6th Class

Judging Logic of Action

Category : 6th Class


Judging Logic of Action


In this topic, we will learn to arrange sentences, actions in a logical order.


·                     Example 1


Arrange A, B, C and D in logical order to find out the correct order of actions:


A: Ernest Rutherford was the son of a Scot emigrant in New Zealand. His parents had 12 children, of whom Ernest was the fourth. His education was in a state primary school from the age of 15 where children could get grants of scholarships to secondary schools and to the universities.


B: Rutherford had no intention of following an academic career. He was not a bookworm. He was good in anything rough-and-tumble and a keen football player. But he was good at Latin and he had a passion for 'music and a mechanical bent of mind.


C: At Nelson College, a state boarding school, he was an outstanding pupil, he sat for a scholarship to Canterbury College and this was because his masters expected it of him, and he won it.


D: There, Rutherford as a student was fascinated by Hertz's work on radio weaves and he began to conduct his own experiments in the clock room of the college, where the students, hung their gowns.


Select the correct answer from the given options:

(a) ABDC                      (b) DCAB

(c) ABCD                        (d) BACD

(e) None of these

Ans.     (c)


·                     Example 2


Arrange A, B, C and D in order to logically to find out the correct order of actions:

A: There are two ways of avoiding fear. One is by persuading ourselves that we are immune from disaster, and the other is by the practice of sheer courage. The latter is difficult, and for everybody it becomes impossible at a certain point.


B: The former has, therefore, always been more popular. Primitive magic has the purpose of securing safety, either by injuring enemies or by protecting oneself by talismans, spells or incantations.


C: Without any essential change, belief in such ways of avoiding danger survived throughout the many centuries of Babylonian civilisation, spread from Babylon throughout the Empire of Alexander and was acquired by the Romans in the course of their absorption of Hellenistic culture.


D: From the Romans it descended to medieval Christendom and Islam. Science has now lessened the belief in magic, but many people place more faith in mascots than they are willing to avow, and sorcery, while condemned by the Church, is still officially a possible sin.


Select the correct answer from the given options.

(a) ABDC                      (b) ABCD

(c) ACDB                       (d) BACD

(e) None of these

Ans.     (b)



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