8th Class

Main Directions: There are four main directions viz. East, West, North and South. East and West as well as North and South are opposite to each other as shown below. The sun always rises in the East and sets in the West.   Four Other Directions: There are four other directions which lie in between the four main directions. These are: North-East (N-E), North-West (N-W), South-East (S-E), South-West (S-W)     Two Cyclic Directions: There are two cyclic directions namely clockwise and anticlockwise. The direction in which the hands of a clock move is called clockwise direction while its opposite direction is called anticlockwise direction as shown below.   more...

WHAT IS VENN DIAGRAM? Venn diagram is a pictorial representation of classes representing items and their common properties. We usually use circles to draw a venn diagram. A venn diagram consists of two or more circles. Circles may or may not have some common regions according as the respective classes have or do not have common properties amongst them. Let us illustrate venn diagrams with the following example.     EXAMPLE   1.         Which of the following figures represents the relation between 'Gases', 'Liquids' and 'Solids'?                                                                                      (a)                     (b)               (c)                 (d)   Explanation (d): Gas, liquid and solid all the more...

  ALPHA-NUMERIC SEQUENCE PUZZLE   In such type of questions, a sequence of numbers, letters and symbols is given and a student i5 asked how many times a number/letter/symbol follows a certain rule or which number/letter symbol follows a certain rule.     EXAMPLE   1.  How many symbols are there in the given arrangement each of which is not immediately preceded by a digit but immediately followed by a letter?        4 2 @ + A P 5 > - 6 < T M 4 L Z = 1 - 8 3 D * #       (a) None                        (b) One                  (d) Two                         (d) Three   Explanation (b): The group having given properties is @ + A. So, the correct option is (B).     NUMBER, RANKING more...

There are four fundamental operations. These are addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x) and division. Whenever two or more of these operations occur simultaneously, we overcome on such complex situation by applying the 'B 0 D M A S' rule. This chapter is on the basis of the 'B 0 D M A S' rule. Let us explain this rule briefly. We solve an expression first for 'bracket'(if available), then for of (if available). This process goes up to subtraction.     EXAMPLE   Which one of the four interchanges in signs and numbers would make the equation  true? (a) more...

In this chapter, problems are based upon number of lines, triangles, quadrilaterals etc. ·         To count number of lines, add all number of the horizontal, vertical and slanting lines. ·         To count the number of triangles, add all the number of triangles made up of 1 component, 2 components, 3 components and so on. ·         The same process is for counting the number of other polygons.     Special Case: Suppose a large square is divided into some small equal squares. If each side of the big square is sticking 'n' small squares, then the number of all possible squares is obtained by the more...

MIRROR IMAGES   Suppose someone stands in front of a plane mirror. If he lifts his left hand, the image in the mirror will lift his right hand and vice-versa. The left half of a body becomes right half of its mirror image and right half becomes left half. Note: If not mentioned, the mirror is assumed to be placed vertically right of the object.     EXAMPLE   1. Choose the correct mirror image of the figure (X).                            (a)                   (b)         (c)                  (d)     Explanation (c): The black circle in the left side of the more...

  EMBEDDED FIGURES   In this section, usually two types of problems are asked. Let us explain them briefly.
  •          A simple figure (X) is provided. This figure (X) is embedded in any one of the four option figures.
  •          A figure (X) is provided. This figure (X) embeds any one of the four option figures. A candidate requires to identify such figures.
    EXAMPLE   1. You are given a figure (X) followed by four option figures (a), (b), (c) and (d) such that more...

  FOLDING A TRANSPARENT SHEET   In such type of problems a figure of transparent sheet carrying a design on it is given. There is a dotted line on this sheet. This sheet has to be folded along the dotted line. A student requires to identify a figure from given options that looks similar to the folded sheet.     EXAMPLE   1. A square transparent sheet X, with a design and a dotted line on it is given. Choose the correct figure from the four options which represents the sheet X after folding it along the dotted line.                                  (a)                  (b)                 more...

Cuboid: Cuboid is a uniform solid which has 6 faces, 8 corners and 12 edges.     Cube: Cube is a cuboid which has 6 identical faces.   Dice: A dice is a cube whose each face bears points or numbers from 1 to 6.     EXAMPLE     Count the number of cubes in the following figure.                (a) 28                            (b) 32           (c) 36                            (d) 40   more...

  DOT SITUATION In such type of problems one or more dot(s) is (are) placed somewhere in the region enclosed in between geometrical figures such as triangle, square, rectangle, circle, etc. A candidate is required to identify one alternative figure which has the same region(s) as the region(s) marked by dot(s) in the given figure.     EXAMPLE     Select the figure from the four options that has the same conditions of the placement of the dots as in Fig. (X).                                  (a)                (b)                 (c) more...


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