The World

The former US president John F. Kennedy could read at the rate of over 300 words per minute.

The Amazon rain forest covers a large part of the equatorial zone of South America by around 6 million sq. km.

'China's Flourishing Period/ an economic daily newspaper in China, published the world's first newspaper made of gold. Selling for US $ 8300 (69,000 Yuan) a copy, it was launched in the city of Shenzhen of South China.

The motorway with the most lanes - 23- is the Bridge Toll Plaza which connects San Francisco (USA) with Oakland Bay, crossing the famous Golden Gate Bridge.

The Imperial Palace in Beijing (China), is the world's largest palace, surrounded by the world's largest moat. (Deep and wide ditch with water.)

The Amazon basin in South America is the longest rain forest in the world.

San Quentin state prison in California (USA) is the largest prison currently in existence, with over 6,000 prisoners.

Queen Elizabeth II, the queen of United Kingdom and the head of the Common Wealth, appears on the coinage of at least 35 countries - more than any other living monarch.

The Boeing 747-400 or Jumbo jet is one of the largest passenger aircrafts in the world. It has a wing span of 65-70 m and weighs over 320 tonnes. There are about 1000, of this type in service, with a capacity of 566 passengers. 

The TGV Atlantique (Trains A Grande Vitesse) on the track between Courtalin and Tours in France has reached a maximum speed of 515 KMPH.


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