3rd Class

Short Paragraph Construction

Category : 3rd Class

Short Paragraph Construction


Paragraph: Paragraph is a small unit of composition. It is a group of sentences which describes only one theme.

Some paragraphs are given below:


My Mother


It is very well said in Vedas that "A mother holds the same place as God". She is the symbol of kindness. She loves her child selflessly. She is the first teacher. She shapes the overall personality of the child. My mother is the most precious gift that God has given me. Whenever 1 return from school her sweetest greeting helps me forget all the problems I had to face throughout the day. She takes care of my smallest requirements. She teaches me to face all types of challenges of lite. I cannot imagine my world without my mother.


My school


My school is situated very near to my house. It is a very big school. It is red in colour. It has a big ground play where we play games. It has 3 science laboratories, 2 computer practical rooms and a big library. The library houses have many informative books. Apart from this my school has a big auditorium. Generally, all the school functions are held in this auditorium. My school has lots of open spaces and it is always busting with life. I love my school very much.


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