9th Class

ALPHABET TEST An alphabet test depends upon the English alphabets in different order/sequence and arrangement of different words as in a dictionary.   ALPHABETICAL ORDER Alphabetical order with its serial number is given below:   REVERSE ALPHABETICAL ORDER The reverse of alphabetical order is given below:   ARRANGE THE GIVEN WORDS IN DICTIONARY ORDER FORMATION OF A WORD FROM THE LETTERS OF A GIVEN WORD To form a word from the given letters, we can take each letter almost as many times as the given word consists of it.   LOGICAL SEQUENCE To arrange the elements of a given set in a meaningful order is called the respective logical sequence. The required sequence may be of increasing or decreasing size, value, intensity, etc.     EXAMPLE     Arrange the more...

  Type-I Alpha-Numeric Test A sequence made up of three different systems namely Alpha or Letters (A, B, C, D,..., Z), Numeric or Digits (0, 1, 2, 3,...,9) and symbols is called Alpha-Numeric Sequence.   Type- II Number Test In this type of problems generally a number sequence is given. A candidate is required to apply some rule(s) on the sequence.   Type-III Ranking Test In this type of problems, usually a rank puzzle is given. It may be in the form of comparison of sizes, heights, weights, strengths, ages etc. among the objects/persons.   Type-IV Time Sequence Test      In this type of problems, a time puzzle is given. One is required to decipher it. 1 ordinary year = 365 days 1 leap year = 366 days 1 century = 100 years Number of days in February in a non-leap year = 28. Number of days in February in a more...

Type-I Solving by Substitution In this type of problems, you are required to simplify the given statement by substituting various signs and numerals as per given terms. To simplify a statement, the BODMAS rule is very useful.   Type-II Interchanging of Signs and Numbers In this type of problems, you would require to interchange the pair(s) of symbols/numbers. Simplify if asked the given statement(s) using BODMAS rule.   Type-III Analysing the Conclusions In this type of problems, relations between different statements are given in terms of mathematical operations (less than, more than etc.) A student is required to analyse amongst them to get correct conclusions.     EXAMPLE     Consider the following statements. 'A @ B' means 'A is not greater than B'. 'A © B' means 'A is not smaller than B'. 'A # B' means "A is neither greater than nor equal to more...

Inserting the Missing Character Usually a figure/design or a set of figures or a matrix is given, each of which bears some numbers or letters or both and blank space(s). A student is required to fill in the blank(s) by deciphering the pattern.     EXAMPLE     1.         Find the missing number'?' in the pattern given below.                                                                          (a) 8                              (b) 6                              (c) 4                              (d) 12   Explanation (b): Number in bottom = \[\sqrt{Product\text{ }of\text{ }numbers\text{ }on\text{ }the\text{ }top~}\] \[\therefore 6=\sqrt{x\times 6}\Rightarrow 36=6x\Rightarrow x=6.\]   2.         In the following question, a set of figures carrying certain characters, is given.              Assuming that the characters in each set follow a similar more...

Series Series is a sequence of figures depicting a change step by step, followed by one or more rules.   Type-I (choosing the next figure) This type of problems consists of four or five figures following a particular rule. You have to choose a figure from the four given alternatives to continue the series.     EXAMPLE     1.         Which of the following figure comes next to continue the series? (a)               (b)               (c)              (d)   Explanation (c): The arrow moves  anticlockwise in each step. The dot moves a quarter and a half of the circle alternately more...

ANALOGY AND CLASSIFICATION In 'Analogy' or 'Classification', we solve 'similarity' based problems.   Type-I (Similar Relationship) In this type of problems, two pairs of figures are given out of which one figure is missing. Each pair has a certain relationship. A student is required to choose a figure from the given alternatives that can place the missing figure in order to maintain the same relationship.     EXAMPLE     1.         Pair of figures on left side of :: have a relationship between them.              In order to establish the same relationship in the pair of figures on right side of :: choose an appropriate figure to replace the mark"?". (a)                (b)                (c) more...

    The chapter Analytical Reasoning is based upon the counting of various geometrical figures in a given complex figure.     EXAMPLE     1.         Count the number of triangles in the following figure.  (a) 16                           (b) 22                                        (c) 28                                (d) 32   Explanation (c): Let us label the components of given triangle as given below: Number of triangles made up of one component (triangle) each =12. There names are : 1,1, 3,...., 12.                             Number of triangles made up of two components each = 8.                             Similarly, number of triangles made up of 3 components each = 4.                                       And number of triangles made up of 6 components each = 4. Hence, number of all the triangles = 12 + 8 + 4 + 4 = 28. more...

MIRROR IMAGE Suppose someone stands in front of a plane mirror. If he lifts his left hand, the image in the mirror shows his right hand and vice-versa. The left half of a body becomes right half of its mirror image and right half becomes left half. In the problems on mirror images, if not mentioned, the mirror is assumed to be placed to vertically right of the object. Let us illustrate some examples of mirror image.     EXAMPLE         1.         Choose the correct mirror image of the Fig. (X) from amongst the four alternatives (a), (b), (c) and (d) given along with it. (a)             (b)             (c)              (d) more...

SPOTTING OUT EMBEDDED FIGURE In such type of problems a figure is given which is embedded in any one of the four alternative figures as its part. The student has to select such figure in which the given figure is embedded. Notice that the given figure may be embedded after rotating it clockwise or anticlockwise through an angle but not its turn over from. The figure after embedding must be of the same size.     EXAMPLE     1.         Direction (I - II): Select a figure from the options in which Fig. (X) is embedded as one of its parts.                                            I. (a)               (b)                (c)               (d) more...

FIGURE MATRIX In such type of problems there is a  or  matrix (An array which has rows and columns) of figures. The figures either row-wise or column-wise follow a certain rule. Out of four or nine figures, a figure is missing. A student is required to fill in the blank by detecting the common rule.     EXAMPLE     1.         Identify which of the alternative figures completes the pattern in the given matrix. (a)                 (b)                 (c)                  (d)                             Explanation (c): In each row the third figure is more...


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