Current Affairs Essays

My uncle lives in Mumbai. He is a big police officer there. Once he promised me to take me to Mumbai by air. But for long he could not fulfil his promise. It was because his duties were so strict that he could not visit us in Delhi for quite some time. Last week, he had to come to Delhi in connection with some criminal case. He had also to go back hurriedly. But he remembered his promise and took me along with him. As we reached the airport, soon we heard the announcement asking us to board the Boeing-21 by which we had to travel. We climbed up the stairs and entered the aeroplane. We took our seats. My uncle asked me to fasten the safety belt. I did so. Soon, the aeroplane made a deafening sound. Its wings began to rotate. At first the rotation was slow but within a few moments it became horribly fast. The plane began to run on the tarmac. Suddenly, it moved upwards. Quickly, it reached high up in the sky and seemed to be touching the clouds. I looked downwards through the window. The" houses seemed like small models. The men and animals looked like ants. The rivers and canals seemed to be thread-like streaks. Within a few hours it was announced that we had reached the sky over Mumbai. Now, the aeroplane started downward movement. It was landing. It reached the airport and began to run on the tarmac. The movement of its wings became slower and slower till finally it came to an end. As the plane was now standing motionless on the tarmac, we came out of it as other passengers did. Our luggage was checked by the customs people and then we were allowed to go. Indeed, I can never forget this first flight by an aeroplane.        

The lion is a wild animal. It is our national animal. It belongs to the species of the tiger, the leopard and the wolf. He is the strongest beast. So he is called the king of the jungle. It belongs to the cat family. It lives in the forest. We can also see it in zoo. It walks very royal speed. If is a very strong and brave animal. The lion has strong jaws and paws. It has very sharp teeth. Its neck is covered with thick hair. The lion lives for about sixty years. Lions are kept in the zoos in iron cages. They are very dangerous. But there is some nobleness in them. A she-lion is called lioness. They are generally reddish-brown or golden in colour. It is a fearless animal. He kills the animals only when he is hungry. They hunt zebras, deer and buffaloes. It roars very loudly.

Last Sunday I experienced one of the worst incidents in my life. My dog Tiger and I had gone for a walk to the garden in the morning. It was a bright sunny day and the garden was full of joggers and old people who are regular sights at the garden. There were children who were busy playing various outdoor games and some loners were sitting under trees or close to the tombs and meditating. Tiger and I decided to race each other in the garden. We set a point and started running. I was so busy trying to reach the "finish" point that I lost sight of Tiger who did not quite comprehend where he had to go. He suddenly disappeared behind a bush. I rushed to the spot where I last saw him but to my despair I could not find him anywhere behind the bush. I ran all around the place looking behind trees and in the bushes but I couldn't spot Tiger anywhere. There were a few boys in the garden who were playing cricket. They saw my state of panic and asked me what the problem was when I told them that I had lost my doy, they were extremely sympathetic and immediately came to my assistance. They formed groups and we sent out a search party to locate Tiger. We looked in the tombs, we searched practically every patch of land but to no avail. Finally I lost hope and was absolutely dejected. I decided to go home and lodge a complaint with the police and seek their help. My heart was heavy and my eyes filled with tears. Soon they started rolling down my face and I kept wondering what Tiger's fate might be. As I approached my house I saw a familiar figure huddled under the car which was parked outside the house. I looked carefully and to my delight and relief I found that it was Tiger who had lost his way but had been clever enough to trace his way back home. Tiger licked my face and hands and we both went back into the house feeling happy once again.  

Sometimes, parents advise their children not to play with bad boys. Who are those bad boys whose company is desired to be shunned? They are, actually just children as all other children. Only they have bad manners. In other words, they don't observe good manners or they don't know what good manners are. Maybe, they haven't been guided properly by their parents or guardians or they are so headstrong that they haven't learnt to do any good in life nor perhaps they have any inclination to do so. If good manners are so important, then, of course, they must be learnt and followed. Good manners sometimes overlap with good habits. Such are rising early in the morning, brushing one's teeth, having a regular bath, putting on neat and clean clothes, polishing one's shoes daily, going to school regularly and punctually, having meals at regular times, not talking while eating, obeying and respecting teachers, parents and elders, reading good books, doing homework regularly, etc. There is a sort of courtesy which the society expects from us. For instance, if we make frequent but proper use of such words and expressions as 'Please', 'Excuse me', 'Thank you', etc. we lose nothing. These words and expressions cost nothing. We gain a lot in the esteem of others. Others also feel happier. We should always talk in a polite language. We should never be angry nor ever call anybody names whatever the provocation. We should be truthful and candid but not blunt. We should not hurt anybody's sentiments. We should never be dishonest or deceitful. We should never say anything irreligious, immoral, unpatriotic, unsocial, irritating or the like.  

My mother is a kind lady. She is very good in her behaviour. Everybody in the family likes her. She has many qualities of head and heart. She is highly educated and intelligent. She is very hard-working, kind, caring and loving. Her love for us has no limits. She is a housewife and ever busy. She gets up earlier than others and goes to bed last of all. She cooks food, washes our clothes, looks after our every need and comfort. She enjoys serving us. Sometimes, I feel sorry for her and help her in her work in my own humble way. Her love and care are a great source of inspiration to me. They help me in keeping good health and be cheerful. It is because of her that I am so good at studies. If I am ill, she would leave no stone unturned to look after me till I get well and healthy. She prepares many delicious dishes for us. We can never forget her service and sacrifices. She is really great, wonderful, loving and kind. If my mother falls ill, there is disorder in the house. Everybody is then ill at ease. It is like a disaster for all of us. We always pray for her health and happiness. My mother is really a jewel.

India is the land of distinct culture and colourful festivals. Each festival in India has its own meaning and purpose of  celebration. The festival of Dussehra has a religious-historical meaning and inherent values. It is celebrated on Danshvi (10th day) of lunar month.   According to the great Indian epic, Ramayana, Ravana was a great scholar but a demon. He was the king of Lanka. He was killed on this day by Rama.  Bengalis believe that Durga came on the earth on this day. The meaning of Durga is victory of good over evil. We celebrate Dussehra so that our evils are destroyed and goodness triumphs. It connotes ten evils, which man should conquer as Duss' means ten and 'hara' means defeat.   Dussehra is celebrated in all the part of India with joy and fervour. The effigies of the demon kings, Ravana, Kumbhkarna and Meghnath are burnt. The play of Ramayana are staged and fairs are arranged all over the country. People feast and distribute sweets. The children wear new clothes and get toys and sweet.   In some communities on this day, sisters put a tilak on their brother's forehead. They pray for their welfare. Businessmen worship their account books on this day. Dussehra not only brings joy but also inspires us to win over our bad instincts by good deeds and pious thoughts.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel belongs to that category of heroes that would do  honour to any country known to history. While his achievements will be a source of inspiration, his services to the nation will be remembered in the times to come with gratitude. Sardar Patel was born on 21st October, 1875, in Karamsad village in Gujrat district. His father Jhver Bhai Patel was a poor peasant, but was bold and patriotic to the core of his heart. His father fought in the army of Rani Lakshmi Bai of Jhansi against the British Government in the First War of Independence, 1857.   Jhver Bhai Patel had two sons Vithalbhai Patel and Vallabhbhai Patel. Both the brothers had exceptional grit and brilliance which helped them achieve extraordinary heights in their careers. The elder'brother Vithalbhai Patel rose to be the presiding officer of the Central Legislative Assembly - the office that he held with great tact and dignity while the younger brother Vallabhbhai Patel rose to be the Deputy Prime Minister of independent India.   Sardar Patel had his primary education In his village. Later on he went to Nadiad and then to Baroda to continue his education. Even as a school child he showed extraordinary fearlessness and will power. Once he fell ill and had a boil near his eye. The village 'vaid' told him to touch the boil with burning hot iron to cure it. When the other person was hesitating to do so, Vallabhbhai took the red hot iron in his own hands and put it on the boil in a jiffy to the amazement of the on lookers.   Vallabhbhai saved money to go to England to pursue his studies in Law but his elder brother insisted to go first. It was after he had returned that Vallabhbhai went to England and returned as a fully fledged barrister. Later on his hard work and brilliance brought him great name and success as a barrister.   Attracted by the personality and idealogy of Gandhi, he entered politics in 1918. To begin with he was the Secretary to the political Sub-Committee of Provincial Political Conference, which was convened under Gandhiji's guidance. His work brought him great credit and recognition throughout Gujrat.   In those days 'begar' was prevalent in Gujrat. He mobilized public opinion against it, entered into dialogue with the Commissioner and ultimately succeeded in putting an end to this evil. It was his first achievement in public life. Gradually his faith in Gandhiji's methods of truth and non-violence increased and he felt drawn towards Gandhiji and public life.   Sardar Patel tried Gandhian technique of non-violence in Khera district also where the peasants were being compelled by the government to pay the revenue even if the crops had failed. He took up the cause of the peasants and ultimately succeeded in getting the revenue remitted.   Under his leadership strike was organized in Gujrat also along with the rest of the country against Rowlatt Act. It was so successful more...

We are all citizens of India and we are proud of being so, and that's a good idea, but the question is, are we all ideal citizens? It is not easy to be an ideal citizen. An ideal citizen, as the term signifies, has and follows high ideals. What are the important ideals that an ideal citizen observes? Some of them can be noted easily. An ideal citizen is a very useful member of society, not just by virtue of his profession, but also by virtue of his behaviour and attitude to society and country and to his neighbours. Such a citizen does whatever is within his means to further the cause of democracy, security and justice. He casts his own vote and that very honestly only to the party or candidate that he thinks genuinely deserves it. He also encourages others to cast their votes fairly and fearlessly to the candidates of their choice. Such a citizen has a high civic sense. He does not waste water, food products or any kind of energy items such as gas, electricity, etc. An ideal citizen renders yeoman's service in time of need. At the time of natural and national calamities, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, famines, terrorist attacks, riots, war, etc. an ideal citizen not only contributes liberally, but also does all kinds of social work that he can and all that selflessly. An ideal citizen is a true patriot. He does not spread rumours. He is honest in paying his taxes. He is ready to lay down his life for his country, He takes an active part in all national programmes such as literacy drive, pulse polio, malaria eradication, etc,

The postman is a Government servant- He is a very useful and popular person. Everybody knows him well. He is always welcomed, He wears khaki uniform. He has a turban on his head. He has a leather bag. He keeps letters, parcels, and money-orders in it. He has another bag in which he keeps bigger packets and parcels. He can read and write English, Hindi and Urdu well. He works very hard. It may be hot or cold or rain but he has to do his job. He goes to the post office early in the morning. There he sorts the letters and goes from door to door to deliver them. He brings us letter parcels and money-orders. He brings us both good and bad news. He is very gentle and honest He is regular, punctual and trusted person. He speaks gently. He is very careful in doing his duty. He is active and polite. But on festival days, we offer him money and he accepts it gladly. He is a low paid servant. He gets a few holiday. His life is very hard. So his condition is very miserable. He has to cycle long distances in all kinds of weather. He takes much trouble to do his work Therefore, the government should increase his Pay so that he may support his family well. We have every sympathy for him.  

Mahatma Gandhi is called the "Father of the Nation". In the twentieth century, he had been one of the greatest leader of the World. He brought independence to the country. His weapons in this war were unique, namely, truth and non-violence.   Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi was born on 2nd October, 1869 at Porbander in Gujarat. His father was Dewan in Rajkot state. After passing his matriculation in 1887, he went to England to study law. In 1893 he went to South Africa. There he was appalled by pathetic conditions of coloured people and discrimination against the Indians and South Africans. He fought for their rights. He adopted a new method to fight against the British rulers. He practiced peaceful resistance to racial discrimination. His weapons were Satyagrah (Truth) and Ahinsa (non- violence). After winning the battle in South Africa, he returned to India in 1916.   His aim was to bring independence to the country and build it as a self-reliant nation. He started non-violence and non-cooperation movement to achieve the above objectives. He moved the masses with his sincerity, simplicity and sacrifice. Along with many leaders and countrymen, he was sent to the jail several times. Ultimately the Britishers realized that they cannot continue to rule India. They were unable to control the fire of Independence burning in the hearts of the masses. The millions were following the path of Mahatma Gandhi. On his behest, they were ready to lay their lives for the freedom of the country.   In August 1947, the Britishers had to retreat and India was declared as a free country. But unfortunately the country was divided into two nations, India and Pakistan. The scene after the Independence was terrible. There was turmoil, chaos, terror and bloodshed all over. It caused heavy loss of life, character and property on both sides of the manmade border. Gandhi ji was saddened by the communal hatred. He began fast unto death, unless the condition at Neokhail in East Bengal, which was worst affected, was brought under control. Ultimately the peace returned among the Hindus and Muslims.   What Gandhi ji achieves in his life was a miracle. He lived in the hearts of millions of Indians and was respected by all. He laid great emphasis on banishing untouchability, Hindu-Muslim unity, removal of illiteracy, development of cottage and handloom industries, equality to women and development of villages and agriculture. He believed that purity of soul can be brought by sacrifice and service to the poor. He practices what he preached. He dedicated all his life in the upliftment of the poor; He personified the principle of simple living and high thinking. He was very sensitive and understanding. He laid his life for the country.   On 30th January 1948, the world lost a great leader. Mahatma Gandhi was killed by a fanatic, who did not like his way. There was gloom all over the nation. He was cremated at Rajghat in Delhi.   Although he is dead, more...

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