
For its size, a green tiger beetle runs ten times as fast as a human. It is only 12 to 15 mm long, and can run about 60 to 70 cm/sec. It sprints 100 m in one second.

The mid wife toad has a unique way of hatching its eggs. The male wraps the string of eggs around its body and hind legs, where they remain until hatched.

Wild swans can fly along the route of airlines at an altitude of 26,000 feet and above.

The North American woodchuck, a heavy built burrowing rodent, spends as much as 8 months each year sleeping.

An elephant cannot run, leap or jump under any conditions because, it does not have a bone-muscle tendon combination which is necessary to do all this.

The zebra's stripes are white and not black. No two Zebra's stripes are alike.

Sea wasp is the most venomous jellyfish. Its sting can kill a person in less than 4 minutes. 

Locust is a large tropical grasshopper. Like an athlete on a platform it can jump up to the fifth    floor of a building – equal to 35 times of its height.

Houseflies, in their entire lifetime, never travel more than a few hundred feet from the origin.

Wolf spider has eight eyes. The tropical American fish has four eyes and the honeybee has five eyes (3 simple and 2 compound eyes).


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