3rd Class

Story Construction

Category : 3rd Class

Story Construction


The process of step-wise arrangement of the ideas, acts and occurrences which gives us some moral or idea is called a story. The main parts of a story are:


(i) Heading


(ii) Plot


(iii) Moral


Some stories are given below:


Story - 1: Unity is Strength


A poor farmer had four sons. They did not help their father in the field. They always quarrelled among themselves. The farmer was unhappy. He tried to set them right, but in vain.

The farmer was always sad. He fell ill. His end was near. He wanted to unite his sons. He thought of a plan. He called his sons. He gave them a bundle of sticks. He asked them to break it. Each tried to break the bundle but failed.

The father then untied the bundle. The sons broke the sticks easily. At this the father said, "Be united like the bundle. If you are united none will harm you." The sons learnt a lesson. They never quarrelled again.

Moral: United we stand, divided we fall.


Story - 2: The Hidden Treasure


There was an old farmer. He had four lazy sons. Before dying he wanted to teach his sons the value of hard work. He called his sons to his bed-side. He said, "Dear sons, long ago my father gave me a box full of gold coins. For fear of robbers, I buried it in the fields. I want you to dig it out after my death and lead a happy life."

After a few days, the farmer passed away. The sons went to fields with spades and pick- axes. They dug every inch of the ground. But no treasure was found. A passerby asked them to sow wheat. The sons did so. They reaped a rich harvest that year. They realized that the real treasure was in hard work. This was what their father wanted to teach them.

Moral: Hard work is the real treasure.


Story - 3: Two Friends and the Bear


Mohan and Sohan were friends. They lived in a village. Mohan was true and loyal but Sohan was selfish.

One day they set out on a long journey their way lay through a thick forest. As they were passing through it, they saw a bear. It was coming towards them. Sohan at once climbed up a nearby tree. He was now safe. Mohan did not know how to climb a tree. But he did not lose his presence of mind. He had heard that the bear did not eat the dead.

So he lay down on the ground and held his breath.

The bear came. It sniffed Mohan and took him for a dead man. So it went away. Now Sohan got down the tree. He said to Mohan, "What did the bear say in your ear?" Mohan replied, "The bear advised me not to trust a false friend." Sohan felt ashamed.

Moral: A friend in need is a friend indeed.


Story - 4: Good out of Evil


Once there lived a merchant in a village. One day he earned a lot of money and was returning home. His way lay through a thick forest. The forest was infested with robbers, so he was in a hurry. He had not gone very far when it began to rain. He was drenched to the skin. He grew angry and cursed God for the untimely rain and bad weather. As he was doing so, he came across a robber with a loaded pistol in his hand. Pointing the pistol towards the merchant, the robber said, "your life or your money!" The merchant did not lose heart and kept his presence of mind. He began to run as fast as he could. The robber gave him a hot chase.

Soon the robber overtook the merchant. He aimed at him with his pistol and pulled the trigger. The gunpowder had become wet due to heavy rain, so the pistol did not go off. The merchant escaped unhurt. Then he thanked God for rain and bad weather. He concluded that his safety was due to the rain and said, "Sometimes good comes out of evil."

Moral: God does everything for our good.


Story - 5: The Farm Dog and the Wolf


Once there was a wolf. He came to a farm. He met the farm dog. The dog was quite healthy. The wolf was thin. The wolf asked him the secret of his health. The dog replied that he kept watch over the farm and his master fed him well. The dog advised him, "Do honest work, master will feed you well." The wolf agreed.

The wolf noticed some marks round the dog's neck. He asked the dog about it. The dog replied that during the day he had to wear the chain round his neck. The wolf was shocked to hear this. He said, "I would rather be free and starve than be a slave to anybody."

Moral: Better be hungry than in chains.


Story - 6: The Hare and the Lion


A lion lived in a forest. He was the king of the animals. He killed many animals. The animals were in terror. They held a meeting. An old hare stood up. He was wise. He suggested a plan. All the animals went to the lion. The animals told him that they will send one animal every day. The lion agreed.

Everyday a new animal was sent to lion. The lion fed on the animal. One day it was a hare's turn. He reached the lion late. The lion was angry. He asked him why he came late. The hare said that another lion had held him on the way. The lion told him to show the other lion. The hare led him to a deep well. The lion looked into the well and saw his own image in the water. He took his image for another lion. He at once jumped into the well and died. All the animals were happy.

Moral: Brain is mightier than brawn.      



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