5th Class


Category : 5th Class


A verb is a word which indicates an action in present, past or future tense as performed by a subject or acted upon an object.

Object of a verb

Look at the following sentences and the questions that follow:

1.          Ruchi likes ice-cream.

What does Ruchi like? (ice-cream)

We say "ice-cream" is the object of the verb "likes.

2.          Monu wastes money?

What does Monu waste? (money)

"Money" is the object of the verb "wastes."

3.          I love Rakesh.

Whom do I love? (Rakesh)

"Rakesh" is the object of the verb "love."

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Transitive verb

A verb that requires an object to complete its sense is called a Transitive Verb.

For example:

(a) Sania eats an apple.   

(b) Peter flies a kite.

(c) He speaks English.

Intransitive verb

A verb that does not require an object to make sense but makes good sense by itself is

Called an Intransitive Verb.

For example:

(a) Mohan walked.                       

(b) Mary laughed.

(c) The child cried.

Incomplete verbs

(a) John is                                 

(b) Aim seems               

(c) The father appears

These verbs do not make complete sense by themselves. They need some words to complete the sense.

For example:

(a) John is sad.

(b) Ami seems happy

(c) The father appears pleased.

The verbs in these sentences do not express an action and do not show possession. We call them incomplete verbs. The word added to them to complete the meaning and to from a complete predicate is called complement to the verb.

Subject-Verb Agreement

A singular subject takes a singular subject and a plural subject takes a plural verb. Example:  The pen is on the desk.

In case of 'either/or, neither/nor' the verb agrees with the noun or pronoun closet to it.

Example:  Neither Lily nor Andrew is coming.

A plural verb is used with two or more subjects connected by 'and?

Example; Red and black are my favourite colours.

The verb might be singular or plural in case of collective nouns, depending upon the of the sentence.

Example: My family has arrived.

The families have come.

Modal Verbs  

Modal verb are special verb which are used differently than the normal verb.

  •                       They do not take's' in the person.

Example: he can speak English.

  •                     'NOT' is used to make them negative.

Example: you should not be them.

  •                       Many modal verb cannot be used in the past or future tenses. 

Example: She will can go with them.

She will can go with them.

She can go with them.

Common Modal Verbs-

Shall, will, should, would, can, ought to could, may, might, must.



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