India has always remained land where every one existed with one another. India has had the unique capacity of accepting the people of every religion in its folds. That's why India is emerging leaves and bounds. In 1957, the British annexed Bengal. Then they started British rule which lasted for 200 years. British were able to conquer India because the Indians were divided among themselves. So they were successful in playing the policy of divide and rule. Hence it was after 1947 that Sardar Vallabbhai Patel undertook the national integration of Indian union successfully. The next integration was emotional in nature. Despite the efforts made by our fore fathers, communal forces have tried to disturb the country's peace and establishment. Kashmir problem has always dominated all the issues. Kashmir is the integral part of India but Pakistan has tried several times to capture it. It failed in its every attempt. more...

Students' life is best part of one's life. This is the phase when you have no responsibilities. You just have to study and explore new things. Earlier there hardly used to be mischievous students but the present generation students are becoming more misbehaving and disobedient. They don't follow the rules and regulations of school. They perhaps believe that it is an achievement on their part if they break rules and make their own set of rules. Respect for teachers is not their cup of tea. Only thing now students are interested in is to catch up with latest fashion and styles. Cinema, TV and media directly influence students' life. Whatever they see in movies in all they think is reality. But reality actually is different which they are unable to analyze. While watching television and cinema they get more interested into stuff like smoking, crime, wrestling and fighting. Their role more...

There is a very popular saying that 'Practice makes a man perfect.' The saying is true in every aspect. Until a person practices, he /she cannot attain perfection. For example, when we try to ride a bicycle for the first time, we do not even know how to balance ourselves properly but with the time and loads of practicing, we learn to drive a bicycle. Similarly we can use another example to prove our statement is, when we put in a lot of effort while studying, we can achieve our desired goals. Sometimes people find mathematics to be very tough and dreadful. This is because they do not practice mathematical calculations. One should imbibe the habit of practicing mathematical calculations again and again and then person can become perfect in the calculations. So is the case with language, to perfect a language practice is must. Practicing is also important in more...

Today we are relishing the ambrosial taste of the modern scientific technology and applications. Science and technologies are in the part of all human activities, from the houses that we live in, the food we eat, the cars we drive and to the electronic gadgetry, in almost every home that we use to remain informed and entertained. These all evidences show the blessings of scientific Knowledge on humans.  Before eighteenth century we were plunged in the depths of ignorance and unawareness of scientific knowledge. "Without having an adequate scientific knowledge, our ancestors had buried their common senses deep under the mask of ignorant personalities but it was the scientific revolution in nineteenth century that unsheathed it and now we can see that the whole world is globalised due to this scientific revolution. Science has affected human life and culture in many ways and requires numerous books to discuss its impacts more...

What exactly is happiness and what can engender it? Though it is defined as the condition of being content, different people may have their own ideas of happiness. It is commonly thought of as having a lot of money, power or fame. But can these things actually make people happy? Happiness is actually more than what most people think it is. It can be mysterious and elusive, sought after by many, but not gained by all. Happiness can come from many different sources but perhaps the most ubiquitous ones are friends and family. Happiness resides not in transient possessions or gold, but instead in the conviction that we are loved. Happiness, which is often thought of as a fairly simple concept, is actually more than what people assume it is. Although this natural mood or feeling is desired by numerous people, it is very elusive and therefore, for some, extremely more...

The selective Engineering of Genetics is invaluable to the health and happiness of humans. The importance of this issue has played second fiddle to the arguments, for and against genetic engineering. This essay will discuss the impact of genetic engineering on everyday life, for example genetic disorders disease and how its impact on life in the world today. Although the opinions differ greatly, the benefits are substantial. Firstly, an increasing importance is being placed on the role of genetic engineering in the use of riding the incidence of genetic disorders. There are over 6,000 known disorders which are due to a change (mutation) in a single gene. These disorders cause havoc in growth, development and general health. Despite the acceptance of disabilities in the 21st century, the manner in which society portrays disabled persons as something 'out of the norm' is still prevalent. Hopefully the eradication of genetic disorders will more...

In today's world where all relationship's are taken as full of selfishness, when we talk about True Friendship', I think the statement is very true - 'Dogs are man's best friend'. A true friend is that who shows companionship, kindness and laughter towards the person. All these qualities one can find in a pet. There is another famous saying that' Dogs are more faithful than humans'. They show their loyalty towards their masters till the end of time. Like any human, they don't leave their masters in time of difficulties or problems. They are not just animals, they have sense, they have feelings and they are sensitive in nature too. In their company, nobody can feel lonely. Dogs are amazing creatures. They are born loving humans, not only that they can communicate their needs and desires to us. They can read out facial expressions, tone of voice and postures. They more...

Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Banglore etc. are some of the big cities in India. A person from the rural area may find lost in a big city. Life in a city looks attractive and glamorous people are progressive in cities. They are constantly keeping abreast with the developments in the rest of the world and even the governments takes care to see that the big cities begin to look like any other big city in the world. This is a desirable attitude to the extent that it keeps India modern and any foreigner coming to this land begins to realize that we are after all not a country of only snake charmers and elephant rides but it is the country that has lot of discovering facts hidden behind. Cities provide better job opportunities to people and we find thousand of villages moving to the cities for the sake of employment. more...

Man, an animal with human instincts, is at the epicentre of the civilized human societies that assert their claim to refinement through the acts of the very being who create it. Talking of societies, the evolution of a civilized body of human beings started with man turning from nomadic traveler to man as a member of a community, a village or a country and most importantly, a member of human race. The order that gave man a sense of belongingness also gave him a set of rules to distinguish himself from the other creations of nature. These rules not only governed his actions but also led him to cultivate a persona that spelled perfection.   Religion can be more appropriately, if not accurately, called a part of those rules set by the society man lived in. From worshipping the elements of nature, man found God in being that appeared in more...

The Government of India set up an Expert Group to suggest a methodology to measure poverty. The group submitted its report in 1993 and suggested a new poverty line: Rs 49 and Rs 56, for rural and urban areas at 1973-74 prices. This line was higher in real terms by approximately 15 percent. The availability of an absolute poverty line allows comparisons across countries. But what should an international poverty line be? Over the last decade, most comparisons of international poverty have been made by the World Bank, and the definition used is a purchasing power poverty line of $1 per capita per day, at 1985 prices, The most recent publication of the World Bank, however, reports a new international poverty line of $1.08 per capita per day, at 1993 prices. This new line marks a historical first in that it reduces the original poverty line by approximately 15 percent more...


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