9th Class

*         Types of Diseases   There are basically four types of diseases such as chronic diseases, acute diseases, acquired diseases, and congenital diseases. In this part we will discuss about all the four types of diseases.
  • Chronic Diseases: The diseases, which last for long time and are almost incurrable are called chronic disease. For example, TB, AIDs, cancer, leprosy, etc are the example of chronic diseases. The chronic diseases affect the health drastically. The person become weak and lose weight. It also reduces our ability to learn and understand the matters and reduce the memory power.
  • Acute Diseases: The diseases which get cured in short time is called acute diseases. The diseases like common cold, influenza, viral, are acute diseases. The acute diseases do not cause any major effect on the health of the affected person.
  • Acquired Diseases: The more...

*        Introduction   Health is one of the important aspects of human life. Health and diseases are interconnected with each other. Our body is made up of cells and tissues. Cells are made up of variety of chemical substance, such as, proteins, carbohydrate, fats and so on. There are various specialized activities in our bodies and all the activities are interconnected with each other. Whenever there is malfunctioning of any organ of the body, it affects the entire system of the body and our body start functioning abnormally. This situation is called the diseases. Thus, diseases can be defined as the abnormal functioning of the body.   *           Significance of Health Health is considered as the complete physical, mental, and social fitness of an individual. If we remain healthy we can lead happy life. more...

*       Biogeochemical cycles   There is continuous transfer of energy between the various components of the biosphere. Both living and non living components of the biosphere constantly interact with each other for this purpose. The living organisms derive its nutrients from the earth for their growth and development, known as biogeochemical. These biogeochemical are constantly recycled and used again and again. The different biogeochemical cycles are: water cycle. Nitrogen cycle. Carbon cycle, and oxygen cycle. We will discuss about all these cycles in details below:   *             Water Cycle Water is considered to be one of the most important liquid for the survival of life process on the earth surface. The water constantly circulates between land, air, sea and living organisms and this is known as water cycle. more...

*        Air Pollutions   Contamination of air by poisonous gases released by various means and many other chemicals is called air pollution. The main reason for air pollution is the rapid industrialization and urbanization. This rapid growth and development is reducing the area under the forest leading to the release of gases like sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, hydrogen sulphide, lead oxide in the atmosphere. Many poisonous gases released by industries and factories, in the atmosphere. In today’s time the main reason for the air pollution is also the large number of vehicles on the roads. These air pollutants can cause respiratory problems, renal problems, high blood pressure, nervous problems and many other health hazards.                 The large scale release of gases like sulphur more...

*         Introduction   The resources which are provided to us by the nature are called natural resources. Earth is the only planet where life exists. This is because of the fact that the conditions on the earth surface is favorable for the existence of life. The natural resources of the earth are land, water and air. Water covers 75% of the earth's surface and air forms the blanket over the surface of the earth called atmosphere. All the components atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere together constitute biosphere. There are two components of ecosystem, biotic and abiotic components. The biotic components include living organisms like plants and animals where as abiotic components include air, water and land. The status of complexity and interdependence among the various components of the environment is due to the perfect and systematic cycling of various chemical that is water, more...

*      Animal Husbandry   It is the branch of science which deals with the rearing and management of animals, for commercial purposes. Some of the common animals used for rearing are cow, goat, buffalo, fish, poultry, and bee keeping.
  • Cattle Farming: Cattle farming is done for two purpose, that is, for milk and transportation. Cows are classified as drought breed, dairy breed, and dual purpose breed. Milk producing cows are called dairy breed. There are two high yielding breeds of cows such as indigenous breed and diary breed. Indigenous breed of cows include red shindhi, sahiwal, gir.
Some of the high yielding breeds of buffaloes are Murrah, Mehsana and Surti. The lactation period for these animals are different. For example, for red shindhi it is 321 to 345 days, for sahiwal it is 184 to 354 days, and for Gir more...

*        Crop Production Management   India is a large country with three fourth of the population depending on agriculture. Natural resources like forest, agriculture, and fisheries are the main stay for Indian economy. Due to the subtropical climate and lack of forest in most part of country, crop can be grown throughout the year. In India there are three types of farmer that is small farmers, marginal farmers, and progressive farmers. The extent to which farmer can grow crops depends on his financial condition and the resources he can have.
  • Nutrient Management: Just as human being needs nutrient for his growth and development, the plants also requires nutrient for its proper growth and development. Plants get its nutrients from soil, water and air. There are sixteen nutrients required by the plants for its proper growth and development. These nutrients are more...

*       Introduction   We know that all the living orga  nisms need food for their survival. We use both plants and animals for our food, but most of our food is obtained from agriculture and animal husbandry. The population of our country is above one billion and still increasing at very fast rate. Hence the demand of food is also increasing day by day, but the land area under cultivation is not increasing and is almost fixed. We do not have enough space for expansion, but at the same time we have to meet the requirement of the food. Therefore, we have to increase the food production using advanced technique for agriculture. While our effort have increased the food production but at the same time it is using the natural resources extensively and is getting depleted very fast. As a result, we are more...

*         Tissues   A group of cell performing similar function is called tissue. Both plants and animals contains tissues which are different in nature. In this part we will discuss about both plant and animal tissue.   *             Plant Tissue Plant tissue is divided into two types Meristematic tissue and Permanent tissue. First we will discuss about meristematic tissue.   *             Meristematic Tissue The meristematic tissues are the continuously dividing tissues, which are found in the growing region of the plant. It helps in growth and development of the plant. According to their position in the plant, it is of three types, such as, apical meristem, intercalary meristem, and lateral meristem. The apical meristem is found in the root tips or the more...

*       Cell   All the cell possess the following three basic characteristics. First all the cell contain genes in the form of DNA and RNA which have coded information for the regulation of cellular function. Secondly, they contain plasma membrane made up of protein and lipids. This allows the exchange of material between the cells. Thirdly, they have a metabolic machinery called cytoplasm which contain various cell organelles. An organism may be of single celled or multicellular. The unicellular organism includes bacteria, amoeba, Euglena, paramecium and yeast. All the cell is capable of carrying out certain basic function such as nutrition, respiration, growth and reproduction. Thus, all the living organisms are divided into two forms, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells.   *            Prokaryotic Cells The cell in which nuclear region is not surrounded by a more...


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