5th Class

*        Practice Exercise   Read the following Passage carefully and answer the following questions. One night a farmer was on his way back home on a boat. He traded far and wide. He was very rich and owned many acres of land. Shortly after the boat set sail, it capsized. He was distressed because he did not know how to swim. At that moment a boatman happened to sail by. The farmer on seeing the boatman begged for saving his life and promised all the land that he had, in reward. Seeing the earnestness, the boatman saved him and they sailed together. As they crossed the middle of the river, the farmer offered half of the land and the rest he said would be a bare necessity against his wife's rebukes. The boatman did not reply. As they reached near the shore, the more...

*     Commands in Logo   The simple Logo drawing commands move the turtle forward and backward and turn it right or left. (See Figure 5.2.4)         Some commands and their abbreviations are given below:
  • FD:   Forward
  • BK:   Backward
  • RT:   Right
  • LT:   Left
  • HT:   Hide Turtle
  • ST:   Show Turtle
  • CS:   Clear Screen
  • CT:   Clear Text  
We will study about some LOGO commands in detail here. You need to press the Enter key after typing each command in the Text area.     *  Forward or FD This moves the turtle forward by a number of steps. (See Figure 5.2.5)         more...

*    Getting Started in Logo     LOGO is one language which children will enjoy and would love to learn. Perform the following steps to start working in LOGO: Click on Start -> Programs -> PC Logo Program group -> PC Logo (exe) (See Figure 5.2.3)     

*    Introduction     You must have kept dogs and cats as pets in your house, but have you ever had a turtle as your pet? In this chapter you will befriend a clever turtle who will teach you a new language called LOGO. Logo stands for Logic Oriented Graphic Oriented. You can draw pictures as well as do calculations with LOGO. Logo is a highly interactive language that uses a triangle-shaped cursor called a "turtle". Logo's language (also called LOGO) has got words, sentences and texts just like every other language. The first version of LOGO developed by Seymour Papert in the United States used an electronic robot that resembled a turtle.

*        Introduction   Comprehension means 'understanding' whatever you read, and answering questions related to it. Answering question to a given passage depends actually on the following abilities of a student: (i) How good you are in understanding the meaning of the entire passage; (ii) In finding the answer in the passage; (iii) Your command on language.     *        Points to keep in mind while doing Comprehension
  •  Read the given paragraph carefully and underline important points.    
  •  Read the questions one by one and try to find the answers from the passage
  •  Write answers in your own words.                                 
  Below given are some examples of doing comprehensions. Go through these carefully and note how the answers of the questions asked in a given passage have been answered.       more...

*    Hybrid Computers       A computer which performs operations based on both analog and digital principles is known as a hybrid computer. A hybrid computer displays capabilities, behavior, functions and principles of operation of both the analog and digital computers. A gas pump is actually a hybrid computer. Although it processes measured data, such as the amount of fluid passing through the gas hose, the data displayed to you, the amount of gas and the amount you owe is displayed in a digital format. In general, analog computers are extraordinarily fast, but the precision of analog computers is not good. Digital computers have an almost unlimited level of precision but are slow compared to analog computers. In most cases, hybrid computers are substantially faster than a digital computer and can supply a far more specific computation than an analog computer. It is more...

*         Analog Computers   An analog computer is an electronic system which recognizes data as continuous measurements of a physical quantity, such as pressure, voltage or temperatures along a continuous scale. The devices that measure such quantities are analog devices, e.g., voltmeter, ammeter, speedometer in your car etc. The output of an analog computer is usually in the form of dial gauge readings or graphs. The term 'analog' means continuous.   An example of analog computer system is the processor attached to the petrol pump which converts the fuel flow measurements and displays the quantity and price. Analog computers are a powerful tool for designers and are used in engineering and scientific applications. It is used for designing missiles and also in the development of new aircraft models. Analog computers operate by measuring rather than computing. Unlike digital computers, it can perform more...

*    Digital computer       A Digital Computer is a computer that stores data in terms of digits (numbers) and proceeds in discrete steps from one state to the next. The word 'digital' stands for discrete (step-by-step) and hence, digital computers can take only discrete values. A digital computer is a combination of electric devices designed to manipulate physical quantities or information that are represented in a digital format. In other words, a digital computer represents data in terms of discrete, numbers and processes data using the standard arithmetic operations. The accuracy obtained in a digital computer is very high. Unlike analog computers which deal with the measurements of physical quantities, digital computers directly count digits (or numbers) that represent letters, numeral s or other special characters. Digital computers are high speed, programmable electronic devices that perform mathematical calculations, compare values and state more...

*     Introduction   The computers you come across in the daily course of your day range from laptops, palmtops, mainframe computers to desktop computers. Computers are categorized on the basis of physical structures, purpose of their use, capacity, speed and reliability.     *    Based on the operational or working principle, the different categories of computers are:
  • Digital computers
  • Analog computers
  • Hybrid computers  
In this chapter we will study more about this classification.    

*          Sense Organs   Our sense organs help us to see, hear, taste, smell, and touch..   *         Skin There are tiny nerve endings in our skin. These nerve endings help us to feel things. They also help us to detect heat, cold, and pain.            Skin                   *        Eyes Eyes help us in seeing the various objects around us. Since eyes are very important organs, our body has several features to protect them. The eyebrows prevent sweat from running into the eyes. The eyelashes protect the eyes form dirt and strong light. The eyelids protect the eyes form injury.                        more...


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