3rd Class

Amazing Facts
  • Elephant grass in Africa is named after elephants as it is about 4.5 meter high and even elephants can hide in this grass.
  • The average size tree can provide enough wood to make 170,000 pencils.
  LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to: -
  • understand different kinds of plants, their diversities, sizes, shapes etc.
  • observe different types of leaf diversities-colour, texture, shedding season etc.
  • learn different types of things we get from plants and how we use them in our daily life.
  • know about different types of leaves which we can eat.
  QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW What are plants? Plants are living things. They occur in many different shapes and sizes. Plants grow in soil or water. They make their own food and store their food in roots, stems, leaves, fruits or flowers. Plants produce flowers of different colours, more...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to: -
  • identify different animals with varying sizes.
  • observe different features of animals.
  • understand how different animals move.
  • know their habitat.
  • learn about different types of insects.
  • explore the world of birds-their living places, eating habits, common features like feathers and sounds produced by them.
  Interesting Facts
  • Human beings, cats, dogs, cows, elephants, tigers, lions, kangaroos etc. are mammals that live on land and give birth to young ones.
  • Kangaroos and koalas have special pouch on their stomach and back respectively. They use it to carry their young ones.
  • Penguins are flightless birds.
                            QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW If we look around we will notice different types of animals around us. Some of them are big, some are small, some live on land, some live under water, some can fly, some only crawl and so more...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to: -
  • understand the properties of water.
  • determine various sources of water.
  • know about various uses of water.
  • learn the importance of water conservation.
  • learn and incorporate different ways of saving water.
  • understand the concept of water cycle.
  Real Life Examples
  • When someone is sweating, the sweat evaporates and cools down the person.
  • Mechanical cooling apparatus like refrigerating and air- conditioners use evaporating gas to extract heat from what we like to cool down
  • The phenomenon of condensation can be seem when water appears on your windshield after you park your car outside on a particularly humid night.
  Amazing Facts
  • more...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to: -
  • study about the reasons behind the changing weather.
  • learn about different seasons in our country.
  • study about wind and air currents.
  Real Life Examples
  • India is one of the highest flood prone countries in the world coastal areas and the states close to the seas or rivers are more prone to get flooded. In recent past, Assam and Jammu and Kashmir have faced severe floods due to high level of rainfall.
  Amazing facts
  • The highest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica is 14.6°C, recorded on January 5, 1974.
  • The Met Office uses a super-computer- one of the fastest in the world – to help make more...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to:-
  • become aware of the dangers inside and outside your homes.
  • learn about the precautions one must take to avoid accidents.
  • know about first aid so that you can help yourself and others too when in need.
  • learn about good and bad touch
  Amazing Facts
  • In 2010, a traffic jam on National Highway 110, near Beijing, kept cars stuck in traffic for 10 days.
  • Of all the road accidents occurring in the world, half of the victims are pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists.
  QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW What is the meaning of safety Safety means to keep yourself protected from any harm by being attentive. Like the building of our home more...

Historical Preview Origin of question mark. When early scholars wrote in Latin, the would place the word question- meaning ?question?- at the end of sentence to indicate a query. To conserve valuable space, it was soon shortened to go, which caused another problem- readers might mistake it for the ending of word. So they squashed the letters into symbol: a lowercased q on top of an o. Over time the o shrank to a dot and the q to a squiggle, giving us our current question mark.       LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to:-
  • learn about punctuations.
  • understand different types of punctuations.
  • examine the usage of punctuations.  
  QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW Learning punctuation is an important skill of acquiring a complete grammatical knowledge. Punctuation is used to was goon create sense, clarity and stress in more...

Real Life Example You watch cartoons every day. They all are stories. Chota Bheem, Doraemon, Shin Chan they all are characters which take you to the imaginary worlds. The movies we watch are also stories told. LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to:-
  • understand how story is written.
  • develop a story with the help of prompts.
  QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW In class-3 you can learn to communicate in complete thoughts for different purposes. At the beginning of class-3, you may still write in short, literal, choppy sentences but as you progress through the year, you learn to write more detailed essays and stories to communicate what you are learning. The outline of a story is the basic framework of a story. It is often just a skeleton outline. It shows us some of the main facts of the story and tell more...

Real Life Example Knowledge of good vocabulary boosts one's self-confidence. It adds beauty to your language. You can also solve crosswords, charts and other puzzles where multiple meanings are required   LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to:
  • learn new words and improve your ability to express in English language.
  • increase self-confidence. 
  QUICK CONGEPT REVIEW Vocabulary is an ornamentation of language. The way we beautify ourselves with jewellery, vocabulary makes the language more impressive and logical. Developing a strong vocabulary not only promotes reading comprehension but also enables us to actively participate in our society. People often consider a strong vocabulary the hallmark of an educated person. Good readers have a diverse vocabulary. They ask questions when they are unclear about what a word means, they use the context of a conversation or the happenings in a book to decipher the meaning more...

Amazing Facts There are only three ?eed? words- exceed, proceed, succeed.     Poem on Spelling and Pronunciation Author not known, I take it you already know OF TOUGH and BOUGH and COUGH and DOUGH. Others may stumble but not you ON HICCOUGH, THOROUGH, LOUGH and THROUGH Well done! And now you wish, perhaps, To learn of less familiar traps, Beware of HEARD, a dreadful word That looks like BED, not BEAD. For goodness sake, don't call it DEED! Watch out for MEAT and GREAT and THREAT: They rhyme with SUITE and STRAIGHT and DEBT.   LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to:
  • prepare your spellings and make you comfortable
  • support our skill level and learn spellings in multiple
  • understand the need of live interaction and importance of audio to memorize the words.  

Amazing Facts You might not realize it, but you brain is a code ?cracking machine. For emaxple: it deson?t mttaer in what order the ltteers in awrod aepapr, the only iprmoatnt tihng  is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pcale. The rset can be a total mses and you can still raed it wouthit pobelrm. S1M1L4RLY, YOUR M1ND 15 R34D1NG 7H15 4U70M471C4LLY W17HOU7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4BOU7 17.     LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to:
  • comprehend the meaning of jumbled sentence.
  • put the jumbled sentence in order.  
  QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW Proper sentences are divided .into phrases. These phrases are jumbled. The student is expected to look at the jumbled phrases, comprehend the meaning implied, and put the sentence in order. Look at the explosion given above! more...


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