7th Class

Points to keep in mind while doing Comprehension

Category : 7th Class

*   Points to keep in mind while doing Comprehension             



  • Read the given paragraph carefully and underline important points.
  • Read the questions one by one and try to find the answer in the paragraph
  • Write answers in your own words.
  • Read the given passage carefully two or three times, till you understand clearly (1) its subject, and (2) what is said about the subject. Ask yourself, 'What is the main theme of the passage I am reading? What does the author say about that subject? Can I put in a few words the central point of the paragraph?"
  • Read the questions carefully, one by one, and try to fully understand them,
  • Now take up the question, and find out the part of the passage it refers to
  • Repeat the same with the other questions.
  • Now write answers to the questions in your own words. Do not copy the language of the passage. The answer should be brief and to the point.  
  • Revise your answers, and examine them carefully. If an answer is too long, you must further compress it by omitting unnecessary details.         
  • Correct all mistake in spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. Let the language of the answer be simple and direct.  



* Read the passage carefully and answer the questions

The winter this year was unusually long and harsh. What possibly could explain the occurrence of unusual cold wave conditions this year throughout the globe when environmentalists voicing their concerns about the human-led global warming had predicted that the rise in carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere would result in shorter winters with no significant dip in the mercury? Was this winter an exception to the rule or is it simply following a trend? After all, studies conducted by a small group of 'sceptic' scientists reveal that global warming has been waning since 2001. Latest studies supported by satellite data cast doubt on the climate fears propounded by environmentalists supported by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).      





  Why has the winter of this year been called unusual?

(A) Because the duration was long          

(B) Winter was long and harsh

(C) It was different from other years     

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (D)



What is the main reason for global warming?

(A) Increased amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

(B) Increased amount of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere

(C) Decreased amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (A)  



  What would be the consequence of global warming?

(A) Long summer and short winter         

(B) Harsh winter

(C) Short summer and long winter          

(D) Moderate winter

(E) None of these


Answer: (A)  



What can we infer from the result of studies conducted by a small group of 'sceptic' scientists?

(A) Global warming is increasing               

(B) Global warming is declining

(C) Global warming is stable                       

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (B)      



* Read the passage carefully and answer the questions

Arunachal is also mentioned in the literature of Kalika Purana and Mahabharata. This place is supposed to be the Prabhu Mountains of the Puranas. It was here that sage Parashuram washed away his sin, sage Vyasa meditated, King Bhishmaka founded his kingdom and Lord Krishna married his consort Rukmini. The widely scattered archeological remains at different places in Arunachal bear testimony to its rich cuitural heritage. Arunachal Pradesh, a serene land tucked into the North Eastern tip of India, invites you to relax in its picturesque hills and valleys, enjoy its salubrious climate and meet its simple and hospitable people, with their glorious heritage of arts and crafts and colourful festivals that reflect their ancient faith in the inexorable power of nature. The visitor has a wide variety of options to pick from. There are places of worship and pilgrimage such as Parasuramkund and 400 years old Tawang Monastery, or the sites of archeological excavations like Malinithan and Itanagar, the serene beauty of lakes such as Ganga lake or Sela lake or the numerous variations of scenic beauty of the snow clad silver mountain peaks and lush green meadows where thousands of species of flora and fauna prosper. In addition, the state provides abundant scope for angling, boating, rafting, trekking and hiking. Besides, there are a number of wild life sanctuaries and national parks where rare animals, birds and plants will fascinate the visitor.      





How can you say that history of Arunachal goes long back?

(A) It is an old place                                        

(B) Many sages meditated here

(C) It is described in Kalika Purana           

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (C)



What is the testimony to its rich cultural heritage?

(A) Archaeological survey                            

(B) Archaeological remains

(C) Archaeological digging                           

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (B)  



What kind of climate does Arunachal Pradesh have?

(A) Poor                                                              

(B) Moderate

(C) Healthy                                                        

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (C)  



Arunachal Pradesh has a great potential for ______?

(A) Sports                                                           

(B) Music

(C) Adventurous sports                                

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (C)      



* Read the passage carefully and answer the questions

The greenhouse effect is the heating of the surface of a planet or moon due to the presence of an atmosphere containing gases that absorb and emit infrared radiation. Thus, greenhouse gases trap heat within the surface troposphere system. This mechanism is fundamentally different from that of an actual greenhouse, which works by isolating warm air inside the structure so that heat is not lost by convection. The greenhouse effect was discovered by Joseph Fourier in 1824, first reliably experimented on by John Tyndall in 1858, and first reported quantitatively by Svante Arrhenius in 1896. In the absence of the greenhouse effect and an atmosphere, the Earth's average surface temperature of 14 °C (57.2°F) could be as low as -18°C (-0.4 °F), the black body temperature of the Earth. Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW), a recent warming of the Earth's lower atmosphere, is believed to be the result of an "enhanced greenhouse effect" mainly due to human-produced increases in atmospheric greenhouse gases.  





What harm can the green house gases do?

(A) They trap heat and decrease temperature

(B) They trap heat and increase temperature

(C) They trap heat and thus control the temperature

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (B)  



What will happen in the absence of greenhouse effect?

(A) The temperature of the earth will increase

(B) The temperature of the earth will decrease

(C) The temperature of the earth will remain constant

(D) The earth will become a hot desert

(E) None of these


Answer: (B)  



Why has greenhouse effect enhanced?

(A) Because of human activities                               

(B) Because of natural phenomenon

(C) Because of hot climate                          

(D) Warming of the Earth's lower atmosphere

(E) None of these


Answer: (A)  



Who experimented with the green house effect?

(A) Joseph Fourier                                          

(B) Svante Arrhenius

(C) John Tyndall                                               

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (C)      



* Read the passage carefully and answer the questions

Anxiety and conscience are a pair of powerful dynamos. Of course, I can only speak for myself. Between them, they have ensured that one shall work at anything worthwhile. They are blind forces which drive but do not direct. Fortunately, I have also been moved by a third motive- the wish to see and understand. Curiosity is another motive for action. It is also one of the distinctive characteristics of human nature and contrasted with the natures of nonhuman animals. All human beings have curiosity in some degree. We also all have it about things which are of no practical use. Curiosity may be focused on anything in the universe, but the spiritual reality of the phenomena should be the ultimate objective of all curiosity for it to be fruitful. Thanks to my mother my approach to this ultimate objective of all curiosity is Fruitful. My approach to this ultimate objective is through the story of human affairs.  





What is the main objective of this passage?

(A) To distinguish between human beings and animals.

(B) To project curiosity as a potent motivating factor.

(C) To project anxiety and conscience as inadequate.

(D) About motivation and spiritual reality

(E) None of these



Answer: (D)  



A characteristic peculiar to human beings that is referred to is:

(A) Superior intelligence                              

(B) Spirit of enquiry

(C) Capacity to rationalize                            

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (B)  



Which one of the following statements is true according to the passage?

(A) Animals are as curious as human beings

(B) Curiosity is the only motive for action

(C) People motivated by curiosity do not need other motives to guide them

(D) People motivated by anxiety and conscience alone can be misdirected

(E) None of these


Answer: (D)  



According to the author:

(A) Those who have little curiosity are curious about unimportant things

(B) Apart from humans no other living beings have the gift of curiosity

(C) The highest form of curiosity can be satisfied by study of human affalrs alone

(D) Spiritual reality is the ultimate goal of humans through action

(E) None of these


Answer: (D)      



The author subscribes to the view:

(A) One curiosity should focus beyond the facade on the latent meaning of things

(B) Curiosity is an inherited family characteristic

(C) A study of human affairs is the most effective method of satisfying one's curiosity

(D) In order to motivate, curiosity must be coupled with anxiety and conscience

(E) None of these


Answer: (D)      



* Read the passage carefully and answer the questions

As medium of literary expression, the common language is inadequate. Like the man of letters, the scientist finds it necessary to "give a purer sense to the words of the tribe". But the purity of scientific language makes it closer to perfection. The aim of the scientist is to say only one thing at a time, and to say it unambiguously and with the greatest possible clarity. To achieve this, he simplifies and jargonizes. In other words, he uses the vocabulary and syntax of common speech in such a way that each phrase is susceptible to only one interpretation and when the vocabulary and syntax of common speech are too imprecise for his purpose he invents a new technical language, or jargon specially designed to express the limited meaning with which he is professionally concerned. The literary artist purifies the language of the tribe in a radically different way. The scientist's aim, as we have seen, is to say one thing, and only one thing at a time. This, most emphatically, is not the aim of the literary artist. Human life is lived simultaneously on many levels and has many meanings. Literature is a device for reporting the multifarious facts and expressing their various significance. When the literary artist undertakes to give a pure sense to the words of his tribe, he does so with the express purpose of creating a language capable of conveying, not the single meaning of some particular science, but the multiple significance of human experience, its most private as well as on its more public levels.  





The passage highlights the difference between:

(A) The language of science and of literature

(B) The language of the tribe and that of a civilized man

(C) Jargon and the language of common man

(D) The central purpose of science and literature

(E) None of these


Answer: (A)  



  'Jargon' in the context of the passage means:

(A) Difficult language                                     

(B) Technical language

(C) Language with limited meaning         

(D) Mathematical language

(E) None of these


Answer: (C)  



The purpose of literature according to the passage is:

(A) To express views privately as well as publicly

(B) To report multifarious facts of life

(C) To view life from various planes

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (B)  



  The language of science is:

(A) Precise                                                         

(B) Verbose

(C) Ambiguous                                                 

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer (A)  



According to the passage:

(A) Language of science is pure                

(B) Language of literature is pure

(C) The language of science and that of literature, each in its own way, makes for pure expression

(D) All of these

(E) None of these


Answer: (D) 



* Read the passage carefully and answer the questions

Once, an ant who had come to drink at a stream fell into the water and was carried away by the swift current. He was in a great danger of drowning. A dove, perched on a nearby tree, saw the ant's danger and dropped a leaf into the water. The ant climbed onto this, and was carried to safety. Sometime after this, a hunter, crippling through the bushes, saw the dove asleep, and took a careful aim with his gun. He was about to fire when the ant, who was nearby, crawled forward and bit him sharply in the ankle. The hunter missed his target and the loud noise of the gun awakened the dove from her sleep. She saw the danger and flew swiftly away to safety. Thus, the ant repaid the dove for having saved its life from the foaming current of the stream.    





The ant came to the stream to

(A) Fall into it                                                    

(B) Drink at it.

(C) Look at the swift current                      

(D) Carry back some water

(E) None of these


Answer: (B)  



The dove dropped a leaf into the water to

(A) Drown the ant                                          

(B) Save the ant

(C) Helf itself                                                     

(D) Perch on it

(E) None of these


Answer: (B)  



The dove was in danger because

(A) There was a bush nearby                     

(B) A hunter was about to shoot it

(C) It had fallen off the branch                  

(D) A hunter wanted to care for it

(E) None of these  



The word 'aim' in this passage means

(A) To look at something                             

(B) To have an ambition

(C) To point a gun at something or someone

(D) To try to reach somewhere

(E) None of these


Answer: (C)  



The ant repaid the dove by

(A) Biting the dove                                         

(B) Bringing the hunter

(C) Biting the hunter                                      

(D) All of these

(E) None of these          


Answer: (C)        


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