10th Class

Mensuration   We are familiar with some of the basic solids like cuboid/ cone, cylinder and sphere. In this chapter we will discuss about how to find the surface area and volume of these figures. In our daily life, we come across number of solids made up of combinations of two or more of the basic solids.   Surface Area of Solids We may get the solids which may be combinations of cylinder and cone or cylinder and hemisphere or cone and hemisphere and so on. In such cases we find the surface area of each part separately and add them to get the surface area of entire solid.   Cylinder If 'r' is the radius and 'h1 is the height of a cylinder, then Curved surface area of the cylinder = \[2\pi rh\] Total surface area of the cylinder = \[2\pi r(r+h)\]   Cone If more...

Statistics and Probability   Statistics Statistics is the branch of Mathematics which deals with the collection and interpretation of data. The data may be represented in different graphical forms such as bar graphs, histogram, ogive curve, and pie chart. This representation of data reveals certain salient features of the data. These values of the data are called measure of central tendency. The various measures of central tendencies are mean, median and mode. A measure of central tendency gives us the rough idea of where data points are centered. But in order to make more accurate interpretation of central values of the data, we should also have an idea of how the data are scattered around the measure of central tendency.   Mean Deviation about Mean of an Ungrouped Data Let \[{{x}_{1}},\text{ }{{x}_{2}},\text{ }{{x}_{3}},\text{ }---,\text{ }{{x}_{n}}\]be the n observations, then the mean of the data is given more...

Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning   In this chapter, we will solve problems related to reasoning and aptitudes as we know that Reasoning and logic skills are an integral part of Mathematics.   Find the Missing Number In such types of problems, we have to choose a missing number (or character) in the figure out of the given options.  
  •                   Example:
Find the missing number in the following figure.             (a) 1728                                                (b) 1331 (c) 729                                                              (d) 512 (e) None of these Ans.     (b) Explanation: Here the pattern is ________ \[{{(18+10+8)}^{\frac{3}{2}}}=216,\] \[{{(15+12+22)}^{\frac{3}{2}}}=343,\] \[{{(57+43+21)}^{\frac{3}{2}}}=1331\]   Direction Sense Problems In such types of problems, we draw a diagram by using the given information. The following diagram shows all the more...

Real Numbers   In the previous classes, we have learnt about rational and irrational numbers. In this chapter we will learn about real numbers. A real number can be any positive or negative numbers. All the rational and irrational numbers are real numbers. In other words we can say that real numbers are the set of rational and irrational numbers.             Important Points Related to Real Numbers
  •                 more...

Introduction to Trigonometry             As we know, the trigonometry is the branch of Mathematics in which we study about the relationship between angles and its sides. In this chapter, we will discuss about trigonometric ratios which are defined in a right-angled triangle.   Trigonometrical Ratios In the given triangle ABC, \[\angle B=90{}^\circ \] and let angle C is\[\theta \]. Then the trigonometrical ratios are defined more...

  More About Logic Gates   Introduction The internal architecture of computer performs operations like, mathematical as well as logical operations. Logical and arithmetic operations in the microprocessor of a computer is done by comparing the inputs in which output is depend on the state of input. Combination of logic circuit can be used for addition, logical functions, etc. Combination of logic gates is used to make half adder, full adder in the form of flip flop which is used for the manufacturing of microprocessor. The logic gate is made of logic circuits perform the Boolean function. A basic logic gate obtains one or two input but it produces one output at a time. Logic gates is made of transistors and other devices which supports the function of the transistor, such as, resister. All types of logic circuits are divided more...

  Working With MS-Access 2013   Introduction MS-Access 2013 is an application software integrated with Microsoft Office package which is used for database management applications. Data is the raw fact. It can be character, number or symbols which are processed by a computer. In terms of computer science you can say data may be characters, facts or number, which can be processed by a computer. A group of meaningful data is called information. Information may be broken down further.   In computerize system, you can store the data in spreadsheets or in database. An organized collection of data, which can be updated, accessed and managed in a systematic order is called database. With the help of computers, one can works on huge volume of data. It allows the user to access data conveniently and data can also be easily updated whenever it more...

  Working With HTML     Introduction HTML is defined as the hypertext markup language used for creating web pages. It is also defined as the text which links to the other text and allows 3you to format, arrange and group text, display text as links, and add images and multimedia to a webpage. There are many version of HTML such as, HTML 1.0, HTML 2.0, HTML 3, HTML 4, HTML 5. HTML 5 is the latest version released in 2009 that includes a number of new elements and attributes and removes some elements and attributes that was the part of its earlier version. A text editor can be used for creating the HTML webpages. Some specialized HTML editors are also available.  There are number of HTML editors available for creating Web pages. The followings are the HTML editors.   Gedit: It more...

  Working With CSS   Introduction CSS is defined as the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a text document or Style sheet. A style sheet is a set of style rules that tell a browser how to present a document. HTML's STYLE element is the simplest ways of linking these style rules to your HTML documents. These elements are placed in the document HEAD, and it contains the style rules for the page. Same CSS document can be used to define multiple HTML document. CSS document has the .css extension. The CSS syntax can be divided into two parts, selector and declaration. The selector is defined as the HTML element to which the CSS style is applied and declaration contains the CSS properties, such as colour, font size, and values of these properties.   CSS Syntax A CSS rule divides more...

  Working With Internet Application   Introduction Nothing has revolutionized modern life the way rapid progress of computer has. For better or worse computers have infiltrated every aspect of our society. Today, computers do much more than simply compute. They make airline or railway reservation and teach on-line, some super store scanners Calculate our grocery bills while keeping the store inventory computerized telephone switching has greatly improved the telephone system and automatic teller machines (ATM).   As a computers become more widespread in the workplace, new ways to harness their potential developed. As smaller computers become more powerful, they could be linked together, or network to share memory space, software and information and communication with each other.   In Education Computer applications in education is a broad and changing term due to the breadth of the area of study and the rapid more...


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