12th Class

Time and Clocks   Time and Clock The face or dial of a watch is a circle whose circumference is divided into 60 equal parts, called minute spaces. A clock has two hands, the smaller one is called the hour hand or short hand while the larger one is called the minute hand or long hand.
  • In 60 minutes, the minute hand gains 55 minutes on the hour hand.
  • In every hour, both the hands coincide once.
  • The hands are in the same straight line when they are coincident or opposite to each other.
  • When the two hands are at right angles, they are 15 minute spaces apart.
  • When the hand’s are in opposite directions, they are 30 minute spaces apart.
  • Angle traced by hour hand in 12 hours \[=360{}^\circ \].
  • Angle traced by hour hand in one hour \[=30{}^\circ \].
  • more...

Analogy Introduction             The word ANALOGY has been derived from two words ­­­­- ‘ANA’ means ‘Relation’ and ‘LOGUS’ mean ‘Study’. The word ‘ANALOGY’ literally means (i) a similar feature, condition, state etc. Shared by two things that are compared and (ii) a process of reasoning based on similar feature of two things. Thus Analogy means ‘similar feature’ a common feature or corresponding. This chapter gives the relationship between various elements, things, terms phenomenon etc. The analogy test mainly concentrates on relationship. In this test different types of questions are asked.  
  • An analogy question may have one or two words missing.
  • Analogy test contains symbols like those in a mathematical ratio. One colon (:) denotes the words ‘is to’ two colons (::) stand for the words in the same way as”.
              Example: (1)        Tailor : Clothes : : Architect more...

Odd Test Introduction This chapter is also known as classification which means to classify the group from give relationship. It is a process of grouping various objects on the basis of their common properties. It helps to make homogeneous. In this type of questions some words are given in such a way that one does not belong to the group which the rest are members. The word which does not belong to that group is called an odd word. Candidates have to select this odd number / word. The different types of this test is given as below:               Example: This type of questions are based on English alphabets which is classified in a group using particular rule / method. Out of four groups / numbers, three are alike in some manner and only one is different which is called odd. The odd alphabet more...

  English Dictionary Based Word Arrangements / Missing Letter Direction for questions 1 to 25: Below in each question, five words are given. Which of them will come at the third position if all of them are arranged alphabetically as in a dictionary?               (a) Amared                    (b) Altitude             (c) Ambience                  (d) Amature             (e) Always               (a) Primitive                   (b) Primacy             (c) Prisoner                     (d) Prism             (e) Priest               (a) Threshold                  (b) Tharsh             (c) Thrill                         (d) Thread             (e) Threaten               (a) Bore                         (b) Borrow             (c) Borne                       (d) Borstal             (e) Border               (a) Spearhead                 (b) Speaker             (c) Spawn                      (d) Spate             (e) Special               (a) Manner                     (b) Mantle             (c) Manufacture              (d) Mansion             (e) Manual               (a) Greedy                     (b) Grenade more...

Inserting the Missing Number In this chapter questions contain a figure, a set of figures, an arrangement or a matrix, each of which bears certain characters, be it numbers, letters or group/combination of Setters numbers which follow a particular pattern. You are required to identify and decipher this pattern and accordingly find the missing character in the figure.   Example: No. (1 to 6)   Direction: Find the missing character from among the given alternatives.   1.                    (a) 45                            (b) 35 (c) 25                            (d) 15 (e) None of these Ans.     (c) Explanation: The pattern is \[\to \text{ }{{\left( 16\text{ }-\text{ }6 \right)}^{2}}+\text{ }{{\left( 5\text{ }-\text{ }2 \right)}^{2}}=\text{ }100\text{ }+\text{ }9\text{ }=\text{ }109\]  \[\to \,\,\,{{\left( 22\text{ }-\text{ }15 \right)}^{2}}+\text{ }{{\left( 21\text{ }-\text{ }19 \right)}^{2}}=\text{ }49\text{ }+\text{ }4\text{ }=\text{ }53\]  \[\to \,\,\,{{\left( 17\text{ }-\text{ }13 more...

Ranking Missing Character Ranking Test In this type of questions, generally the ranks of a person both from the top and from the bottom are mentioned and the total number of persons is asked. However, sometimes this question is put in the form of a puzzle of interchanging seats by two persons.   Example:
  • Joseph ranks seventh from the top and twenty-sixth from the bottom in a class. How many students are there in the class?
  •             (a) 31                                        (b) 32             (c) 33                                        (d) 34             (e) None of these Ans.     (b)             Explanation: Clearly, the whole class consists of:             (i) 6 students who have ranks higher than Joseph;             (ii) Joseph; and             (iii) 25 students who have ranks lower than Joseph, i.e., \[\left( 6+1+25 \right)=32\] students.  
  • Daniel is fourteenth from the right end more...

  •   Tertiary and Quaternary Activities   When you fall ill you go to your family doctor or you call a doctor. Sometimes your parents take you to a hospital for treatment. While in school, you are taught by your teachers. In the event of any dispute, legal opinion is obtained from a lawyer. Likewise, there are many professionals who provide their services against payment of their fee. Thus, all types of services are special skills provided in exchange of payments. Health, education, law, governance and recreation etc. require professional skills. These services require other theoretical knowledge and practical training. Tertiary activities are related to the service sector. Manpower is an important component of the service sector as most of the tertiary activities are performed by skilled labour, professionally trained experts and consultants.   In the initial stages of economic development, larger proportion more...

      Transport and Communication   Natural resources, economic activities and markets are rarely found in one place. Transport, communication and trade establish links between producing centres and consuming centres. The system of mass production and exchange is complex. Each region produces the items for which it is best suited. Trade or the exchange of such commodities relies on transportation and communication. Likewise, the high living standards and quality of life depend on efficient transportation, communications and trade. In earlier days, the means of transport and communication were the same. But today both have acquired distinct and specialised forms. Transport provides the network of links and carriers through which trade takes place.   TRANSPORT Transport is a service or facility for the carriage of persons and goods from one place to the other using humans, animals and different kinds of vehicles. Such movements more...

      International Trade   You are already familiar with the term “trade” as a tertiary activity which you have studied in Chapter 7 of this book. You know that trade means the voluntary exchange of goods and services. Two parties are required to trade. One person sells and the other purchases. In certain places, people barter their goods. For both the parties trade is mutually beneficial.   Trade may be conducted at two levels: international and national. International trade is the exchange of goods and services among countries across national boundaries. Countries need to trade to obtain commodities, they cannot produce themselves or they can purchase elsewhere at a lower price.   The initial form of trade in primitive societies was the barter system, where direct exchange of goods took place. In this system if you were a potter and were in need of more...

      Human Settlements   We all live in clusters of houses. You may call it a village, a town or a city, all are examples of human settlements. The study of human settlements is basic to human geography because the form of settlement in any particular region reflects human relationship with the environment. A human settlement is defined as a place inhabited more or less permanently. The houses may be designed or redesigned, buildings may be altered, functions may change but settlement continues in time and space. There may be some settlements which are temporary and are occupied for short periods, may be a season.   CLASSIFICATION OF SETTLEMENTS   RURAL URBAN DICHOTOMY It is widely accepted that settlements can be differentiated in terms of rural and urban, but there is no consensus on what exactly defines a village or a town. Although population more...


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