matched by the application of a singular medium. The effectiveness of teaching, selling, informing, more...


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