3rd Class

Human Body

Category : 3rd Class


                                                                     Human Body


Our Body


Body parts


Human body consists of different parts. All of these parts have specific functions to perform. For example, we can see with the help of eyes and walk with the help of legs.


Flue Sense Organs

You know that we have five sense organs, which helps us to feel and know the world around us. Our sense organ and their functions are as follows:



We can taste with the help of tongue. We can taste whether the food we eat is sweet, sour or salty with the help of taste buds located on the tongue.



We can hear the sounds with the help of ear. We can hear different sounds.



We can see with the help of eyes. Whenever we see an object, an image of the object is formed inside our eye.



We can smell with the help of nose. We can distinguish between sweat and foul smell just because of our nose.



We can feel with the help of skin. Skin gives sensation of touch, heat, cold, pain, etc.


Human Organ Systems

Our body is made up of cells. Cells are the smallest unit of our body. Similar cells join to form a tissue. Different tissues together form an organ which performs specific function. A group of organs form an organ system. Following are the different organ systems:

Muscular System

Muscles are attached to the bones in our body. Muscles help the different parts of our body to move. All muscles together form the muscular system.


Digestive System

Digestive system performs the function of digesting the food that we eat. Organs involved in digestion are esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, mouth, etc.



Skeletal System

The bones in our body make the skeletal system. The skeleton gives shape and form to our body. It also protects the inner body parts from getting injured. There are 206 bones in an adult human body.


                                                            Skeleton of human body


Respiratory System

We breathe in air to survive. We use our nose to breathe. Inside our body, lungs and wind pipe help in breathing. The air we breathe in is called inhaled air. The air we give out is called exhaled air.


Nervous System

Our body is controlled by our brain. The brain has messengers called nerves to send the instructions to and from the sense organs. The brain and nerves make up our nervous system.


Excretory System

Excretory system cleans our body by throwing out unwanted stuff like urine, stool, etc.





Reproductive System

The system through which young ones are produced.


Circulatory System

Heart is the pumping organ of our body. It sends blood (red liquid) to various organs.

Blood is the carrier of food to the different organs of our body from which our body gets energy to perform various functions.


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