6th Class

Motion and Measurement of Distances

Category : 6th Class


Motion and Measurement of Distances





  • Different modes of transport are used to go from one place to another.


  • In ancient times, people used the length of a foot, the width of a finger, the distance of a step as units of measurement. This caused variation and inaccuracy and a need to develop a uniform system of measurement arose.


  •  Now, the International System of Units (S.I. unit) is followed all over the world.


  • A unit is a standardized quantity of a physical property, used as a factor to express quantities of that property.


  •  A standard unit is the measurement value which remains the same even when it is measured by anybody at any place.


  • The standard units of length are millimetre (mm), centimetre (cm), metre (m) and kilometer (km).


  • The following is the relationship between the units.

\[10\text{ }mm=1\text{ }cm\]

\[100\,\,cm=1\text{ }m\]

\[1000\text{ }m=1\text{ }km\]





  • The correct technique of measuring length is the eye being directly in line with the other end of the object as shown in the adjacent figure.


  •  A thread or string and a ruler are used for measuring the length of a curved line and the circumference of a ball.


Types of motion

  •   Motion in a straight line is called rectilinear motion.


  • A man walking and the motion of a cycle, a bus and that of a car on a straight path are all in translatory motion.
  • If the motions of points or parts of an object are along a circular path instead of a straight line path/then the motion of the body is said to be in rotatory motion.


  • The to and fro motions of an object about a fixed point is called oscillatory motion.


  • Oscillatory motion which is very fast to begin with and soon slows down and comes to rest is called vibratory motion.






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