J & K CET Engineering

Sex is one of the most heated issues in our society today. Obviously sex has always been here, but in the past people were at least a little more discreet and respectful, and it was much more common for sex to be honoured in marriages only. Now, sex education is taught to junior high school students, teachers are giving out condoms, and sex is so far from being sacred that it's sad. How did it go from sex representing a bond of love between man and wife, to multiple sex partners, sexually transmitted diseases, and pregnancies that are usually unwanted? Who or what is to blame for the obvious decline in our values? Before fingers are pointed, take a look at a few problems we are having today. There is a lack of communication between parents and children, the media is infested with sex, broadcasting it on television and theatres, more...

Since the effects of the media increased over people, the aim of the media has gone into an alteration. The morals of the media changed and a huge conflict became into existence between the morals in past and now. As all over the world in Turkey, ethics of the media changed after the media bosses have caught it. Media must be objective, impartial and balanced, but because of the media bosses, it changed its ethics. The first purpose of media must be objectivity, but media is rarely objective while reporting or researching for information. Media's objectivity is filtered and censored by the media owners, advertisers, newsmakers, news shapers, and the pressure groups. All of the affect media while its doing its job. Media's job is to inform. Because of the filters of media, it usually uses for propaganda, having profit and power. Many people think media is the most powerful more...

Dolly was a sheep that was the first living clone in its time, not a country music star from Tennessee. This was a magnificent feat but what did it mean? To some it meant a world of possibility, to others it meant havoc. Who is right? Who is wrong? These questions are unanswerable which results in a never-ending controversy. This controversy over the benefits and dangers of genetic engineering in humans, animals and plants will live on forever. There are many benefits of genetic engineering. At the fore front of these benefits is preventing and curing illnesses. Imagine beating chronic, fatal diseases before they strike. Think of the lives, money, suffering and effort that could be saved if doctors could identify individuals that are genetically stricken with heart disease, cancer and many other diseases. Take cancer for example. Scientists are working on a way to alter the processes of the more...

There are several clear indicators of the fact that Indian women continue to be discriminated against: the sex ratio  is skewed against them; maternal mortality is the second- highest in the world; more than 40 percent of women are illiterate; and crimes against women are on -the rise. Yet, the women's movement, which gathered strength after the 1970s, has led to progressive legislation and positive change, spurred on by the participation of women in local self- government. It is a paradox of modern India that women wield power and hold positions at the topmost levels, yet large sections of women are among the most underprivileged. Some women from the upper classes head political parties and command large followings, yet women's representation in the Parliament and state legislatures has not been more than 10 percent. The roots of discrimination against women lie in the religious and cultural practices of India. The more...

In a world of light-speed data transmission, any individual with little training and expertise can make a fortune from the Internet. Many companies, like E-bay or Amazon.com, thrive from business done only through Internet transactions. As computer technology progresses, data transmission becomes faster, and as high level encryption becomes available for public use, the amount of internet consumers also grows. Technology advances also allow employees to work from home faster and safer. A manager's first challenge is to create a presence on the web. With a phone line, computer, and Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) authoring tools, a business can advertise or do business over the Internet. HTML authoring tools can be "freeware, like Sausage Software's Hot Dog, or advanced and expensive utilities like Microsoft Front Page. Any computer user familiar with a word processor can effectively use these applications with minimal training. Putting the HTML and graphic files on more...

I believe that, after year 6, school should NOT be compulsory. By the time you have completed your primary education, you have learned the basic skills needed to get through life. High school is simply an extension of the basic skills learned in the primary school system, and is unneeded unless you pursue your education to a very high degree. It is not the government's decision whether or not you should have to attend high school. It should be the individual's choice, and forced on no one, because by the time you have completed your primary education, you are old enough to make this decision. In high school, there are more troublemakers who only disrupt the classes because they do not want to be there. These people disrupt the class and make it more difficult for those who are interested in the subject and want to learn. If school were more...

India has been chosen not merely for the size and diversity of its population and the richness of its culture, but also because almost all of the themes that have been taken up in the general debates about Western science can be found there. Indeed, it could be argued that India's struggle for independence was, to a greater extent than elsewhere, also a struggle for the resurrection of Indian civilisation. At the very least, it can be said that traditional techniques and non-Western beliefs and customs were mobilized in the political struggle more explicitly than elsewhere. Under the inspiration of Mahatma Gandhi the peoples of the Indian subcontinent were encouraged to revive traditional technical practices and even managed to put aside, for a time, some of their religious antagonisms in order to achieve national independence. Gandhi, of course, was Western-trained and learned about Western philosophy and Western science while studying more...

Alcoholism has serious negative consequences not only for the affected individual but also for society at large. By using a public health approach that integrates medical, psychological, and social therapies, primary care physicians can educate at-risk patients to prevent alcohol abuse from starting and intervene to halt progression of the disease in patients with early or late alcoholism. The signs of causes of alcoholism are unknown but strong evidence exists for a genetic origin. Given the inherited risk, a variety of psychological and environmental factors (e.g. depression, broken home, alcohol misuse by other family members) appear to influence the expression of that risk in the individual. Once begun, alcoholism typically progresses over 10 to 20 years. Because the progression is gradual, however, it is difficult to determine the exact time when a person becomes an alcoholic. People without a genetic risk for alcoholism or a previous history of alcohol abuse more...

Industrialisation is vital for a country's economic development. Indian industrial sector is characterised by under-utilisation of resources, low capital formation, low level of technology, lack of skilled manpower and social attitudes of the population. Indian industrial development is also highly influenced by the political climate of India, the political philosophy of the ruling party, the attitude and culture of the political administrators and Indian Industrial Policies. Indian industry also depends highly on the attitudes and aspirations of the Indian manpower and Indian society. The economic structure of India follows a mixed economy. Thus, the functioning of dual sectors - public and private - exist in India. Public sector includes both public utility undertakings and public enterprises. Due to several factors, such as, low returns, longtime lag, defence requirements, public utilities, large resource requirement, development of backward regions, development of infrastructure, etc. the Government had to invest in certain capital- intensive more...

The celebrated scientist of the world once confessed - '... Always I feel there is a super power working above and beyond me. I feel his presence but unable to see him'. Einstien's this 'superpower' is no doubt, which we call the God. Religion is a belief in or the worship of a God or gods. It is a particular system of belief or worship. A person is totally devoted to his religion and it rules his life. So religion, the very word immediately reminds us the existence of God. It is not a dogma or blind faith. In a true peace and harmony between head and heart. This valueless World cannot produce good citizens. Another important aspect of scientific development is that gradually it makes individuals so dependent that they loose their creativity. Science is not to be blamed but the way we use it is very important. Despite more...


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