
Male sea horses appear to overturn the laws of nature by giving birth to the young. The female lays the eggs inside a pouch on the male's stomach. Holding up to 200 eggs, the pouch bulges as though the male horse is pregnant. After 4 to 6 weeks, the eggs are hatched and the offspring emerge.

Palm trees have no branches and their leaves grow directly out of the trunk. The leaves of the Raffia Palm are the largest that can grow up to 20 m long.

The cockroach is the fastest animal with 6 legs, it covers one metre in a second.

The most rapid growth of a tree was observed in a false acacia tree in Malaysia, about 10m in 13 months.

Between 1877 and 1890, 126 species of dinosaur were identified. More than 500 species have been identified to date.

The slender black mamba is recorded as the fastest snake in the world, reaching a speed of 11 KMPH. The fastest sea-snake can swim at 3.6 km an hour.

Chocolates are poisonous to dogs. It affects dogs' heart and nervous system. A small dog can die after eating a few ounces of chocolate.

The swift bird can fly up to 160 KMPH, but has difficulty in walking. A young swift 7 completes a non-stop flight of 5, 00, 000 km, between the first leaving of its nest and landing to make its own nest two years later.

The fastest running land mammal is the North American pronghorn antelope, which can keep up 56 KMPH for over 6 km.

A pet goldfish which died in August 1980 in England was aged an amazing 41 years.


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