
Our School Library

Category : Essays

Introduction. Every school has a library a library is a place where books on different subjects are kept. The school library is for the use of students and teachers.

Our school library. Our school has a good library. It is housed in a big hall. The hooks are kept in many big wooden admirals.. Our librarian manages the library. He arranges books. The admirals have glass panes. Besides textbooks we have books on travels, biographies, history, geography, science, etc.

Catalogues for admirals. All the hooks are arranged subject-wise- Each almirah has a catalogue. One almirah has bocks are Capet in many big wooden and recurrence hooks- They art: only for the teachers.

How the books are issued? Library system in our school. The students do no gel the books directly from the librarian. Once a month the class teacher goes to the library. He selects four or five sets of books for his class students. These sets are s-graded. The teacher finds no difficulty in the selection of books. Each set has hooks. The teacher issues the books once a week to the students in the class library period. The students are expected to read these hooks during the week. They return them in the following week. Nobody is allowed of keep; i hook for more than two weeks.

The Reading room. Our library has a reading room. It is full of tables and chairs. The newspapers, magazines and periodicals are placed on the big tables for the use of boys. The walls of the room are decorated with good mottos and paintings.

Uses of the Library- The school library is a good way to give general knowledge to the boys. Students beget studious habits. It creates a taste for good books after school life. Biographies form character of the students. The library creates love for books among the weak boys. It gives chance to make best use of the leisure time it gives us day-to-day news of the world.

Conclusion. I am in fact proud of my school library. I have learnt punctuality, regularity, habit of hardworking and moral teachings from books. It has created low in me for books.


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