Current Affairs Essays

The summer vacation had begun and I had to stay at home most of the time. My parents had decided to remain in Delhi all through the summer. I was extremely disappointed. Delhi is known for its extreme climate and I began to dread the summer of Delhi. It becomes so not that one is not allowed to play outdoors. There is always a risk of a sunstroke or heatstroke. Even if one plays in the evening the heat makes it impossible for anyone to enjoy the game. The worst months in Delhi are May and June. It was the 25th June. I woke up late in the morning as usual. Most of my friends were away to hill stations and I was at a loose end. I didn't know what to do to keep myself pleasantly occupied the whole day. Much against my mother's wishes, I decided to go to the movie theatre all by myself. There was a good movie on at Plaza which is in Cannaught Place. I set out from home at 10.30 A.M. for the noon show. In the scorching heat of mid-June. I set out on foot to get to the bus stop. After what seemed like a lifetime I reached the bus stop and found a shady comer to stand and wait. It was almost ten minutes since I had been waiting for the bus to arrive. I began to feel faint in the heat. My thirst knew no bounds and I felt my throat gradually drying up. Finally the bus arrived and I found a window seat. The journey was uncomfortable to say the least. There were people in the bus who were also suffering the effect of the intense heat. The bus was crowded which made it even more difficult for anyone to breathe fresh air. I thanked God when my stop arrived. The line for the tickets was so long that I almost decided to go back home. The thought of getting bored at home kept me back and after spending half and hour of cursing and grumbling in the line I bought the ticket. The movie started and after an hour there was a power failure. I cursed my luck and began to fell claustrophobic in the packed, hot, dark theatre. The generators were to work and soon the electricity was restored. I thanked God when I reached home after two hours. The comfort of my cool home brought life back into me.

We find street hawkers in all big cities. They are poor people, so they are not in a position to run a rented shop. They sell their things from street to street. They make our lives easier also. Hawkers are found selling vegetables and fruits since morning. Some hawkers have big baskets on their heads full of fruits or vegetables while others have bicycles which make their job easier. They sell fresh vegetables. Old and busy people, who cannot manage to go to markets, welcome the hawkers. The housewives wait for them eagerly. Kamal Kant is our street hawker. He comes early in the morning at 8 a.m. My mother waits for his arrival. He shouts at the top of his voice to announce his arrival. There are all vegetables of the season. He is young/and sturdy. He charges less money than the shops in the markets. He is a clever salesman. He believes in less profit but more sale. He has some permanent customers in our locality. He has studied up to 6th standard. He knows some English. He shouts very loudly. He is good at arithmetic’s. He calculates money in no time. He is an awakened citizen. He discusses some politics sometimes. He has a small family of two children only. He has a desire to educate them. During the whole day, we find a number of hawkers selling other goods in our streets. Children wait anxiously for the arrival of ice cream seller, while ladies and gents wait for 'Allu-Ki-Tikki Wala', 'Golgape Wala', Some lady hawkers sell utensils in exchange of old clothes. Sometimes we find these hawkers sell inferior things at cheap rate. The middle class people prefer to buy goods from these hawkers and fulfil their needs with less money. A street hawker leads a very hard life. He has to get up early in the morning and shout all the day. Sometimes he befools the customers. He has a little sense of cleanliness. He does not earn much. Usually, he lives in a small hut with his family and can hardly make both ends meet.  

History is my favourite subject. I enjoy other school subjects also. But I enjoy learning History the most. Mathematics is the subject I least enjoy.   History is a record of the past. It tells us of the great people and what they did. It tells about the people responsible for the various discoveries adventures, wars,  and our progress.   History helps me in understanding the present in the light of the past. It helps me develop my power of thinking. A person without knowledge of History cannot have a good judgment. He canno judge events and incidents.   No doubt History has many names and dates But they are all so interesting. History is the record of man's progress through the ages.   I have good collection of history books. Some day, I might even write such a book myself. History has widened my outlook.  

Ramayana is a famous epic. It deals with the life of Lord Rama and was written by Valmiki in Sanskrit. It was later written in Hindi by Tulsi Das and the work is known as 'Ram Charitramanas'. Dasharatha, the king of Ayodhya had three queens and four sons. Ram was his eldest son. He was very obedient and brave. As he was an obedient son, he left for fourteen years of exile to keep his father's words. His brother Lakshman and wife Sita also went along with him. King Dasharatha could not bear the separation and died. Bharat, Rama's younger brother, went to the forest to bring back his brothers and sister-in- law but Rama refused to return. In the forest, they had to face many hardships. But they were always calm and peaceful. They helped many saints from demons. Once Sarupanaka, sister of Ravan, who was a brave king of Lanka, fell in love with Lakshman and insisted on marrying him. Lakshman, a hot tempered man, cut off her nose. This made her very angry and she asked his brother Ravan to take revenge. Ravan disguised himself as a sanyasi and kidnapped Sita. Shri Rama, with the help of Sugriv, attacked Lanka. Hanumanji played a very important role in finding Sita. Ravan, along with his brother Kumbhkaran and son Meghnath, was-killed in the battle field. Vibhishan, Ravan's brother, became the king of Lanka. From the very beginning, he was on the side of Lord Rama. Sita was rescued. After completing fourteen years of exile, Rama returned to Ayodhya. People rejoiced and welcomed them by celebrating and lighting up the city. Even today this famous festival is celebrated as Diwali. Ramayana is life history of Lord Rama. It teaches us how one should behave in society. It is a sacred book of Hindus. This book is read on all important occasions in the Hindu society.  

Last Sunday, Rani came to my house. She was in a happy mood. We decided to visit to zoo. At about nine we reached the Purana Qila where the Zoo is situated. We bought the tickets and entered the gate. A zoo is indeed a world in itself. It is a world of wild animals and birds, made artificially by man. Sparrows and parrots of different kinds and colours were the first to welcome us. First of all we saw an enclosure in which snakes were kept. They were of all sizes and colours. I saw a snake as thin as a finger and its colour was green. Then we saw Kobra snake. It is called as the king of the snakes. There were also pigeons and cuckoos of different breeds. The deer and the monkeys were wandering freely. They were kept in a small wood bounded by a stream. Next we saw beasts like panther, leopards etc. In a very huge enclosure, these were lions. They were very big and loocked ferocious children were feeling scared. My friend was frightened to see a crocodile. We saw rhinoceros, chimpanzees, elephants, tigers, ziraffes and zebras. The tigers looked awful basking in the sun. There is no denying the fact that a visit to the zoo is indeed a thrilling experience. It was an interesting visit. It will always remain fresh in my memory. I will never forget it downtrodden. He is social and shares others problem. He never considers his personal interests superior to others. He always tries to protect national properties. He is law-abiding. He pays his taxes honestly. He never encourages nepotism; corruption, dishonesty, favourism etc. He never pays or takes bribe. He believes in law and order of the country. He is aware of national and international affairs. So he does everything, he can do for his country.    

Jawahar Lal Nehru was a man of international repute and an outstanding statesman. He was known throughout the world as an angle of peace. He was a great visionary and a writer. He was one of the builders of Independent India.   He was born in a very rich family of Allahabad on 14th Nov 1889. He was educated by an European tutor. His father, Pandit Moti Lal Nehru, was a famous barrister. His mother, Smt. Swaroop Rani, was a pious lady. After his education in England, Jawahar Lal returned to India, but he did not practice law. He plunged himself into national politics at once and dragged his father also into it,   Jawaharlal gave up a life of luxury for the sake of the country. This made him very popular with the young and the old alike. With his selfless and hard work and great suffering he helped India gain freedom.   After freedom, Jawahar lal became the first prime minister of India. Then he started the struggle against poverty and backwardness. He started the process of economic planning in the country. He wanted India to be a great power and an industrialised country. So he helped many industries and plants to come up.   He was always busy with national and international problems. But he managed to write many books. Two of his books, The Discovery of India’ and The Glimpses of World History' are very well known.   He died on May 27, 1964. Many of his cherished dreams still remain unfulfilled. It is for others to carry on the good work He started. Let us try to make India great, and thus prove worthy successors to the legacy left by Jawahar Lal Nehru.

Travelling by air is one of the most exciting ways of travelling, and the Airport from where air travel begins is a place bustling with activities, people coming and going, and announcements being made to remind passengers that their flight is about to take off. After arriving at the Airport, it is customary to deposit your baggage at the airline counter. The officer on duty examines your air ticket. Expect a queue at the counter, but wait your turn patiently—it will come. After your tickets have been checked, the baggage is weighed. The standard baggage permitted is 20 kgs per passenger traveller on the economy class, and 30 kgs for those travelling in the first class, on both domestic and international flights. The baggage that is not required on the flight is checked in. Normally a small bag is allowed into the aircraft, no large baggage is permitted. This is placed on the rack above your seat. The rest of the baggage that is checked in, is kept in the storage compartment of the aircraft and delivered on arrival at the destination. Usually, stickers and baggage tags are provided by the airlines for fixing on to the baggage. Excess baggage should always be avoided. After checking both tickets and baggage the counterfoil is returned by the airline staff with a boarding pass. In the case of an international flight, there is a customs, immigration, and security check before the passenger actually proceeds towards the aircraft. Now-a-days, in order to protect passengers and the aircrafts from hijackers and terrorists, strict- security and restrictions have been placed. These measures have been enforced after several cases of hijacking which have left passengers very insecure and scared. Areas where people coming to 'see off their friends or relatives, have now been closed, as a security safeguard. If your seat is near the window, you can look out and see the clouds so close you can almost touch them. As you ascend higher and higher, the city you just left behind looks miniature, like a doll's playground with gardens and trees. For these few moments, it's easy to visualize what birds feel like in the sky with nothing but the clouds, your flying in space', away from the hindrance of city life.

I love books. On my holidays I pick up any book and get so engrossed in it that I often forget to eat. My mother has to yell at me to have my lunch. At times my friends come over, but if I am busy reading an interesting story I hate to put down my book to play with them. I have built a little library of my own at home. I have fairy tales, folk tales from different parts of the world, fun books, books on geography, science, history and literature, all of which are presented in the form of a story. Books hold a great charm for me. I find that I know a lot about various thing, whereas my friends who don't read books at home, don't know half the things that I do. They love to hear the stories that I read. Some of my friends too have started enjoying reading books now. Most of my relatives and friends know that the best birthday gift that they can give me is books and with their generosity. I have over a hundred books in my personal library now.

The 15th August is the most important day in the history of India. On this day our country became free after many centuries.   We celebrate this day with great zeal every year. This year we made great preparations in our school. Everyone of us is eager to take part in Independence Day Celebrations. The Vice Principal drew up a programme. It was announced by the Principal on the 12th of August.   Early in the morning of the 15th of August, we gathered in the Ram leela ground behind the bus stand near the water tank. Our teachers also joined us in a few minutes. We were divided' into 4 parties. Each party singing national songs and shouting Bapu Gandhi ki Jai', Bharat Mata ki Jai'. Our younger* companions were full of enthusiasm. They were shouting the slogans at top of their voice Thus, singing and shouting natibna slogans we reached school at 8.00 A.M.   In the school we stood around the the flag pole. The teachers asked us to stand class wise. In our Khaki uniform we looked like soldiers ready to give our lives for the sake of Mother India. The teachers stood behind us. On our Principal's request the founder of the school, who is a scared saint, came forward. He performed the flag hosting ceremony. He was in his happy mood. Exactly at 8.30 o'clock the flag was hoisted. We stood in attention to give salute to the flag.   After the flag ceremony 'Jan Gan Man' was sung. The scout band played the tune. The flag ceremony came to a close with a few speeches. The teachers and the founder delivered these speeches. All the speakers threw light on the importance of the day. Two teachers told us our duties towards the country.   The Principal asked us to assemble round the field to take part in the sports. The sports were held with great zeal. Those who stood first and second in the sports got prizes by the holy hands of the founder.

Guru Nanak was one of those religious teachers who wanted to chase away darkness of ignorance and usher in spiritual enlightenment. Guru Nanak was born on 15th April, 1469 at Talwandi, not far from Lahore, which is now in Pakistan.   Talwandi is now popularly called 'Nankana Sahib'. His father's name was Kalu Ram who was a patwari and his mother's name was Tripta. They were Bedi Khatries by caste. It is said that an astrologer predicted that after growing up the child would gain prominence in religious field and that both Hindus and Muslims would acknowledge his predominance and that he would be a true devotee of God.   He Was sent to the local Pandit and later on to the local Moulvi for learning Hindi and Persian respectively but he did not evince any special interest in secular studies. Right from childhood his mind was drawn towards spiritual pursuits. When his father saw that his son was doing nothing by way of profession, he was worried as to how he would earn his livelihood: He wanted to put him in business. He gave him Rs. 20 and told him to go to Lahore along with Bala and to do some business.   He took leave of his father and went towards Lahore. On the way he saw some sadhus sitting cross-legged and meditating on God. He conversed with them and found that they were hungry. He consulted Bhai Bala. He told him "What better business can be done with Rs. twenty than feed these hungry hermits?" Bhai Bala nodded his head in agreement. Guru Nanak bought eatables worth that amount, and fed the hungry Sadhus. This is called a 'Sacha Sauda' - a true bargain.   After the foregoing event he was sent to his sister Nanki, who lived at Sultanpur.  At the age of 16 he took employment at a Government owned grain shop. Bhai Bala was his constant companion. He was doing a good business. His father came to Sultanpur to meet him and to know how much he had earned so that his marriage could be performed. But, he was rather angry to learn from his daughter Nanki that whatever Guru Nanak earned, Lie distributed the same among the poor and the needy.   He was married at the age of 18 to Sulakshni Devi, who was the daughter of Mool Chand.   Guru Nanak continued with his habit of spending lavishly on charitable work. No beggar returned empty-handed from his door. The people thought that he was misappropriating funds from the grain shop. Therefore they made a complaint to the Nawab, who ordered an inspection of the grain shop. To the surprise of all, it was found that the stock was in excess and nothing was misappropriated.   Being persuaded by his sister Nanki, he stayed at home for some time and looked after his domestic life. Two sons were born to him - Shri Chand and Lakshmi Dass, the elder became a Sadhu. more...

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