10th Class

*           How to Create Definition List The lists and explanation of the terms comes under the definition lists.   *               The tags which are used to create definition list are the following: v  Starts with the definition list <dl> tag. v  The <dt> tag is used for the definition list term. v  The <dd> tag is used for the definition list definition starts. The following syntax is used to create a definition list: <dl> <dt>this is definition term <dd>this is definition</dd> </dt> </dl>   Question.jpg     Which one of the following statements is true? Statement A: <hr> tag is used to insert horizontal line. Statement B: <hl> is used to insert horizontal line. (A) Statement A is correct                            (B) Statement B is correct (C) Both statement A and B are correct  (D) more...

*   How to Create Definition List   The lists and explanation of the terms comes under the definition lists.   * The tags which are used to create definition list are the following: 
  • Starts with the definition list <dl> tag.
  • The <dt> tag is used for the definition list term.
  • The <dd> tag is used for the definition list definition starts.
  The following syntax is used to create a definition list: <dl> <dt> this is definition term <dd> this is definition </dt> </dl>     Question.jpg    Which one of the following statements is true? Statement A: <hr> tag is used to insert horizontal line. Statement B:  <h1> is used to insert horizontal line. (A) Statement A is correct                            (B) Statement B is correct (C) Both statement more...

*  How to Insert Horizontal Line     To create a simple straight line on a page horizontal line is used. It is basically c graphical image which acts as dividers and separates pages into sections. It generally provides the different types of visual separation which clearly defines the sections of a page. The tag which is used to insert the horizontal line is <hr> tag. It can be of different lengths and sizes.     * Horizontal lines are the following: 
  • Lines with different widths.
  • Lines with different thickness.
  • Lines without 3D shading.  
The following attributes of horizontal <hr> tag are used to create the different I types of horizontal lines:     * Width The line width is specified by the width attribute of <hr>tag. To create the horizontal line with different width, the following more...

*  How to Apply Bold and Italics   While designing a web page, sometime there is a need to emphasis little text in the web page to get the attention of the user for that particular text. Thus HTML provides two tags for this purpose: 1. <i> tag:-ls basically used to italicize the text written between opening and closing <i>  tags. 2. <b>tag:-ls basically used to create bold text written between opening and closing <b>tag       Question.jpg      Which one of the following HTML editors is used to automate the whole process of site design and implementation? (A) Netscape                                     (B) Microsoft Front page (C) Adobe Page Mill                                        (D) All of these (E) None of these     Answer: (c) Explanation Correct Option: (C) Adobe page Mill is used more...

*  Changing Background Color     The contents of the Web Page are always written inside thetag. The background colour of a web page is changed through the bgcolor attribute which is provided by HTML. The HTML element contains attribute as its characteristics, which generally modify the behaviour of that element. The attributes values are always given in double quotes. Syntax used for background colour attribute is:   <body bgcolor="value">   The value to the bgcolor attribute can be assigned either by specifying the hexadecimal value of the colour or by specifying the name of the colour. A (#) is put before the value, when the colour value is specified the hexadecimal notation. The following table lists some important colours along with their values in hexadecimal notation: Color                     Hexadecimal Value Black                      #000000 Red                        #FF0000 Parrot green         #00FF00 Blue                       #0000FF more...

*   Creating Paragraphs     In formatting a text inside a Web page Paragraphs played an important role. For creating a paragraph HTML provides <p> tag. It is used to control the line spacing between the paragraphs and also within the paragraphs. The starting and ending of any document is done under <p> tag. The start is done through <p> tag whereas ending is done through </p> tag.   The following code snippet shows how to create a paragraph: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML. 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Student Personal Record </title> </head> <body> Student Personal Record page maintains the personal information of each student. Personal information includes name, father name, address, and phone number. This page also has educational background of each student. </body> </html>     * Using Headings HTML enables six predefined levels of heading. The number for headings contains under <h> tag, which more...

*   Adding Title to a web Page     The <title>tag allows adding title to a Web page. It is inserted in the head section of the page. In the caption of the browser the title of the web page is displayed, between the openings and closing <title> tags the title of the web page is written. The following code snippet shows how to add title to a Web page: <!DOCTYPE HTPL PUBIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">  <html>  <head>  <title>Student Personal Record </title> </head> </html>  

*  Introduction to HTML      HTML language is developed by Tim Berner-Lee at CERN (Consiel European pour la Research Nuclear) to enable permit the researchers to share their research papers with the help of the Internet. Generally all the browsers are supporting HTML but basically the HTML was used by Mosaic Browser. The HTML 1.0 is the first version of HTML, whereas continuous growth of Web extended HTML growth in several other ways. World Wide Web (W3C) is the organization which did not specify the first version of HTML. This organization maintains the language and keeps involving it in proper direction. Latest version of HTML is HTML 4.01 which is in general use and is the sub version of HTML4.0. The errors which are occurring in HTML4.0 have been fixed in this version. The whole HTML document comes under the <html>tag which is used more...

*  Introduction to WWW   The World Wide Web (WWW) was created by Tim Berner-Lee and Robert Cailliau in 1989. A user can be connected to the Web using either a dial up connection or a broadband.       * The Web provides the following advantages: 
  • Easily modification and update.
  • 24 hours, seven days operation.
  • Attractive GUI that helps to engage use.
  • Direct product ordering
  • Search engines deliver clients.
  • Provides Linking to other pages.
  • Rapid development of new product, service and organization information.
There are number of HTML editors available for creating Web pages. Some of these are:       * Netscape Composer It is an editor, which comes with the Netscape Communicator or WYSIWYG.   * Microsoft Front page It is also an editor contained in a powerful package, which directly integrates more...

*   Inserting a Style Sheet     CSS enables three ways to insert a style sheet:
  • Inline style
  • External style sheet
  • Internal style sheet  
  * Inline style Use this method carefully because it mixes the content with presentation. To use inline style you need to use the style attributes in the relevant tag. The following code snippet shows how to change the colour and right margins of given text: lndia is the greatest country.   India is the greatest country.   * External style sheet An external CSS style sheet contains CSS style rules. These rules are applied to HTML element on Web pages.     * To add an external CSS style sheet: 
  • Select the Web project.
  • On the Project menu, click Add New Item to open the Add New Item more...


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