Current Affairs Essays

India has the second largest network of Railways in the world. The accidents are also very common on the railway track. Some accidents take place because of some mechanical failure, but most of them are the result of some human error. Last week I observed a horrible railway accident. It was because of an error committed by the station master. It so happened that I was there at the station in the second class waiting hall. I had to catch a train which was late. So, I was leisurely looking here and there. A goods train was standing at the platform No. 2. Suddenly, it got a jolt and the bogies rushed fast in one direction. At first, I was surprised to see this, as no engine was fastened to the goods train. I along with a large number of other people at once ran towards the platform and what a horrible sight we saw! The station master had given a wrong signal to a fast moving mail train such that it had rammed headlong into the stationary goods train. The mail train virtually ran on the goods train. Its engine and two bogies were, as if riding the hind bogies of the goods train. We learnt that the engine driver of the mail train had lost his life. About two hundred passengers were killed. Many more were injured. The news of the accident spread like wild fire. The people rushed to the spot. The injured were "taken to hospitals. All the passengers were provided with water, milk, food and medicines. Some effective steps for the safety of railway passengers should be taken.

I have a pet named Ruby. It is a beautiful golden fish which I purchased from the Kamla Market. I do not know the kind of this fish, but I like it very much. It is a small one and I keep it in a glass aquarium. It keeps flitting in the water. It so happened that once I was going through the market with my mother. It was a festival day. I had been given the option to purchase anything for myself, within the range of two hundred rupees. Suddenly, my eye fell on the fish which was shining under the light of the fluorescent tube fixed overhead in, the shop. I loved the shining golden fish so much that I asked my mother to buy it for me. Without a moment's hesitation, my mother bought it for me. This is how I came by it. I keep the water in the glass aquarium clean and pure, and change it regularly. Moreover, I put in it only the water which I get purified with the aqua guard. I give only prescribed food to my fish. I buy this specially prepared food from the fish shop and follow all the instructions regarding it. I give the fish only required quantity of food at the prescribed intervals. I do not wish the fish to suffer from over- eating. At the same time, I'm very particular that this sea creature should not languish with malnutrition. After buying this fish I began to feel that it was perhaps too much for this little fish to lead a lonely life for my sake. At first, I decided to go and leave it in some pond or river. I talked to my father. He found a way-out. He brought another fish and then a third fish to live together in this glass aquarium. Now, I don't have just one fish but three fish as my pets.  

Parents do not want their children to idle away their time at home. Instead, they want them to explore their hidden talents, brush up their skills and become more creative. While most of the parents prefer their kids to join coaching for dance, music and painting classes, others want them to take up sports activities like skating, karate and swimming." My most loving father ran from pillar to post to get me a seat for the summer camp in some hi- school in the mega city. He always made it a point to take me with him. As he presented me to the principals of different schools, one after the other, I felt small as if I were an animal for sale or some saleable commodity. But I knew my kind papa was only after my long term benefit. We got the reply big "No" everywhere since every school was allowing only the students of its own school for the summer camp for which there was so much rush everywhere. We wondered if our own school, though quite a good one but situated in a small town, could adapt itself to the changing milieu. At last my father met the Principal of our school and the idea clicked. In fact to our surprise Ms. Jyoti Verma, the enlightened Principal of our school had already made the arrangements for the summer camp and only the announcement regarding the same was to be made on the day my father met her. The announcement was made with enhanced excitement. Now, let me recall the summer camp itself, held in our school campus. I need not explain that though the participation was on voluntary basis, the response was tremendous. The students were advised to attend the camp wearing school uniform only, and they did as they had been advised to do. In all, about 550 students participated in the summer camp. They were divided into five groups I, II, III, IV and V. Students of Group I were taught to learn painting, music and dance for two hours daily. Games based on mathematics, English and painting were taught to students of Group II. Group III students learnt scanning of photographs and playing games using joi sticks. Students of Group IV were taught surfing the Internet, slide presentation on power point and' the concept of making software. Group V students learnt windows XP and HTML. I was in this group. Although different groups were taught certain basic concepts and made to participate in certain specific activities, yet there were certain common activities in which anybody and everybody could participate at the particular times and days meant for such activities. Only one had to inform a day or so earlier, so that proper arrangements could be made for him or her along with others who had given their consent earlier. Such activities included hobbies like art, vocal and instrumental music, giddha, bhangra, classical and kathakali dance, science, model making, making soft toys, casting, public speaking, etc. more...

A birthday party is an important function these days. It is an occasion/for fun and enjoyment. Relatives and friends are invited to take tart in this function. They are served with sweets, fruits and tea or cold drinks. My birthday falls on 20th May. This year I. had a special programme for its celebration. I invited about 50 friends and relatives to participate in the function. They brought for me beautiful and costly presents. The drawing room of our house was tastefully decorated. Chairs and tables were laid for the guests. A big birthday cake was placed in the middle. I lighted the birthday candles. I cut the cake with a knife. All present wished me a happy birthday. They followed the amusement programmes. Some of my friends sang sweet songs. Some showed mono-acting and dance. My relative garlanded me. In the end we had a light refreshment parents blessed me and my relatives and friends wished me long life and prosperity.  

Last week, I happened to visit Kotla which is a small village near Bareilly. My uncle who lives there had invited me. It was my good luck that I reached the village when a famous local village fair was to be held the next day. My uncle took me to the fair. It was being held just at the outskirts of the village. It covered an area of a few acres of land. We heard noises of vendors and visitors quite a few metres before we reached the fair. As we reached closer and closer to the fair the noises were heard louder and louder. We saw at the fair a great many makeshift shops and kiosks. There were all kinds of shops such as toy shops, cosmetics shops, jewellery shops, cassettes shops, general merchants shops and so many others. The greatest rush was seen at the sweet shops and small-time eateries. Everywhere the village men and women with their children, all clad in gorgeous clothes were moving to and fro, some of them eating sweets or buns. Others were taking snacks with tea. Cold drinks were in great demand. Young girls were buying colorful glass bangles. Children were pressing their parents to buy them toys. In one corner, a snake-charmer was playing his flute while a black cobra was dancing in front of him. A large number of people gathered around him, were watching the cobra dance. In another corner a juggler was showing his tricks. There were some other spots which attracted people's attraction. At one place there were going on lucky games. At another place wrestling bouts were being held. At yet another place, an as trologer was telling the people about their fate. I was very happy. I took a cold drink. Then I bought a teddy bear and we returned home. I was bubbling with joy.

A hospital is an institution in which sick and injured persons are given medical or surgical treatment. Hospitals are government as well as private. Government hospitals do not charge anything for the services they provide. But private hospitals charge good amount for the treatment for their services to ill persons. No one happily goes there. But all of us might have gone there. Last week I happened to visit the local hospital to see my uncle. My uncle had been admitted there for an operation of his heart. There was a great rush of visitors in the compound who came to meet their patients. When I went to meet him, he was sleep. The whole ward was full of patients. They were suffering from different diseases. Some of the crying due to pain. Some were sleeping. A young woman was lying with serious burns. In the next ward a man had been stabbed in the back. Doctors and nurses were moving about. They were attending to the patients. They were full of love and sympathy. There was strange smell of medicines in the hospital. The hospital was neat and clean. It was the visiting hour, so there was crowd of relatives and friends. The hospital presented a horrible look. Pain and suffering was everywhere. I felt very sad and returned home in a contemplative mood.

I know very well that to become the Prime Minister of India is not that easy. Since I have never taken any part in politics, nor I have any affiliations with any political party, it is almost impossible for me to become the Prime Minister of India. Still, I think there is no harm in imaging myself to be the Prime Minister of India. If I were the Prime Minister of India, I'd do a lot of good work for the people. I do not mean to say that others who have been the Prime Ministers of India, haven't done anything in this connection. But, I think, there is no end to doing good as doing good like everything good and truthful, is infinite. First of all, I'd give attention to India's defense, as without being a strong country India cannot make much progress and hold her head high in the comity of nations. Defence preparedness needs a lot of money and other resources. Unless there is a strong industrial base in a country, it cannot dream to be a powerful- nation even in the matter of defence. So, I'd try to set up a base for heavy and important industry in the country. Industrialization on a large-scale will also boost up exports and the country will become rich. India is predominantly an agricultural country. Much of its industry depends on agriculture. It is, therefore, of paramount importance to give impetus to agriculture. Both agricultural and industrial growth will also provide inumerable jobs and thus the problem of unemployment will be solved to a great extent. The most baffling problems of India are the population ex-plosion, poverty, illiteracy, poor medical facilities, etc. I'll pay full attention to all these problems and bring as many reforms as possible to get rid to these problems. I'll streamline and overhaul certain crucial systems such as taxation system, banking system, education system, childcare, etc. Much more can be said and done in the context of the topic, but let's hope for the best as one drop of practical work is better than oceans of theoretical work. Instead of making false and rosy promises, I'll focus more on real and practical work.  

The other day I needed to refer to an encyclopedia. So I went to the Public Library of our town. It is centrally situated and well- kept. As I entered the library, everything was calm and quiet. I approached the librarian and asked for the reference book I needed. The librarian guided me from where to find the book. I had a chance to look around and watch all the people in the library. There were many cupboards with thousands of books on many subjects. There were also newspapers, magazines and other periodicals and illustrated books. People sat around tables to read books and newspapers. Some read with great earnestness. There was perfect silence. Those who read silently make good use of a library. There are others who misuse the library. They try to chat with their friends or have a nap in the library. The librarian pulls up those who disturb the silence, but those who doze or sleep are left alone. A public library makes it possible for the poor to read books, magazines and newspapers. Every town should have a good public library.

In hot countries, people generally welcome Winter. But in cold countries, they consider it a cruel season. However, even in hot countries, winter sometimes seems cruel when it is unbearably cold. This is how I felt on 28th January last. I had a disturbed sleep at night due to intense cold. As I woke up, I found the day no better. I took courage to open the door of bed-room. A waft of biting cold greeted me and I began to shiver. I at once shut the door. It seemed that my hands and feet were becoming numb. I at, once rushed to my bed and covered myself with the warm woollen quilt. I asked my mother to prepare tea for me. She at once complied to my request and brought a cup of sizzling tea to me. As I sipped hot tea, I got some relief. I took courage to have a bath with luke-warm water. After the bath I again fell shivering with cold. Clouds of vapour were coming out of my mouth. Now, I took a. cup of hot milk with my breakfast. I went to school fully loaded with warm clothes but still feeling uneasy because of cold. The same was the condition of other children. As I returned home we took meals in the dining room with doors all shut. We took hot pakoras with tea in the evening. Then some guests arrived. More than anything else, the main topic of all the talk was cold. As I sat for doing my homework, my hands refused to work properly because of cold. My mother switched on the room-heater. After a few minutes, the air in the room became warm and all of us heaved a sigh of relief. The evening news bulletin said that it was the coldest day of the year.  

There are many markets in Delhi. Chandni Chowk, Tilak Nagar, Lajpat Nagar, Sarojini Nagar and Connaught Place are some of the big and famous markets. I live in Karol Bagh- It has big market. The market of the colony is a very busy place. There are a large number of show rooms and shops. I went to the market with my mother yesterday. We bought my school shoes and dress. My mother also bought some bangles. There was a lot of noise in the market. People from all walks of life are seen shopping around. Some shopkeepers do roaring business. Police keep watch on bad elements. I had a fruit chat. I love to go to the market.

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