The mole concept

Category : NEET


The Mole Concept


The mole (abbreviated as mol) is the SI base unit for a amount of a chemical species. It is always associated with a chemical formula and refers to Avogadro’s number (\[6.022\times {{10}^{23}}\]) of particles represented by the formula. It is designated as \[{{N}_{0}}\]. Thus, 12 molecules of \[HCl\] is a dozen, 144 molecules of \[HCl\] is a gross and \[6.022\times {{10}^{23}}\] molecules of \[HCl\] is a mole.







1 mole of a substance = \[6.022\times {{10}^{23}}\] species

            The molar mass of a substance is the mass in grams of 1 mole of that substance.

\[\text{Mole of a substance }=\frac{\text{mass in grams}}{\text{molar mass}}\]

            Under STP conditions when temperature is 273K and pressure is 1 atm, volume of one mole of an ideal gas is 22.4L




Example: 7       The number of gram molecules of oxygen in \[6.02\times {{10}^{24}}CO\] molecules is       [IIT 1990]

(a) 10 gm molecules        (b) 5 gm molecules          (c) 1 gm molecules          (d) 0.5 gm molecules 

Solution: (b)     \[6.02\times {{10}^{23}}\] molecules = 1 mole of \[CO\]

                                     \[\therefore \] \[6.02\times {{10}^{24}}\] CO molecules = 10 moles of CO

                                    = 10 gms of Oxygen atom =5 gm molecules of \[{{O}_{2}}\]

 Example: 8          1 c.c of \[{{N}_{2}}O\] at NTP contains :         [CBSE PMT 1988]

(a) \[\frac{1.8}{224}\times {{10}^{22}}\] atoms (b) \[\frac{6.02}{22400}\times {{10}^{23}}\] molecules (c) \[\frac{1.32}{224}\times {{10}^{23}}\] electrons (d) All the above 

Solution: (d)     22400 c.c. = \[6.02\times {{10}^{23}}\] molecules

                                    1 c.c. of \[{{N}_{2}}O=\frac{6.02\times {{10}^{23}}}{22400}\] molecules

                                    \[=\frac{3\times 6.02\times {{10}^{23}}}{22400}\] atoms (Since \[{{N}_{2}}O\] has three atoms)

                                    \[=\frac{6.02\times {{10}^{23}}}{22400}\times 22\] electron  (Because number of electrons in \[{{N}_{2}}O\] are 22)

 Example: 9       The mass of carbon present in 0.5 mole of \[{{K}_{4}}[Fe{{(CN)}_{6}}]\] is 

(a) \[1.8\ g\]       (b) \[18\ g\]        (c) \[3.6\ g\]        (d) \[36\ g\]

Solution: (d)     1 mole of \[{{K}_{4}}[Fe{{(CN)}_{6}}]\]=\[6\ gm\] atoms of carbon

                                    \[0.5\] mole of \[{{K}_{4}}[Fe{{(CN)}_{6}}]\]\[=\ 3\ gm\] atoms of carbon

                                    \[=3\times 12=36\ g\]

Example: 10     The number of moles of oxygen in one litre of air containing 21% oxygen by volume under standard conditions is  [CBSE PMT 1995]

(a) 0.186 mole                (b) 0.21 mole     (c) 0.0093 mole              (d) 2.10 mole

Solution: (c)     \[\because \] 100 ml of air at STP contains 21 ml of \[{{O}_{2.}}\]

\[\therefore \] 1000 ml of air at STP contains 210 ml of \[{{O}_{2.}}\]

\[\therefore \] No. of moles of \[{{O}_{2}}\] = \[\frac{\text{Vol}\text{. of }{{O}_{2}}\,\text{in litres under}\,\text{ STP conditions }}{22.4\,\text{litre}}\] =\[\frac{210/1000}{22.4}\,=\,\frac{21}{2240}\] =  0.0093 mole

 Example: 11     The number of moles of \[BaC{{O}_{3}}\,\]which contains 1.5 moles of oxygen atoms is [EAMCET 1991]

(a) 0.5               (b) 1      (c) 3      (d) 6.02 \[\times \]1023

Solution: (a)                 \[\because \] 1 mole of \[BaC{{O}_{3}}\]contains 3 moles of oxygen atoms.

                                                \[\therefore \]\[\frac{1}{2}\] mole  (0.5) of \[BaC{{O}_{3}}\] contains 1.5 moles of oxygen atoms.  







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