
My Pet

Category : Essays

I have a pet named Ruby. It is a beautiful golden fishwhich I purchased from the Kamla Market.

I do not know the kind of this fish, but I like it verymuch. It is a small one and I keep it in a glass aquarium.It keeps flitting in the water.

It so happened that once I was going through the market with my mother. It was a festival day.

I had been given the option to purchase anything for myself, within the range of two hundred rupees.

Suddenly, my eye fell on the fish which was shining under the light of the fluorescent tube fixed overhead in, the shop.

I loved the shining golden fish so much that I asked my mother to buy it for me. Without a moment's hesitation, my mother bought it for me. This is how I came by it.

I keep the water in the glass aquarium clean and pure, and change it regularly. Moreover, I put in it only the water which I get purified with the aquaguard.

I give only prescribed food to my fish. I buy this specially prepared food from the fish shop and follow all the instructions regarding it.

I give the fish only required quantity of food at the prescribed intervals.

I do not wish the fish to suffer from overeating. At the same time, I'm very particular that this sea creature should not languish with malnutrition.

After buying this fish I began to feel that it was perhaps too much for this little fish to lead a lonely life for my sake. At first, I decided to go and leave it in some pond or river.

I talked to my father. He found a way-out. He brought another fish and then a third fish to live together in this glass aquarium.

Now, I don't have just one fish but three fish as my pets.


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