Current Affairs Essays

Punctuality implies proper use of time at the right moment instead of repenting on the lost time later. The phrase 'a stitch in time saves nine' conveys that if a cloth needs a stitch, it should be mended immediately, otherwise the  cloth may tear further and require more stitches.   Of course, it is better and easier to make a single stitch in less time than to make many stitches in more time. We should always act wisely and in time. We must make proper use of time. Time wasting may result in a great loss of life and money.   The virtue of punctuality is not difficult to Observe. A wakeful mind can easily observe it while a lazy person cannot. He, who delays his work often suffers for it. Rules of punctuality are against postponement.   it is hard to imagine the chaos if schools, colleges, offices, trains etc. were to run at the unscheduled timings. The duties cannot be performed and everyone will have to suffer. The sense of punctuality must be inculcated right from  childhood. The seeds must be sown at an appropriate time to get a beneficial yield.   All budding defects must be mended in time. Any defect in a machinery must be mended to avoid  accidents and loss of life. Leakage in pipes must  be taken care of to avoid disastrous consequences.   A. sick person must be taken to the doctor so that he can recover soon. Any small fire must be extinguished in time as to keep away from its hazard.   In fact, it is essential to do everything before it is too late to divert the catastrophy. A little negligence may result in serious complications.   Punctuality is a courtesy. It has a social value at functions, gatherings and meetings. If people are punctual there shall be no inconvenience or discomfort.   To be punctual is the best way to win the confidence of the people. They can rely on you for important work. It brings you respect and admiration from friends and acquaintances.   Punctuality is a sign of progress and prosperity. Completion of projects and commencement of plannings at the appointed time are sure to bring gains in almost every profession. A nation is bound to progress if punctuality is keenly observed in all the industrial and technological sectors. Thus, we must give stress to punctuality and cultivate its observance not just in ourselves but also inspire others to be punctual.  

In India, there are certain things which do not change or if they change, they change only to take a more negative shape. This is true about  most of the Indian marriages while leaving some scope for exceptions which are always there in all ventures, good or bad.   With the passage of time, the noisiness and expensiveness of Indian marriages has attained dizzy heights. We might blame the elders for being superstitious, but we fail to realize that any amount of superstitiousness is at least better than vulgarity, obscenity and rowdyism.   Last Sunday, I was invited to the marriage of one of my relatives. I was on the girl's side.   The poor girl had been subjected to horrendous treats of facials, waxings, fruits pastes on the face, Mehandi, powders, chemicals, even petrol which was mixed in the so-called Kali Mehandi and was smeared on her delicate hands, arms, feet and legs. But all were happy and so, I think, I should have no complaint.   The bridegroom arrived very late at night in an expensive car in front of a cavalcade of cars, taxies, and buses and immediately after alighting from the cars, etc., the marriage party with all members drunken up to the neck, raised a hullabaloo reminiscent of the description of Pandemonium in books.   All the ceremonies were held only as a matter of formality as the attention of the members of the marriage party was only towards eating, drinking, dancing, creating the maximum possible noise and such things to assert themselves as belonging to some superior race and the attention of the boy and other members of his family only towards the items of dowry which included a car, a refrigerator, an airconditioner, a rich enclosed amount in cash and jewellery, costly sarees and numerous expensive gadgets.   Moreover demands were raised some tactfully and some shamefacedly, and all these had to be met by the poor girl's parents.   I was shocked to learn that the boy was just a matriculate whose great-grandfathers had been grinded agars by the British government for having betrayed their motherland, while the girl was a postgraduate and well-versed in several skills and was extremely beautiful.   It is almost impossible to describe all the rowdyism at the drinking parties, dinners, and receptions that I witnessed. At least, a highly learned gentleman praised sky high the boy and his parents for their gentleness and above all aristocratic way of life.

The dowry system is an age old system and a peculiar phenomenon of the Indian society. It is, as today, a curse to the society. Dowry is the name given to all that, the parents of a girl give to her when she gets married.   At the face of it, the system seems quite appropriate, healthy and logical, for, in this simple way, the parents of the girl help her in setting a new home. So far, so good and, originally also the purpose of dowry was very justified and understandable.   Let us now analyse how and why this system took birth at all? In the earlier times of Indian society, the daughter had no share in the father's property so, by way of dowry the girl would get at least some portion of her share.   Besides this, in those days, the girls were not educated so, this dowry could serve the girl as a back up support system in case of any emergency after her marriage.   Seeing this as the ground reality and the reason for the system for having taken birth, no right thinking people would call the system wrong or unjustified.   However, with the passage of time this same fine system has taken the ugly shape of begging for dowry, bargaining for dowry, auctioning the boy to the highest bidder and finally suicides.   This is because, taking advantage of the system, the parents of the boys/have started demanding dowry. This was never done in the original shape of the system.   The girl's parents would give whatever they could and, there would be NO - yes, NO demands from the boy's side. Besides demanding items of dowry, now parents of the boy's family keep items of the dowry for their own use.   This was also not in the original system for, whatever was given was for the girl only – and never for the boy's family. These two additions in the original system have converted the blessing for the girl into a curse for her.   The parents who cannot afford to meet the demands of the boy's family are forced either into taking loans that they can never return, or use unfair means of corruption to make money to meet the demanded expenses.   In turn, this has led to even committing suicides by the girls or murders of girls by the in-laws. At times even before the marriage, the girl is led to kill herself to save her parents from the trauma of collecting money for her marriage.   Thus, we see that, a system that was at one time very wise and discreet, has taken an ugly shape just because of the greed of men and women in to-day's world. This system of dowry has become a slur on the Indian society.   Besides being a shame, in to-day's scenario, the system as it was even in the initial stages of its existence, has become quite irrelevant. more...

Delhi covers an area of 1,483 sq. km. and roughly, has a population of 6,220,406. Major languages spoken are Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu. Its literary level is 61.54%.   Delhi was founded in the 11th century AD. by a Rajput chieftain of the Tomara clan. The Chauhans claimed possession of the city from the Tomara clan. Prithvi Raj, the Chauhan leader nd ruler of Ajmer and Delhi, made the city of Delhi famous for his heroic deeds and romantic adventures.   The first invasion of India by Muhammad Ghori was beaten back by Prithvi Raj, but he lost when Ghori returned to defeat him the second time.   Prithvi Raj was captured and put to death. Delhi then passed into the hands of Muslim rulers for the next six centuries.   Under the Mughal Emperors, Delhi became a world famous city. In 1912, the capital of British India was transferred from Calcutta to Delhi. A  new city, New Delhi was laid out by the side of the old city, old Delhi, by the British Indian Government. Independent India has retained its historic capital.   Today, New Delhi, extending imposing dimensions, houses thousands of people, modern buildings, both residential and official, broad, well planned roads and fly-overs, that make New Delhi a truly beautiful city.  

When discussing the generation gap, many issues surface. In this article in Newsweek, issues such as music, morals, and goals arise with the wide gulf of generations in the black community.   Older Americans continue to be separated from the growing hip-hop culture, and they, along with the hip-hop community, have not yet learned how to deal with this separation. Music is one of the largest rifts between the civil rights generation and the hip-hop generation.    An increase in violence, sex, and disrespect in modern music reflects the increase in violence, sex, and disrespect in the modern pop culture. This is the view of younger black Americans.    Older Americans feel that the violent and sexually explicit music is the cause of such chaos and degradation of our society. Morals have declined, and this is evident even in the professional world of the NBA.   Disrespect for referees and other players dominate the court by younger players. The word "nigga" is used with no remorse, conviction, or thought of being inappropriate and inconsiderate.   Goals have changed considerably with the generations. Older black Americans fought for rights that the hip-hop community takes for granted. Racism is much more subtle in this pop culture; and we don't fight against it because we don't know how.   We're not taught how to continue the struggle. All we know is "that you have to get yours and don't worry about nobody". Yes, I agree with the writer that there is a definite gulf in the values of older Americans and the values of the new hip-hop culture. Older Americans struggled for their rights.   They worked for every inch of luxury they enjoy today. Today's emerging pop culture, though, has lived off the sweat of the ones who have gone before them.   They have no reason for unity. They have no need for morals because they live for themselves. They're just 'out to get theirs'. Many factors can cause a generation gap.   The fact that the generations were raised in different eras with different circumstances cause a major rift. Because you're dealing with different eras, you are dealing with different values. With different values come different taste.   Different taste breeds new music and clothing styles. Technology makes us not have to think for ourselves. In this article, Bill Cosby mentioned meeting a man who called himself a musician.   When listening to jazz CD, he could not differentiate between the instruments because technology had done everything for him. This , "not having to think for ourselves" brings about what older Americans would call lazy or lack of initiative.   This article brought to one's attention the issues that emerge as a result of a generation gap, but offered no solutions.   As mentioned earlier, because the generations were raised in different eras with totally different circumstances, we don't even know if there is a way to narrow the gap. What do you do when both parties believe that they more...

This is a famous saying of saints and priests. All the religions of world preach only one thing that a person should live simply but should have high thinking. Many of our forefathers have reached a height of greatness and fame by following this principle.   The father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi was a follower of this principle. The social reformers of Indian history Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Kabir, Dayanand led a simple life and were always kind and helpful towards others.   But now in today's competitive world people are no longer ready to follow this principle. Our traditional moral values have become obsolete. Now the attitude of people has changed. The only thing that people are interested in is to earn money and at any cost.   The people want to live in lap of luxuries and Comforts. The status symbol and prestige is more important to people than the simple philosophy and humanity.   The people are ready to exploit others to gain their own benefits. The meaning of the words devotion, helpfulness, high thinking is lost to today's generation.   The people use all sorts of means to gain their own success. The ambition to get more and more be it wealth or fame is finally leading to dissatisfaction in life. People who practise the philosophy of simple life are the ones who lead a "happy and satisfied life.   They find peace in whatever situation they might have to face. They remain away from the sufferings of today's world. So let us promise ourselves to follow this principle and be a true person to ourselves and others.  

Last Sunday, I went to see a football match. It was played between G. D. Soni Sr. Sec. School and Ramjas Boys Sr. Sec. School. It was played in Ramjas School's playground.   It was a sunny day. The boys of both the school had gathered in the ground. They were sitting on opposite sides. They were shouting in favour of their own teams. There was lot of excitement in the ground.   At 3 p.m. the match started. For the first ten minutes, the two teams were equally fighting. Slowly the G. D. Soni School's team started playing aggressively. They tired to take ball in Ramjas Boys Schools net, but the goalkeeper failed their efforts. It was a tough fight.   Both the teams were unable to score any goal till half time. The game seemed to be nearing a draw.   After the break the game resumed. Both the teams changed their tactics. The captain of G. D. Soni School team made some changes in the position of players in field.   Great efforts were made by the forwards of both the teams. The captain of G. D. Soni School's team kicked the ball forcefully to the centre forward. He skilfully carried the ball to the semi-circle and kicked the ball into the net of Ramjas Boys School. There were celebrations in G. D. Soni School camp till the end of the game no other goal could be scored.   The match was declared won by G. D. Soni Sr. Sec. School. Both the captains shook hands with each other. The match was thus over.

I am a great lover of poetry. I learn poems in my literature class and I have studied many poets in detail. Shelly, Keats, Yeats, Wordsworth etc., have been taught to us since we were in class V.   Of all the English poets, the one I am most fond of is Wordsworth. He belonged to the Romantic Age, the age that was a reaction to the neo-classical poetry of the 18th century. Wordsworth wrote in a unconventional style with a diction that was easy to understand. His poetry is 'the spotaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected in tranquility. He was not so concerned with the downfall of kings and queens. He was more concerned with the simple' people that he came across in his life. The more simple a person was, the more appealing Wordsworth found him. That is the reason why some of his most beautiful and touching poems are about a solitary girl who reaps in the field. She is an ordinary village girl, who sings a sad plaintive song and this is enough to transfix Words- worth to the place where he heard her song echoing in the valley. Wordsworth was a worshipper of  nature. It was his firm belief that the company of nature brings joy to our I hearts. Nature to him provides a healing  power to comfort, troubled minds. He believed that nature is a teacher who can educate human beings. He was the only B poet who gave nature so much importance that he evolved a philosophy on nature.   Wordsworth paints very beautiful vivid pictures of beauty from nature and this I endears him to me. I can never forget the effect of his words as I read them and enjoy the music of his words. I also find a lot of peace and comfort in nature and ' when I read nature poetry, I feel that I can relate to it immediately and this is why Words worth poems become a source of great joy for me.  

The magnificent Tiger Panthera tigris (linnaeus), the national animal of India, is a rich-colored well-striped animal with a short coat. The combination of grace, strength, power has earned the 'tiger great respect and high esteem. Indian tigers are famous all over the world and one of the main attractions for the lovers of wild life. They are the crowning glory and the light of the Indian wild life. Tough, muscular, majestic tigers roam about the Sunderbans of Bengal "burning bright in the darkness of the night." The natives of the forest worship the tiger as the deity that gives them honey and wax. The Sunderbans are their main habitat for their thick forests of Sunder trees. They feed on fish, cattle and sometimes human beings. The man-eaters are the most dreaded of all wild beasts. It is a common belief that a tiger does not harm anyone who has offered prayers to him. Tigers are fast runners, excellent swimmers and their eyesight is strong. To check the dwindling population of tigers in India, which came down to just 1,827 in 1972, massive conservation program was initiated in April 1973, known as the 'Project Tiger'.  This project aims to maintain a viable population of tigers in India for scientific, economic, aesthetic, cultural and ecological values. Since then, the tiger population has shown a gradual increase and the census of 1989 puts the tiger population of the country at 4,334. So far, 19 tiger reserves have been established in the country under this project, covering over 29, 716 sq. km. forest area.

The name of my village is Jind. My village is quite big. There are about 1500 houses in my village. Its population is about 45000. The chief occupation is agriculture. Morning and evening, people are always busy in fields, preparing the lands, manuring it, feeding the cattle and harvesting. Some of them take weaving and spinning. Some are engaged in cottage industries. Some of the houses are pucca but most of the houses are built of mud. There is an intermediate college and a Junior High School in the village. The villagers have love for education. But a very few boys read there. Instead of reading, they work in their fields. There is also a post office in my village. My people lead a simple and happy life. They enjoy a good health. Real life is there in them. They are honest. My village is making progress. I like it. I pray to God to give them moral courage so that they may lead a happy life.  

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