8th Class

Notes - Pollution of Air and Water

Category : 8th Class


Pollution of Air and Water


·                     Air pollution refers to the contamination of air by impurities like solid particles and gases in the air which may have a harmful impact on the living organisms and the non-living components.

·                     An air pollutant is a substance that contaminates air and water. Pollutants can have adverse effects on humans and the ecosystem. Pollutants can be solid particles, liquid droplets, or gases.

·                     Carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, methane and Sulphur dioxide are the major pollutants of air.

·                     The greenhouse effect is the natural process by which the atmosphere traps some of the Sun's energy, warming the Earth enough to support life. Increasing levels of greenhouse gases like \[C{{O}_{2}}\] are leading to global warming.

·                     The contamination of water by the substances that are harmful for human beings and other life forms is called water pollution. These contaminants may be in the form of solid particles, liquids or in the form of gases.

·                     Some of the major contaminants of water are sewage, agricultural chemicals and industrial waste.

·                     The water safe enough to be consumed by humans or used with low risk of immediate or long term harm is called potable water.

·                     Water is a precious natural resource. Life on the earth cannot be possible without water. It is necessary to conserve water to continue the life processes on earth.





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