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Science has created a wonderful world for us. It has provided us with so many things which have made our life comfortable and more advanced. We are now always ahead of time. It has controlled everything. There is no field in human life without an impact of science. It has, on the one hand provided us with good things, on the other it has created some beautiful things also. While the one saves our life, the other destroys it. The field of war has not been spared.
War has all along been the greatest curse upon humanity right from the dawn of history. Man has been competitive by nature. Sometime this competition has brought about quarrels and struggles which in a larger sense has sometime resulted  n fights and war between man and man, race and race and sometimes between the nations.
In the beginning of our civilization wars were fought with hand made arms which were not much dangerous. Though they were harmful but not at large scale. The methods of war were simple. Animals like horses and elephants were used
and most of the wars were fought face to face. History has witnessed the greatest war of Mahabharata. There are many
more instances of wars.
Science has changed the whole concept of war. It has invented so many dangerous arms and ammunitions which have hundred irreparable losses upon humanity. The world has not nor ever in future can forget the miseries and devastation of the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki which were completely ruined during the Second World War by atom bombs. Even after more than a duration of half of a century babies born there handicapped and with poor vision. This is the greatest blot on the face of humanity.
A careful analysis will show that war is fought only because of lust for power. The bases of all wars is selfishness and ambition. The modern war takes place more for economic resource. Now nations fight to get monopoly over the trade and commerce of a particular country. Modern war is the fight for markets to sell the manufactured goods and to buy raw materials. The production of goods on a large scale is indirectly the cause of the present wars.
The modern war has a degrading effect on public morals. During the war there is hatred and ill feeling everywhere. The feelings of love and sympathy are driven out from the hearts of the people. Moral and economic corruption have prevailed in the country. Thus war is the mother of many evils. Science has become our greatest enemy. Instead of increasing our happiness, it has brought death, miseries, and destruction in the world. War is the deadly enemy of the
human race and civilization.
The aero planes are used for dropping bombs. The best machines are used for the production of arms and ammunition. Science has produced horrible nuclear weapons which have the capacity to destroy the whole world in a fraction of seconds. In modern war nothing is safe.
Thus, there is no doubt that science has brought the creation and devastation at our tip. We can achieve everything impossible to make our life successful and we can, if we wish, ruin the whole human race. It all depends upon our conscience whether we want creation or destruction. Science is a glass which need to be handled with care.


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