Over the past few years, computers have become a vastly popular household item. The luxury of emailing messages as opposed to charging up the phone bill is more appealing. Checking news, weather, and sports via the Internet is a convenience that many are taking advantage of. Our children's lives are already getting influenced by technology - and this is just the beginning. Computers and Internet are here to stay and software titles targeting young children continue to increase. Computer science has become a compulsory subject in Indian schools. Today, we find computers in use everywhere, whether we go to reserve a train ticket or to a bank. This is because it is faster and helps us complete our work without mistakes/errors. So parents too have realised the need to help their children develop strong computer skills. Children are learning to read and write with computer games instead of homemade flash more...

India is the seventh largest country in the world. It has the world's second largest population. Located entirely in the northern hemisphere it is bound by Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar and Bangladesh. The Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal border its coastline. The mainland has three well-defined geographical regions, the mountain zone of the Himalayas, the Indo-gangetic plain,(formed by the basins of three great rivers Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra) and the southern peninsula of the Deccan Plateau. The main river systems are the Himalayan rivers like Ganga and Brahmaputra which are snow-fed; the peninsular rivers like Godavari, Krishna and Mahanadi, and the coastal rivers. India has a rich variety of vegetation and animal life, wi.th special types of flora and fauna. The climate of the country varies from region to region. In some places, including the coastal areas, the climate is almost uniform throughout more...

There are many social problems India is facing. Out of them Dowry system is one of the biggest problem prevailing in India. Dowry system can as regarded as an illegal system in which though unwillingly but after marriage bride's parents need to give money and other necessary items to bride. It use to be a good tradition but with the changing time its purpose has changed completely. Now, this system has taken a bad form and it has emerged as the biggest evil of our society. Earlier bride's parents use to give dowry according to their status and with their own choice. Nothing was forced. But now people from bride's side are forced to give dowry for the sake of Hurii.ige. They are forced to give more and more money at nine of marriage and even after marriage people are becoming greedy. Some people give their son higher education like more...

Now-a-days, remix albums are selling like hot cakes. Today it has become some sort of rule that every music album must have a video where three or four girls, insufficiently dressed are dancing with the pelvic moves. This fashion was kick started by 'Tu hai wohi', 'Kaliyon ka Chaman', 'Kanta Laga' by DJ Doll, the latest one being 'Kabhi aar kabhi paar' and many more. The English songs are blended into the Hindi remixes beautifully by these DJ's who use impressive accomplishments to fuse both the sounds- Certain Hindi golden oldies are fused with popular international hits to give a tremendous vocal effect. Typical example are 'Kehdoon tumhe' which was originally an English oldie hit 'Just wanna be close to you' and the lead track 'Saiyan dil mem aana re' which was originally of spice girl's popular song 'wannable’. These albums reflect the changing phase of remixes. It's all about more...

Ever since I was a child, my mother raised me to recognise and appreciate various kinds of friends. There are three different kinds of friends in this life. I classify them according to how well 1 know them and how well they know me. We encounter each of them everyday, whether in school, home, or at the gym. However, we rarely spend much time actually thinking about and classifying these people. First, there are the 'pest friends'- general acquaintances. Next, there are 'guest friends'- social partners. Lastly, we have 'best friends'- our true friends. The first type of friend is simply an acquaintance. This means that you basically only know their name. You might not even remember what they look like if you go away for a short vacation. Usually, you meet these types of friends in school, at work, on the bus, in the gym, or anywhere else you more...

India is a vast country with different people, cultures and religions. It is a developing country so it has to deal with many problems like poverty, unemployment, etc. Prime root cause of all these problems is daily increasing population. We have crossed the mark of billion and are second after China in population. The main problem which arises due to increasing population, is of unemployment. There are limited numbers of jobs but eligible candidates are more than that. So, everyone is not able to get the job and problem of unemployment is increasing day by day This problem leads us to many other problems like poverty and crime. Not gaiting right job leads our youth to adapt wrong means to satisfy his needs. Unemployment leads to poverty. People are not able to get proper food, education and other normal necessities of life. This state further leads to depression. Some people more...

Today we are relishing the ambrosial taste of the modern scientific technology and applications. Science and technologies are a part of all human activities, from the houses that we live in, the food we eat, the cars we drive, and to the electronic gadgetry in almost  every home that we use to remain informed and entertained. These all evidences show the blessings of scientific knowledge on humans. Before eighteenth century we were plunged in the depths of ignorance and unawareness of scientific knowledge. Without having an adequate scientific knowledge, our ancestors had buried their common senses deep under the mask of ignorant prejudices but it was the scientific revolution in nineteenth century that unsheathed it and now we can see that the whole world is globalised : due to this scientific revolution. Science has affected human life and culture in manyways and requires numerous books to discuss its impacts on more...

Unemployment is a major cause of problem in India. It is a situation in which an individual is ready and willing to work at the prevailing rate of wages but he does not get work. This is a curse because not just the person suffers but the nation as a whole suffers which results in wastage of manpower, reduces national income and contributes to poverty, inequality and growth of anti social elements. In Indian villages more than 80% of labourers are engaged in non-fame sector in cottage and in different types of services. It is estimated that more that 2/3 of rural workers are self- employed. Among the urban unemployed are included those illiterate person who are willing to work in industrial sectors, for e.g. Mining, transport, trade and construction activities. Problem of unemployment in industrial sector has arisen because of rapid increase in population. Besides for the last many more...

I often wonder who the girl is whose face I examine every morning in the large mirror hanging above my desk. In some ways 1 do feel as if l know her, but only on a superficial level, the same way we think we know the actors in our favourite soap operas. We may know every explicit detail of the lives of the characters, but the true personality of the actor themselves is a huge mystery which we have little or no hope of ever solving. A mirror's sole purpose is to reflect. In my case, though, mirrors seem to reflect my persona rather than my personality. This, thankfully, indicates that the mirror sees only what the rest of the world does, exactly what I want to be seen. The mirror in question is large, clear, and attractively decorated, signifying its importance in my life. This is not to say more...

Ring! Ring! Beep! Beep! Everywhere we go, we can hear the sounds of machinery and different contraptions that have developed over thousands of years like the miniature phones - cell phones- that could transmit sound waves and also fast cars that have twin turbo and better engines which could travel at a very fast rate. Furthermore, through technology better medicines are produced each day that fight diseases and viruses thus prolonging the life of every individual. Advanced technology wasn't only a great step towards better lifestyle and medical research but also gave way towards the broadening of knowledge and understanding of the history through better analysis of different data that are taken from fossils and relics of early civilizations. The development of technologies advances rapidly and maybe people could someday invent a time capsule that defies the time of the universe. Computers signify the ever growing and rapid development of more...


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