6th Class

Judging Completeness of Process

Category : 6th Class


Judging Completeness of Process


·                     Example 1


Below, you can see a set of instructions for using a pipette to measure a required amount of water. Complete the following paragraph which describes how a pipette is used.


1.            Take a pipette and dip the nozzle into water in a vessel.


2.            Suck out the air through the other end.


3.            When the water rises to the mark on the pipette, cover its upper end and take the pipette out.


4.            Then empty the water in the pipette into a breaker. A pipette is taken and the nozzle is dipped into water.


·                     Example 2


Below, you can see a set of instructions for filling a pen. Complete the following paragraph which describes how a pen is filled.


1.            Remove the cap and hold the pen in the left hand.


2.            Dip it into the inkpot.


3.            Catch the ink-filler pin in the right hand and pull.


4.            Leave it to move back to its original position.


5.            Bring the pen out and check if the ink has been filled



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