4th Class

Arithmetic Reasoning

Category : 4th Class


Arithmetic Reasoning






·         This test measures student?s ability?s ability to perform basic arithmetic operations and to solve problems that involve fundamental arithmetic concepts. 






Arithmetic reasoning focuses on word problems and delivers mathematical questions and equations in a format that must be synthesized.






1.            After buying 2 erasers at Rs. 10 each, Akram has Rs. 3 left. How much amount did he have at first?

(a) 20                           (b) 22          

(c) 23                           (d) 26


Ans.    (c)


Cost of one eraser = Rs. 10

Cost of two erasers = \[10\times 2=20\]

                            = Rs. 20

After buying 2 erasers Akram has left = Rs. 3

Total amount first he had = 20 + 3 = 23



2.            Sania has 12 chocolates. Suraj has one fourth as many chocolates as Sania. Ridhima has 8 more chocolates than Suraj. How many total chocolates are there?

(a) 12                           (b) 14           

(c) 26                           (d) 28


Ans.   (c)


Total number of chocolates Sania has = 12

Suraj has \[=12\times 1/4=3\]

Ridhima has = 3 + 8 = 11

Total chocolates =12+3+11= 26



3.            One pan can fry 2 pieces of meat at one time. Every piece of meat takes two minutes to be cooked (one minute for each side). Using only one pan, what is the least possible time to cook 1000 pieces of meat?

(a) 1000 minutes         (b) 1500 minutes

(c) 2000 minutes          (d) 2500 minutes


Ans.    (a)


One pan can fry at one time = 2 pieces of meat

Every piece of meat takes time = 2 minutes

Possible time to cook 1000 pieces = \[1000\times 2=2000\] minute

but 2 pieces can be fried at one time = 2000/2 = 1000 minutes



4.            Manav wrote the number sentences below,

\[20=\times 4\]

\[\times \$=15\]

The value of\[\]is the same in both the sentences. Both of Manav's number sentences are true. What is the value of $?

(a) 1                             (b) 2           

(c) 3                             (d) 5


Ans.    (c)


Value of \[\] is = 5

Value of $ is =3

20 = \[\times 4\]

\[\times 3=15\]




5.            Mr. Kapoor brought 5 oranges to a picnic. All the oranges were cut into halves. Each person ate one half of an orange and there were no oranges left over. How many people ate oranges?

(a) 5                             (b) 7           

(c) 8                             (d) 10

Ans.    (d)


Total oranges = 5

Pieces of oranges after cut into halves = \[5\times 2=10\]

Hence, 10 people ate oranges.


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