9th Class

                        NAZISM AND THE RISE OF HITLER             IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS                      1914     -           First World War begins                    1918     -           Weimer Republic is established                    1919     -           Treaty of Versailles was signed by Germany. Hitler joins the 'National Socialist Germany Workers                                                  Party'.                    1929     -           The Economic Depression occurs in USA.                    1933     -           (a) President Roosevelt introduces the New Deal to deal with the Bionomic Depression.                                                  (b) Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.                   1934     -           Hitler becomes President of Germany.                   1935     -           (a) Italy attacks Ethiopia.                                                 (b) Anglo-German Naval Agreement signed between Britain and Germany.                  1936     -           (a) more...

  • Adolf Hitler. Founder of the Nazi Party, he led Germany during the Second World War and committed suicide on 30th April 1945.
  • Franklin D. The only American President to enjoy four successive terms in office. He led the USA during the Second World War and introduced the New Deal.
  • General Von Paulus. Commander of the German 6th army which was forced to surrender at Stalingrad in February 1943. This defeat shattered belief in the invincibility of Hitler's army.
  • President Harry S. The American President who was responsible for dropping two atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima more...

  •  Nazism and the Rise of Hitler   IMPORTANT TERMS AND CONCEPTS  
  • Dictatorship.  It is a form of government in which a person or a group of persons possesses absolute power without effective constitutional limitations.
  • Nazism.  A political system introduced by Hitler in Germany. Akin to dictatorship and fascism, it also pagated extreme hatred against the Jews.
  • Nazi.  The short form of Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party. Formed by Hitler in 1921, it propagated Nazism.                               
  • Axis Powers. Italy, Germany and Japan formed the Axis powers.
  • Allied Powers. Britain, France, Russia and U.S.A. were the allied powers.
  • Second World War. The global war which took place from September 1939 to May 1945 in which over 50 million people were killed and many cities were reduced more...

  •   Forest Society and Colonialism           IMPORTANT DATES                            1755     -           The Mataram kingdom of Java split into two kingdoms.                        1770     -           The Kalangs rose in rebellion against the Dutch but were suppressed.                        1864     -           The Indian Forest Service was set up.                        1865     -           The Indian Forest Act came into being.                        1890     -           Surontiko Samin started a movement against state ownership of forests.                        1906     -           The Imperial Forest Research Institute was set up at Dehradun.                       1910     -           The Bastar Rebellion first started in the Kanger forest area and then spread to other parts of the                                                       state. more...

     Forest Society and Colonialism            IMPORTANT PERSONALITIES    
  • Dietrich Brandis. He was the first Inspector General of Forests in India.
  • George Yule. A British administrator who killed 400 tigers.
  • Gunda Dhur. An inhabitant of Nethanar village, he was an important figure in the Bastar rebellion.
  • Surontiko Samin. An inhabitant of Randublatung village who started a movement against state ownership of forests.

  • Forest Society and Colonialism           IMPORTANT TERMS AND CONCEPTS  
  • Deforestation.  The disappearance of forests is referred to as deforestation.
  • Sleepers.  Wooden planks laid across railway tracks; they hold the tracks in position.
  • Scientific forestry. A system of cutting trees controlled by the forest department.
  • Taungya cultivation. A system in which local farmers were allowed to cultivate temporarily within a plantation.
  • Swidden agriculture. A traditional agricultural practice in many parts of Asia, Africa and South America whereby parts of the forest are cut and burnt in rotation.

  • Maximilian Robespierre. Leader of the Jacobin club whose policies led to the Reign of Terror.
  • In 1794, he was convicted and sent to the guillotine.  
  • Napoleon Bonaparte. The military dictator of France who conquered many European countries.
  • He was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo.  
  • Olympe de Gourges. One of the most important politically active women in revolutionary France.
  • In 1791, she wrote a Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Citizen. Critical of the Jacobin government, she was charged with treason and executed.  
  • Louis The King of France when the revolution occurred was a man of average intelligence who disliked any kind of brain work. He staunchly believed in the Divine Right of Kings and was completely unaware of the new ideas that more...

  • THE FRENCH REVOLUTION                                     IMPORTANT DATES                                     1774                -           Louis XVI becomes King of France.                                   1789                -           Third Estate forms National Assembly. The Bastille is stormed.                                   1791                -           A constitution is framed to limit the powers of the king.                                   1792-93           -           France becomes a republic. The king is executed.                                  1804                -           Napoleon becomes emperor of France.                                  1815                -           Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo.                                  1848                -           Slavery was abolished in all French colonies.                                  1946                -           French women got the right to vote.

      The French Revolution   IMPORTANT TERMS AND CONCEPTS  
  • Nation.  People who share a language, culture, customs and history; a group united into a large political, economic and social unit which recognises no law or authority above its own, i.e., it is sovereign in nature.
  • Nationalism.  A feeling of intense loyalty and devotion to one's country.
  • Revolution.  The term means a recognised momentous change in any situation. A revolution can result in the sudden overthrow of an established government or system by force and bloodshed, e.g.. The French Revolution. It can also be a great change that comes slowly and peacefully, e.g., Industrial Revolution.
  • First Estate. French society was divided into classes called Estates. The First Estate consisted of the Clergy which more...

  • Matter in Our Surroundings   Matter Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space. Examples of matter are iron, wood, oil, kerosene, petrol, rock, minerals, water, air, coal, etc. Matters are classified on the basis of physical and chemical properties. On the basis of physical properties, matter is classified as solid, liquid and gas. On the basis of chemical properties, matter is classified as elements, compounds and mixtures. Matter is made up of particles.   Characteristics of Particles of Matter The various characteristics of particles of matter are:  
    • They are extremely small in size.
    • They have spaces between them.
    • They are constantly moving.
    • They attract each other. The force of attraction between particles of same substance is known as cohesion. Particles of different matter exert different amount of force of attraction.
      Classification of Matter on the Basis more...


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