Geographical Phenomena   Plate Tectonics
  • The theory of plate tectonics states that lithosphere consists of several individual segments called plates.
  • Major Plates on Earth are.
(i) Antarctic plate (ii) North American and South American (iii) Pacific plate                       (iv) Indian - Australian - New Zealand plate (v)Africa/Eastern Atlantic Plate (vi) Eurasian plate
  • Pacific plate is the largest plate while Juan de Fucaplate (off Western coast of North America) is the smallest. -\
  • The collision of the Indian plate against the Eurasian plate, leading to the formation of the Himalayas.
  • An earthquake is basically the vibration of Earth produced by rapid release of energy, along a fault.
  • Focus: Place of occurrence of anEarthquake inside the earth, where the energy is released. The ground ruptures at this spot, then seismic waves more...

  • Composition: The atmosphere is a mixture of many discrete gases as Nitrogen (78%), Oxygen (21%), Argon (0.93), Carbon dioxide (0.03)%, and others are Hydrogen, Helium, Krypton, yenon, Methane, Neon and ozone,
  • Troposphere: Lower most part of the atmosphere. All weather phenomena takes place in this layer. Height of troposphere at poles is about 8 km while at equator is about 16 km due to greater heating at the equator.
  • Stratosphere: Above troposphere is the stratosphere, which is primarily important because of the presence of ozone. This layer absorbs and scatters the solar ultraviolet radiation. It varies from 18-50 km.
  • Mesosphere: It is a transitional layer. This is the coldest region of the atmosphere. Its height varies from 50- 85 km. Meteors burn up in this more...

  World Climatic Types     The Hot, Wet Equatorial Climate  
  • It is found between 5° and 10° north and south of the equator.
  • Dominantly found in the lowlands of the Amazon, Congo, Malaysia and East Indies.
  • The mean monthly temperature is always around 24 to 27°C.
  • There is no winter.
  • These regions are generally sparsely populated.
  • Some plantation crops are also practised like natural rubber, cocoa, etc.
                                The Tropical Monsoon and Tropical Marine Climates
  • It is found between 5° and 30° latitudes on either side of the equator.
  • Best developed in the Indian subcontinent, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, parts of Vietnam, South China and northern Australia.
  • Tropical Marine climate is found in Central America, West Indies, Philippines, more...

  Hydrosphere   Oceans and Seas
  • The Oceans comprise more than 70% of the earth's surface.
  • The Seas receive almost 71% of all incoming solar energy due to its surface area.
  • Oceans are the primary source of moisture in the atmosphere and much of the rain over the continents.
  • Oceans are repository of a large number of useful metallic and non-metallic minerals such as petroleum, gas, salt, manganese, gold, diamonds, tin and Iron.
  • Most characteristic feature of oceans and seas is their salinity.
  • Salinity varies both horizontally and vertically and is maximum at tropics and decreases towards the equator and poles.
  Continental shelves
  • Continental shelf in the seaward extension of the continent from the shoreline to the continental edge.
  • Continental shelves are more...

  • India is the seventh largest country in the world.
  • It covers an area of 32,87,2631 sq. km. lying entirely in the Northern Hemisphere, the mainland extends measuring 3214 km from the north to the south between extreme latitudes and about 2933 km from east to west between extreme longitudes.
  • It has a land frontier of about 15200 km.
  • India is situated north of the Equator between 8°4' and 37°6' north latitude and 68°7' and 97°25' east longitude and is surrounded by the Bay of Bengal in the East, the Arabian Sea in the West and the Indian Ocean to the South.
  • more...

  Important lakes in India  
Lakes Name State
Kolleru Lake, Pulicat Lake more...
  Important Rivers of India  
Name Origin From Fall into more...
  • India holds the second position in the world in agricultural production.
  Salient features of agriculture in India
  • Subsistence Agriculture: Usually the farmers, along with their family members, grow crops in their small plot of land.
  • Pressure of Population on Agriculture The population in lndia is increasing at a high rate and this puts pressure on the agriculture sector Agriculture has to provide food and employment to large sections of the society.
  • Dependency upon Monsoon Agriculture in India mainly depends upon monsoon, which is unreliable, uncertain and irregular
  • Variety of Crops: India experiences both tropical and temperate climate and therefore supports the cultivation of crops suitable for both these climates.
  • Predominance of Food Crops Farming is practised in almost every part more...

  •   Mineral Resources  
    Aluminium                                   -              Kerala Antimony                                     -              Antimony deposits are found in Punjab and Karnataka. Asbestos                                       -              Karnataka and Rajasthan. Barytes (Barium Sulphate)           -              Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Manbhum and Singhbhum                                                                     districts of Jharkhand. Bauxite                                    -           Ranchi and Palamau districts of Jharkhand, Belgaum, Jharia              and Thana districts of Maharashtra, Balaghat, Jabalpur,                                                        Mandya and Bilaspur districts of Chhattisgarh. Beryllium Sands                           -               Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Kashmir and Bihar. Cement                                        -                Katni (M.P), Lakheri (Rajasthan), Jabalpur (M.P.), Guntur                                                         (Andhra Pradesh), Jhinikapani (Singhbhum district of                                                         Jharkhand), Surajpur (Haryana). China Clay                                   -                Rajmahal Hills, Singhbhum (district of Jharkhand), Kerala. Chromite                                      -                Singhbhum and Bhagalpur (Jharkhand), Ratnagiri,                                                      Salem (Tamil Nadu), Karnataka, Keonjhar (Odisha),Ladakh                            (Kashmir).                                  Coal                                             -                Raniganj (West Bengal), Jharia, more...
      World Geography (Asia)  
    • Largest of all continents.
    • Stretches from 10°S and 8°N latitude l: and 25°E to 170°W longitude.
    • World's highest point- Everest.
    • World's lowest point- Dead Sea.
    • Important Mountains - Himalayas, Karakoram, Kunlun Tienshan, Altai, Elbruz, Sulaiman, Zagros, Urals, Yablonovy, Hindukush.
    • Important Lakes: Lake Baikal Onega, Ladoga and Peipus in Russia, Lake Akan, Mashu, Bima, Shikotsu in Japan, Qinghai and Khanka in China, Dal, Chilka, Vembanad, Pulicat and Sukhna in India, Lake Matano and Toba in Indonesia, etc.
    • Important Plateaus:    Anatolia plateau, Plateau of Iran, Arabia, Tibet, Tarim Basin, Mongolia, Deccan, etc.
    • Rivers: Salween, Hwang-Ho, Amur, Ganga, Indus, Brahmaputra, Mekong, Yangtse, Si-Kiang, Lena, Ob, Irrawady.
    • Deserts: Gobi, Taklamakan, Ordos, Karakum, Kyzyl kum, Thar, Dash-e-Lut, Dash-e-kavir.


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