3rd Class

Mirror Images

Category : 3rd Class


Mirror Images






·         Students will learn how different objects are soon when they get reflected in mirror.






The image obtained by putting a mirror in front of the real image is known as mirror image or mirror reflection. The right side of an object appears on the left side and the left side of an object appears on the right side. Phenomenon of

Getting a letter inverted in its mirror image is called the lateral inversion. It is obtained by inverting an object laterally. If we combine the original figure and mirror image together, they form symmetry. Now look at these figures:



If we combine both the figures (a) and (b), we get a new figure in shape of the heart.




Mirror Images of Capital Letters




Note- The letters which have the mirror images same as their original form are -




Mirror images of small letters


Note- The letters which have the mirror images same as their original form are - i, 1, o, v, w, x



Mirror images of Numbers


Note- 0 and 8 numbers have the mirror images. Same as their original form.




Types of Mirror Images



Type I: Letter/Number Images

Here, we are given a combination of letters/words/numbers.

We have to find their mirror images out of the given alternatives.



Direction (Examples 1 & 2): In each of the following questions, you are given a combination of alphabets and/ or numbers followed by four alternatives (a), (b), (c), and (d). Choose the alternative which most closely resembles the mirror image of the given combination.



Example - 1


(a)               (b)

(c)             (d)



Ans. (d)

If we put a mirror in front of the word, we will get the image like



Example - 2


(a)              (b)

(c)               (d)


Ans. (b)

If we put mirror in front of the number, we will get the image like



Type II: Geometrical linages


In these types of questions, we deal with figures taking defined geometrical shapes.



Example - 3

In the following question, choose the correct mirror image of the figure (X) from alternatives (a), (b), (c) and (d).

(a)              (b)

(c)               (d)


Ans. (c)

Here, mirror is taken vertically to right side. Hence, mirror image of figure (X) will be like




Example - 4

What will be the mirror image of clock time 3:40?

(a)       (b)

(c)       (d)



Ans. (b)




Example - 5

What will be the mirror image of given figure (X)?

(a)       (b)

(c)       (d)


Ans. (c)

If we put mirror in front of the figure (X), we will get the image like


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