JCECE Medical

What exactly is happiness and what can engender it? Though it is defined as the condition of being content, different people may have their own ideas of happiness. It is commonly thought of as having a lot of money, power, or fame. But can these things actually make people happy? Happiness is actually more than what most people think it is. It can be mysterious and elusive, sought after by many, but not gained by all. Happiness resides not in transient possessions or gold, but instead in the conviction that we are loved. Happiness, which is often thought of as a fairly simple concept, is actually more than what people assume it is. Although this natural mood or feeling is desired by numerous people, it is very elusive and therefore, for some, extremely difficult to obtain. Happiness is frequently sought after but not gained. Though not everybody accepts the utilitarian more...

Within this world that we live on, there is an enormous amount of people. Each of these people belongs to different cultures and societies. Every society has traits and customs that make it unique. These societies follow different moral codes. This means that they may have different answers to the moral questions asked by our own society. What I am trying to say is that every society has a different way of analyzing and dealing with life's events, because of their cultural beliefs. This is claim is known as Cultural Relativism. Cultural Relativism is the correct view of ethics. To continue with the subject of murder, there are many questions about murder that our own society faces. Within our own society there are conflicting views on topics such as abortion, capital punishment and, euthanasia. To some these acts are considered to be murder, to others they are necessary to our more...

Liberalisation and globalisation are the catchwords that we assume will lead our country to its pinnacle of success. Such is the euphoria that very often we fail to look at the missing links. This is particularly evident with respect to the working class women of India whose problems and grievances generally go unheard. And further, universalisation tends to gloss over a mass of very vital differences, which are highly relevant in determining the position of women. The negation of their position becomes apparent in the way we treat women worker's double burden of both housework and economic activities. In fact, policy makers at the macro level do not have a realistic perception of the household, and so consequently, the true impact of policies is not identified. Their policies are simply governed by economic parameters which assume that women make only a marginalised contribution to the economy. Only when women form more...

At its simplest, E-learning is using the Web to learn. It is the ability of learners or students to learn what they want, when they warn, in the form that best suits them in the  modules or 'chunks' that they want. By accommodating learner preferences, they want" By accommodating fundamentally enhanced the learning experience is more effective. Trained people are more makes the learning more effective. Trained people are more confident which makes them even more effective and productive preferences. By knowing the student is a sales rep, for example, the highly technical information that is actually targeted for an engineer is not delivered. Further, if a preference for audio has been expressed, the delivered lesson can have more audio segments than text. Another key way to focus on the learner is by providing' prescriptive learning. In my example about the call centre rep, the student started his training efforts more...

Racism is objectively defined as 'any practice of ethnic discrimination or segregation'. Fortunately, racial violence is steadily declining as the turn of the century approaches. Now a new form of racism, covert racism, has recently sprung from the pressures of political correctness. This new form of racism, although slowly declining, still shows signs of strong support. Covert racism assumes a form of civil disobedience against politically correct thought and speech. Essentially, covert racism is a 'hidden' racism, or racism not easily detected. The three different basic forms of racism are open racism, violent racism, and covert racism. All express forms of hatred towards distinct ethnic groups. These basic forms of racism, although different in form, all have the same main purpose, to promote racism. Open racism expresses freedom of racial thought and speech. Open racists promote their views through strictly persuasion tactics. Open racism is currently almost nonexistent and steadily more...

If you ask a rational thinker - what is politics? He will answer - Politics is a dirty game of scoundrels to make money. Well, this answer might create many arguments. But, unfortunately, this seems to be an appropriate definition of 'today's polities'. Today politics has become a profession. People join it not for serving nation but for serving themselves. It is a mere means of earning and more and more money. They are least bothered with the development of nation. All they are concerned with is their power and bank balances. Earlier politics was considered as a 'responsibility' and today it has become just a 'profession'. Earlier people used to join politics so that they could sacrifice their lives in serving the nation. Now-a-days people join politics to earn power to rule people and become strong monetarily. Earlier we were having leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Lal Bahadur more...

India at the time of independence was a country beset with great economic problems. It had suffered colonial exploitation for about two centuries' and was recovering painfully from the blight of a distressing famine. The disruption of life caused by the Second World War had aggravated the crisis. Large parts of the country were under the feudal rule of Indian princes and only a miniscule minority had taken any initiative to modernise their states. In any case, the benefits of industrialisation remained confined to a small privileged section be the society. With freedom from foreign rule also came partition and the government was confronted with the awesome task of rehabilitating millions of refugees. Perhaps the most remarkable achievement of India since independence has been to overcome the trauma of partition and forge a unified modern nation from a bewildering diversity. India today can take pride in its federal form of more...

The status enjoyed by its general masses in general and the citizens, shape the structure of a society, in particular. A citizen is, in contradistinction to the nationals, the one who enjoys all the political rights apart from other forms of rights namely civil and legal rights guaranteed by state so the status of citizens of a country is to be analyzed. Not only from the socio-economic aspect of the country but also from the political structure of the state and the nature of political rights guaranteed to the citizens by the state. For instance, the status of citizens under an authoritarian regime can't be treated at par with the status of citizens of state having democratic set-up, though they are economically well off In modern context, the status of citizens of a state is determined by many factors. One of the major determinants of it is the economic prosperity more...

The issue of brand failures has caught the fancy of both corporate sector as well as academia. In this whole debate of the diminishing value of branding, it is the FMCG industry that has hogged the maximum 'share of noise'. Hence, we shall be focusing on this sector in this essay. Sneaking a glimpse of the performance of some FMCG companies, Anchor toothpaste grew at the rate of21.4% and Haldiram grew at a whopping 26% in 2002. So, there have been impressive performances by some of the brands in these troubled times. To say that the whole exercise of branding has been rendered futile in the Indian market is not correct. We can, at the maximum, say that the ongoing brand war has churned the market shares, but it still remains a war of branding (the key word is branding). At the same time, a purist would hardly reckon these more...

Woman in India has totally changed her image now. She is no more just a housewife now. She is working in every field now. She is a doctor, engineer, pilot, astronaut and what not. Few years back, it was almost impossible to think of such a big change in the image of Indian women. Earlier women were treated no more than a doormat. There were so many restrictions that she had to keep her desires and ambitions inside her heart only. She was not even allowed to study and so the illiteracy rate of women was much higher than the men. She didn't have any identity of herself. She was called just a daughter, wife, sister and mother of so and so. Moreover, there were so many social evils like Dowry that hampered the growth of women as an individual. For several years, a woman was in this sorry condition more...


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