3rd Class

Plants Kingdom

Category : 3rd Class


                                                            Plants Kingdom


Plants are one of the most important living things that have made the life possible on Earth. They are the only source of life giving oxygen. Plants breathe in harmful carbon dioxide gas and breathe out oxygen.





Characteristics of Plants

Plants Make their Own Food

Green plants are autotrophs. They make their own food in the presence of carbon dioxide, water and sunlight. Green plants have a pigment called chlorophyll that helps them to make food.


Plants have Roots and Shoots

Root grows under the ground and shoot grows above the ground.




Many Plants bear Fruits

Many plants bear fruits that are very nutritious and delicious.


Mango Tree


Plants Reproduce

Plants reproduce to continue their existence. They reproduce with the help of seeds, stems and roots.


Plants Grow throughout their Life Cycle

Most of the plants grow throughout their life cycle. They attain maximum height.


Few Plants have Thorns

For example, rose, cactus, etc.


Leaves of a Plant

Plants make food in the leaves. Therefore, leaf is called the kitchen of the plant. Plants get energy from this food.

There is a small opening in the leaf. It is called stomata. Plants breathe through this opening.

Plant's leaves can be of different shapes. For example, leaves can be round, long or triangular.



Long leave                        Round leave                   Triangular leave

(Mango)                 (Lotus)                                  (Peepal)


Leaves of many plants are used to cure diseases. For example, neem's leaves cure skin problem.


Classification of Plants

Plants are classified into three types:



Plants having tall and hard trunks are called trees. Trees have thick and woody branches.

For example, mango tree. Banyan tree, etc.



Plants having weak and soft stem are called herbs. For example, tulsi, mint, etc.



Scrubs are taller than herbs and have multiple woody stems. For example, rose plant sunflower, etc.



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