3rd Class

Natural Resources

Category : 3rd Class

Natural Resources


Nature gives us many things: For example, forest, sun, wind, water, minerals, land, etc. The things that we get from nature are called natural resources. Natural resources are classified into:

(i) Renewable resources

(ii) Non renewable resources


Renewable Resources

Renewable resources are those resources, which we can use repeatedly. For example, trees, soil, solar power, wind power, etc.

On the basis of the origin of these resources, they can be classified into:


Biotic: The resources that we derive from living organisms. For example, tree.

Abiotic: The resources that we derive from non-living things. For example, land, water, air, etc.


Non Renewable Resources

Non-renewable resources cannot be regenerated. Oil, coal, natural gas, etc are some examples of non-renewable resources.

Below given are some important natural resources:



Forests are renewable natural resources. They attract rain and prevent floods. They conserve soil by replenishing the minerals and give oxygen to the atmosphere.


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The sun provides light and warmth to the earth. Plants make their own food only in the presence of sunlight. The solar energy from the sun can be used as renewable source of energy for lightening of streets, cooking food and for many other purposes.


Image result for SUN

Solar Energy



Wind is an important natural resource. It is utilised as a renewable source of energy. Many wind mills have been set up all over the world to utilise wind energy.



Wind energy used in wide mill


Water is essential for the existence of animals and plants. Energy of flowing water can be used for generating hydroelectric power.

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Hydroelectric water



Mineral is a natural resource that is hidden under the earth. Gold, silver, iron, copper, are few examples of minerals.


Related image                            Image result for silver in mineral form

Gold in mineral form                           Silver in mineral form



Land is the most important natural resource. All plants and vegetables grow on land.


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