
The Value of Science

Category : Essays

The presentsera is the era of science. Science has undoubtedly done a great service to mankind. Man, a rational being, has been curious to explore mysteries of nature and this led to many discoveries being made in various part of the world.

But hi is never satisfied with the acquired knowledge and is always keen to unraveled mysteries of the Universe He has conquered the land and air. His incredible lust for knowledge has revolutionized human life raised the standard of life.

He was able to invent innumerable ways of making his life comfortable and happy. Every sphere of life has been revolutionized by science.

There have been innumerable inventions. One of the greatest inventions is the invention of medicines. There has been a series of tests carried out using animals as subjects and various medicines have been tried out on these animals to check their efficacy.

Many fatal diseases can now be cured because we have the durg to fight those diseases. It has reduced the rate of infant mortality and increased the life span. Before theses inventions millions of people died for lack ofmedical care.

Science has given us many machines that have made our lives very comfortable. Buses, cars, sewin; machines, mixies, grinders, etc. are all machines that are used every day by us and the discovery of electricity has made it possible for us to change night into and summer into a comfortable cool season.

It is now easy to cultivate fields as we have tractor. New forms of irrigation are now being employed. It, easier to protect the crops because of the use of varioir. chemicals and pesticides. Even mosquitoes can be driven away because of the discoveries made in science.

It has enabled man to entertain himself in many wayTV, radio, video and the cinema are all popular means of entertainment. Besides entertainment they educatethe masses.

Today the computer has made life even more easy Inus. The press, the means of communication, etc. have all improved because of science and its gifts to us.


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