9th Class

*       Paragraph   Introduction: A paragraph is a piece of writing that consists of several sentences. A paragraph should always have complete, correct and concise sentences. As well it should be easy to read and well organized. The paragraph itself should focus on one subject, theme, or central idea. It can be divided into three major parts: 1.       The Topic Sentence 2.       The Supporting Details 3.       The Concluding Sentence Paragraph writing consists of many necessary elements to be taken into consideration before, while and after writing.       *          1.  A waiting Room A waiting room is a building, or more commonly a part of a building where people sit or stand until the event they are waiting for occurs. There are generally two types of waiting room. One is where individuals leave one at more...

  • You are Pankaj Patra, a reporter with The Times of India. Recently, the United States has announced to curtail security assistance to Pakistan following the latter's slow response in fighting terrorism. Write a report on the consequence that has urged the US to take this step against Pakistan.  
  • You are a reporter with The Hindustan Times. Frame a report on the joint population census being conducted by India and Bangladesh across the LOC.  
  • You are Rajesh Shingvi and a reporter with The Telegraph. Write a report on the kidnapper who abducted his neighbour's son recently, and confessed to get inspiration from unsolved cases in the media to commit the crime.  
  • Write a report on the bomb blast that took place in Mumbai on July 14, 2011. You are Anjali Mukherjee, working with one of the leading newspapers.  
  • more...

    *        Report writing   Introduction: A report is a factual description or account of an event or investigation of an issue or a problem. It may also be an objective analysis or evaluation of something. Depending upon its nature, a report can be single paragraph or a single page write-up or of hundreds of thousands of pages of a thorough investigation.   1.    You are a staff reporter of a leading newspaper and have attended a seminar on the programme 'Aid for Trade' at the India Habitat Centre. Write a short report understanding the importance of the programme.   *         Aid for Trade Sept. 15, 2012, Staff Reporter: Aid for Trade is a programme that provides the means for developing countries to improve trade capacity through loans and grants as a part of Official Development Assistance (ODA). This program more...

        1.    Write a telegram to your father acknowledging him of your passing the Board examination securing highest marks in Maths.   2.    You are Sandeep and live in a boarding house. One of your roommates, Sunil, has been affected by jaundice and needs to go home for a few days. Write a telegram to Sunil's father requesting him to take Sunil home.   3.    A new born baby has arrived at your home. Write a telegram to your cousin acknowledging him of the pleasant news.   4.    You have already informed your father that you are going home on 22nd of this month. Unfortunately, on 19th instant, the manager of your company refuses to allow you to go. Write a telegram to your father stating him of the cancellation of your plan.   5.    Seema is more...

    *       Telegram Writing   Introduction: A telegram is a very short and to the point message sent by telegraph from one place to another and then usually delivered to the receiver in written form. A telegraphic message is fast but expensive because every word in the message is charged.   A telegraphic message is written on a specially designed Performa which has three distinct parts:
    • Address of the addressee
    • Message and sender's name
    • Details of the sender's name (Signature and Address)
      1.    A telegram sent to a son who lives in Bangalore stating about his father's illness. Sunil Kumar Kamal Nagar Bangalore FATHER ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL. COME SOON. Pankaj Kumar Dev Lok Delhi   2.    You are Partha and stay away from home in Chandigarh. The marriage of your sister, Nisha, has been finalized all of a sudden. Here more...

        1.    Write a conversation between a customer and a customer service representative of a mobile service provider regarding activation of a hello tune as requested by the customer.   2.    You want to get the number of a few French translators and have called Just Dial Service. Write a conversation that had taken place between you and the service representative.   3.    Your uncle is staying in Texas, USA. He calls one evening and informs your daddy about his would be visit to India next month. Write conversation which might have taken place between your uncle and daddy.   4.    You and your sister are not willing to play with colours this Holi, although your friends in the neighborhood are insisting both of you. Write a conversation that might have taken place among you, your sister and more...

    *         Message Writing   Introduction: Writing message is an art, and the art to write a short and clear message is a very important writing skill which needs to be mastered. Most often the input for a message comes in the form of a telephonic conversation between two people.         1.   A general telephone conversation between Amit and Raja. Operator: Hello, Times and Trend, how can I help you? Raja: This is Raja Gupta. Can I have extension 3421? Operator: Certainly, hold on a minute, l'll put you through... Amit: Mr. Simon's office, Amit speaking. Raja: This is Raja Jaiswal calling, is Ms. Anee in? Amit: l'm afraid she's out at the moment. Can I take a message? Raja: Yes, could you ask her to call me at 5465456. I need to more...

        1.    One of your friends has lost her watch in the school during assembly. Write a notice for the School Notice Board requesting all the students to search for the watch inside their respective classrooms, and if found should return the same at the Principal's office.   2.    Your art and drawing teacher has invited all the students from class VI to IX to participate in the Drawing Competition, being organized on November 14, 2012 at the school premises. You being the head boy of the class have been given the charge to circulate the message to the respective classes. Write a notice to be put up in the School Notice Board seeking participation of all.   3.    A health checkup camp is being organized in your neighborhood on next Sunday. Write a notice inviting all the people more...

    *         Notice writing   Introduction: A notice is written in order to inform people or pupils (in a school) about an event or an activity. It could be about a competition, an exhibition or inauguration to take place in near future. Or any other activity especially in school, like an excursion, a meeting or a show.   Characteristics of an effective notice
    • Agoodnoticeisalwaystothepointandleavesnoscopeforfurtherenquirieswithout compromising on the word limit (50 words).
    • Its language should be formal.
    • A notice should contain all the necessary details such as:
               Name of the issuing agency (school, etc.)            Subject and date of issue/release of the notice            Event (what?)            Date/time/duration (when?)            Place/Venue (where?)            Authorized signatory: Name and signature more...

          Arrange the four parts P, Q, R and S between A and B in order to make sensible story or a sequence of a story.      A:    Firefighting is one of the most important emergency services in community. Firefighters battle fires that break out in homes, factories, office buildings, shops, and other places. Firefighters risk their lives to save people and protect property from fires. P:    Before the advent of modern firefighting techniques, fires often destroyed whole settlements. When a fire broke out all the people in the community rushed to the scene to help. As cities and towns grew larger, volunteer and paid firefighting groups were organized. Q:    Firefighting services have a number of different names. In some countries, they are called fire departments or fire brigades. In other countries, the local more...


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