Current Affairs Essays

The word Metro is generally used for underground railways all over the world. This means of travelling is a modern transportation in human beings. Delhi has been experiencing phenomenal growth in population in the last few decades, So, the number of vehicles has been increased to 40 lakhs, these are more than' of Mumbai, Kolkatta and Chennai. In Delhi, million of people. The life is very hectic. Today traffic on the roads of Delhi is a mix up of cycles; scooters, cars, buses, etc. resulting road accidents, traffic jam, environmental pollution and fuel wastage. To solved this situation the Indian Government and Delhi Government is setup a company on 3rd March, 1995 named as Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (DMRC). Now the Metro Railway project has been started at wide level in Delhi. The Delhi government is taking interest for the people's benefits and facilities in going place to place. The first phase of Metro Rail Project from Shahdra to Tis Hazari has been inaugurated by Prime Minister of India, Atal Bihari Vajpayee. After six months this route has expended to Rithala. Second line started from Delhi University to Central Secretariat. This route is almost in" underground partly elevated and partly on the ground. In the first phase DMRC has 52.60 kms. route. All the underground corridors are fully air conditioned and well planned for crowd. The experts say that Delhi Metro Railway is the advantage of Delhi people. We hope this facility will give a pollution & traffic jam free Delhi. We welcome it from the depth of our hearts to government of Delhi.  

National flag is the symbol of a country's freedom and sovereignty. It is the flag under which our freedom fighters had fought for India's Independence. Before Independence, the National Flag had the spinning wheel placed at its centre. It was necessary at that time to do so to remind the people of the Swadeshi Movement started by Gandhiji along with the movement for freedom. After Independence, the spinning wheel was replaced by the Ashok Chakra. The Ashok Chakra has 24 spokes. It stands for peace and love which enshrined the state of the famous emperor, Ashoka. Our National flag is rectangular in shape. It has three horizontal bands. Each band is of a different colour. That is why the flag is also called the Tricolour or the Tiranga. At the top is the saffron band which symbolises the spirit of sacrifice. The middle band is the white band which characterizes peace and truth. It is in this band that the peace-spreading Ashoka Chakra is located, thus enhancing the significance of peace and love. At the bottom is the dark green band which stands for growth and prosperity. The National flag is hoisted on important buildings of national importance on the occasion of national festivals. Now, the Supreme Court has given enough liberty to the people to fly the National flag. But, all rules according to the relevant Act governing its hoisting, have to be followed. On the death of some celebrity, it flies half-mast over buildings. It is imperative for us to respect our national flag and never let it down. We should be ready to lay down our life for its high position that it deserves. 

A person who plays a game seldom is not said to be a sportsman. A sportsman does regular practice and that punctually. A sportsman is always possessed with the spirit of doing something wonderful and unbelieveable in his field. He does not like to be corrupted or to corrupt anybody. It is because of this performance that he is acclaimed which he has to prove in the ground where many hundreds of people watch him. So, transparency is one such quality which always lives with him: The qualities imbibed in the field of sports in youth stand a person in good stead all his life. The first and foremost quality is the sportsman spirit. This quality persuades a man to remain cheerful even when he loses a match. It means +1- should play a game for the sake of game just for victory.                     Life is also a field where one acts. It is one's choice to accept it as a happy field full of sports or joys or a valley of misery. One who knows the art of happiness takes life as a game of sports where one is expected to play honestly and with complete sincerity to the best of his knowledge, skill and capability. Sports help us in developing our personality. It is a pity that much attention is not paid to sports in our country. Most of the funds-are wasted on trivial items not connected with sports such as dinners, tea parties, honouring some personages from outside the realm of the sports, etc. Our players do not even get sufficient diet. Infrastructure for sports in our country is lacking. Then there is so much bungling in the matter of selection of teams. It is no surprise that we are not able to get a single medal in the Olympics when we shamefully realize that we are a country of one billion, or we comprise one seventh of the total population of the world. 'Certainly, something must be done to overcome this malaise at the highest level. Just the creation of a ministry of sports at the union level is not enough. In April 2000, there was a sort of upheaval in the world of cricket when the revealations regarding match-fixing became a part of the public debate. Every lover of cricket was appalled. As a result of all this turmoil, many voices were heard demanding banning or abandoning of the game of cricket altogether. Let us hope this is hot going to be done. Instead, we should hope that the detractors, if any, are going to be suitably punished to ensure a fair game so that it can continue providing entertainment and inspiration to millions of spectators and T.V. viewers the world over.  

My grandmother is an old lady. She is a lovable old woman. She is a highly religious lady and goes to the temple early in the morning everyday. She deems it important to take her bath well, before the sunrise. She has her prayers and "Aarti" regularly. She observes many fasts. Every Monday is her fasting day. She needs only an excuse for observing a fast. She believes that fasts make us merciful and pure. Even otherwise, she eats very little. She gives regular alms to the poor beggars, particularly the handicapped ones. She donates mustard oil and black grams every Saturday and gives one chapatti daily to the street dog. In the matter of donations, she is not ready to listen to any logic. Her faith in God is unshakable. My grandmother hardly has a black hair on her head. She worked hard in her life. She loves not only papa and mamma but also me and my brother. She is very much worried if any one of us falls ill. She loves all mankind and all creatures and prays to God for the welfare of all creations. I have a high regard for my grandmother who is the perfect model of a true Indian woman, being a very picture of self-effacing sacrifice for others. She never speaks an unpleasant word. That is why all the children of the street love her.  

Last month we went to Vaishno Devi temple. It is situated in Jammu and Kashmir. It is one of the most famous temples of the Hindus. I along with my family went there. We reached Jammu by train. From Jammu Bus Stand we went to Katra by bus. There is a frequent bus service from Jammu to Katra. There was a big rush of devotees at Katra. People were buying prasad at shops. We hired a room. We rested there for some time. We took our food at a shop. From that shop we bought sticks and fleet shoes. We also bought prasad. We started our journey to Vaishno Devi temple from Katra. It is a long journey on foot. Mostly people go to temple on foot. Others hire mules. We decided to walk. We started walking in the evening. It was very pleasant. A large number of devotees were walking. Many people were coming back. Every body was greeting each other by saying Jai Mata Di. It was a tough journey. It was tiring to walk on mountains. We kept on taking rest in between shelters are built along the way People stop there for sometime and take rest. We reached Ardhkuari by the night. We passed through the cave of Garbhjune. There we took some snakes and tea and started our journey again. People were passing by, and chanting Jai Mata Di. Some people were carrying drums with them. They were dancing on the beat of drums. It was getting cold. We reached Vaishno Devi temple early in the morning. After reaching near the temple, we hired a room. We took our bath. We wore new clothes. We started for the temple. There was a long line of devotees. They were waiting for their turn to go in the temple. Everybody was chanting Jai Mata Di. After an hour we entered the main temple. We had to go through a cave and offered our prayers to Vaisho Mata. Coconut is offered as prasad. We came out of the cave. It was very peaceful and calm inside the cave. We all were feeling very happy. After taking our breakfast, we started back for Katra. It was very tiring journey, but full of solace and peace. I wish to go to Vaishno Devi every years.  

The fairs are common in our life The make our life enjoyable. People wait eagerly for them as they enjoy themselves on these days. Almost all fairs are common in villages, towns and cities. But in cities the fairs are much bigger and are held with more pomp and show. In Delhi, Diwali fairs have become very famous. At every festival, a number of fairs are held in different corners of the city. This year, I went to seea grand fair held at Ramlila Grounds during Diwali. I went with my parents. We went there by bus. The bus was packed with people and roads were unusually At Ramlila grounds, there was a huge crowd of people at the entry itself. One had to get in a queue for the entry tickets. After getting tickets we entered the fair. It was all very colourful. Two elephants were there at the entrance to welcome the people, In the fair, there were over 200 stalls of different items. The sweet stalls were over crowded. People were standing in queue for their turn to come. The sweet sellers were doing brisk business. My mother wanted to do some shopping, so we went to different stalls which had clothes, utensils, handicraft and jewellery. There was one stall I liked very much. It was full of wooden toys. My father bought me a wooden doll and a soldier. They were really beautiful and looked real. Children were buying toys, fireworks and candles. I also bought some candles and fireworks. Some children were taking free rides on horses and camels. I also enjoyed a ride on the horse After roaming about, we felt hungry. We had food at food stall. It was neat and clean. After food, I also had a cold drink. While coming back, I pleaded with my father to take a ride on the merry-go-round. All of us enjoyed the ride very much. It was a good fun. After the ride, we started for home. It was day which I thoroughly enjoyed. Fairs are a lot of fun.  

The pen is mightier than a sword, is a very practical saying. What a pen can do cannot be done by a sword. The might possessed by a pen cannot be attained by a sword. Sword only knows to cut but pen can cut as well as unite. Although, a pen looks a small object, yet it can do wonders. What actions cannot do, can be done by words. So what ever a pen writes, makes permanent imprint. We can air our ideas, we can experts our opinions and we can show our dissent with a pen. Words can bring revolutions in the world. We have seen it that after reading the revolutionary ideas of Bhagat Singh, the youth of India threw away the British Government. Pen can bring resolutions. Many peace pacts had been signed with a pen. The daily newspapers carry the ideas and opinions of the public in its columns. People express their opinions regarding the happenings in their countries and abroad. They write their views regarding the policies of the government. The Government come to know about the shortcomings and positive points of their policies. Governance becomes easy. Pen can bring communities and countries close. It can throw them apart also. Communal feelings can be inflamed by the writes to cause communal violence. On the other hand articles about unity and integrity of communities can bring them close. Pen brings the world wide scene to us. Happenings in world can be given any shape or face by the pen. Personalities are built and ruined by the pen. Views can be distorted and misinterpreted by the pen. Such is the might of a pen. The pen has given us a big treasure of books and epics. It brings to us the ideas of great philosophers, poets, and great thinkers of the by gone era. Pen has its dark: side also. It depends on us how to use it. It's power should be used in a positive way. It can spread the light of knowledge and peace all over the world, which a sword cannot do.  

The daily walks was excellent exercises. They refresh our mind as well as soul. A morning walk and an evening, walk have their own charms and importance. I go for a walk around 7 o'clock in the evening. My mother accompanies me. Both of us enjoy this walk. In the evening the streets and roads are quite congested due to the rush of traffic. So we go to a park which is nearby to our house. There I meet my friends and play with them. The people of all ages come in the evening for walks. The old men form a group and discuss their matters. After we finish playing with our friends, we sit on the grass and relax. It is a very beautiful sight. The birds are also flying back to their nests in a group. A evening walk is the best tonic for the aged and ailing person. It is a permanent cure for many ailments. This is the walk which I enjoy the most.

Books are a storehouse of knowledge. All that men have observed, learnt and experienced over the centuries has been enshrined in books. In other words, it is in books that the great minds of the past ages are kept safe for generations to come. Books are our best friends. Even our closest friends and nearest relatives may part company with us in time of adversity, but books always stand by us. They stand by us through thick and thin. They never betray us. When the dark clouds of misery engulf us from all sides and we feel helpless, books come to our rescue. We read them, consult them and regain hope and confidence which no living human being could impart In earliest times, man was uncivilized and barbarian. Someone thought of writing and when he joined the written pages to form a unit, the first book took its birth. Previously, books were handwritten and were sometimes lost as the printing press came, books began to be printed in thousands such that if one book or some books were lost there were almost always a few more left to keep the author's ideas alive. Now, we have books of all kinds on all branches of life. We have books on literature, philosophy, sports, history, astronomy, astrology, poetry, cookery, doll-making, soap making, physiology, hygiene, geography, mathematics, fiction, science & technology, painting, photography, drama, indeed, on any and every conceivable subject. Much depends on our own aptitude and necessity which type of books we want to read. In the modern computer age, some people fear that the device like the internet may spell the end of books. But, as we have seen, it is a fallacy as books have their own place in our life. They are indeed, indispensable and that is an indisputable fact.

It was 21st of July. It was very hot and there was no electricity in the my colony. In morning', clouds gathered in the sky. Suddenly it started raining. It was time for school. So, I took my umbrella. Everyone and everything looked fresh. The trees looked green. There was water on the roads. Some children were playing it. The weather became pleasant. The birds were chirping. In the class, very few students were present. Nobody was in mood to study. Primary class children were playing with boats. Everyone seemed to be very happy. The school got over and it was time to go back home. All of us wet in the rain and enjoyed our journey back home in the bus. All of us sang songs and enjoyed ourselves. I was happy to return home and change wet clothes. That day all of us enjoyed ourselves. I can never forget that rainy day.  

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