3rd Class


Category : 3rd Class





We see various things around us. Some of them are heavy, for example, bicycle. Some of them are light, for examples, your pen. This is because, different objects have different masses. The mass of an object tells us whether an object is light or heavy.

Every object occupies space.

Anything which has mass and occupies space is called matter.

Matter exists in three different forms:

(i) Solid

(ii) Liquid

(iii) Gas

These three forms of matter are called the states of matter



Objects like books, bricks, pencil, mobile, tiffin box, etc. have a fixed shape. They do not change their shape if we move them from on container to another. They are called solid objects.



Substances such as water, milk, oil, etc. can flow easily and change their shape according to the shape of container they are kept in. such materials are called liquid objects.



A gas is a state of matter that has no shape and size of its own. Observe when your mother boils water. You will see that some vapours are rising from the boiled water. Now, ask your mother to hold a plate on the rising vapours. You will find that little droplets of water have been formed on the surface of plate.

It means that the vapours which were rising from the boiling water of the container was actually water. Water vapour is the gaseous form of water.

You know that we all inhale oxygen. Oxygen is a gas. Gases are all around us. We cannot see them. They are invisible.


Changing States of Hatter

The three states of matter are solid, liquid and gas which can change their form from one to another.

  • The process of changing solid into liquid is called
  • The process of changing liquid into gas is called
  • The process of changing a gas into liquid is called
  • The process of changing a liquid into solid is called freezing

Ice is frozen water.

Ice cream is frozen milk.



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