1st Class

AMAZING FACTS Most of the people believe that Monday is the first day of the week. Whereas it is not Monday but Sunday that is that first day of the week.     LEARNING OBJECTIVES
  • This lesson will help you to
  • learn the terms of daily usage
  • learn the rules of grammar
  • make sentences using various rules of grammar.
  • build confidence about the language  
  QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW When we use .any language there are certain terms that have to be used to make it meaningful. Two words should come in harmony to make a meaningful sentence. We cannot use any word for any particular term. When we speak or write we should be clear enough to tell the other person more...

Remember There are certain titles that remain neutral. They do not change. For example chairperson, principal     Amazing facts The word woman comes eastern wyfman broken down to mean wife of a man.     LEARNING OBJECTIVES          This lesson -will help you to ?
  • differentiate between different types of gender
  • understand the concept of singular and plural  
  Quick concept review Gender The concept of gender refers to the concept of masculine meaning related to man or boy or male and feminine related to female or woman or a girl. For example     Mother, Aunty, Sister, Madam, Queen. Father, Uncle, Brother, Sir, King.     Gender names of some animals more...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to
  • Recognize word pairs.
  • Take out the odd thing out of the other similar things.  
  QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW Word Pairs The concept of word pairs means that we form word pairs between things that go together and things that are opposite. Like bread and butter, and opposite pair of life and death. It helps a child to develop his thinking and draw connections between things. When you solve word pair puzzle, your aim should be to find a word that completes the pair. Like for example for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Action and reaction form word pairs.     MOST COMMON WORD PAIRS ARE more...
LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to
  • Learn about animals and their babies.
  • Learn about animal shelter and their sounds.  
  Playtime One of you can make the sounds of different animals and other person has to guess the name. One who is able to guess the maximum number of animals sounds will be the winner.   QUICK CONCEPT REVEIW As we all know that we as human beings call our in fants babies. They are not called by different names. But in the case of animals their babies are called by different names. For example a lion's baby is called a cub, a cat's baby is called a kitten, and soon.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES   This lesson will help you to
  • Learn about opposite words
  • Use the opposites in your sentences  
  Amazing facts The words antonym comes from Greek. It means ?ant? means opposite and onym means names. It means opposite names.     Playtime    You can play a game with your friends. In this game one of you will do some action the other person has to guess the opposite of that word or action.     QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW Antonyms means opposites. Opposites mean one or two things which are completely different. For example   When more...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES This Lesson will help you to
  • understand the meanings of words
  • understand the synonyms of words
  • understand homonyms and rhyming words.
  Play Time You can play a game on rhyming words. One person will speak a meaning word and the rest will speak words rhyming with it. Remember all the words must have a meaning. One who is not able to speak on his turn will be out.     QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW SYNONYMS: synonyms are words that are simile in meaning. You can replace one word for the other. Like for example Start/Begin. You can either write I have to start my work or I have to begin my work. Sad/unhappy. You can write- I was sad more...

Articles *-answer-* Amazing facts                 The starting letter does not matter. What matters is the sound. For example in hour H sounds as a vowel sound so an is used before it.   LEARNING OBJECTIVES                 This lesson will help you to
  • Understand articles
  • Use articles like a, an, the in proper places.
  QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW                 As you all know there are 26 alphabets in all. Out of these a, e, I, o, u are vowels and the rest are called consonants.                 A is used before the words that start with a                 Consonant sound. For example. A girl, a mouse, achair, a book, a pen, a bird.                                        AN is used before words more...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES                This lesson will help you to        
  • understand what prepositions are        
  • use correct prepositions in your sentences.  
  Remember Whenever you use a preposition at the start of the sentence, always put a comma so that the sentence makes sense. Like for example, after he left, I hurried for work.     Playtime Hide and seek you can play game where in one of you hides may be under the table, or behind the sofa or curtain and speak oney the preposition which can?t tell your position like behind. And the other person will look for you at those places only.     QUICK CONCEPT REVEIW                Prepositions are also called Where words. They are the words that tell us the place or position of the noun. Prepositions are the words that are used with a noun, pronoun or more...

LERNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to ·  
  • Understand adjectives as describing words ·  
  • Use adjectives to describe a noun.  
  Playtime You can call out any naming word and the other person has to tell a few words about that thing more than its name. Person who speaks up the highest number of describing words is the winner.     QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW Adjectives are also called describing words. They tell us something more about a naming word. They B tell us the kind of, the number of or how many or the colour of persons, places, animals, birds or things. For example look at the following sentences     more...

Remember Action words are all 'ing' words. Like sitting standing.   LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to
  • know About Verbs or action words.  
  • recognize verbs in a sentence. ·     
  • Use of verbs in correct manner.
    DEFINITION Verbs are action words or doing words. They tell us about the actions done by nouns. Without the correct use of verbs, the sentence remains incomplete. For Example- Look at the sentence below. My mother clothes. Does it sound correct? No, it does not make it clear as to what the mother is doing with clothes. Now let's write my mother washes clothes. This sentence makes clear that the mother is washing clothes.     QUICK CONCEPT REVEIW Verbs are also known as action words or Doing words. These words tell us about any action that is more...


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