7th Class

Indefinite Articles 'A and An'

Category : 7th Class

*    Indefinite Articles 'A and An'


Definition: 'A 'and 'An' are called indefinite articles because they refer to any person, animal thing or place.  


*       Uses of indefinite Articles 'A' and 'An'

'A' is used before Singular Countable Noun beginning with either vowel or consonant but sounds like consonant.




  •   There is a girl in the class.
  •   My brother is a teacher.
  •   He reads in a university.
  •   I have a one rupee note.

In the above given sentences, 'a' is used before a word starting from consonant or vowel but sounds like consonant. In the first and second sentences 'a' ts used before girl and teacher. These two words start from consonant and sound like consonant. In the third and fourth sentences 'a' is used before university and one. These two words start from vowel but sound like a consonant. Therefore, 'a' is used before them.

'An' is used before a Singular Countable Noun beginning with consonant or vowel but sounds like vowel.  




  •   Steve presented an example in front of the audience.
  •   It was an easy task.
  •   Our Prime Minister is an honest man.
  •   Sonia Gandhi is an M.P.

In the above given sentences, 'an' is used before the words which start from vowel or consonant but sound like vowel. In the first and second sentences 'an' is used before example and easy which start from vowel and sound like a vowel. In the third and fourth sentences 'an' is used before honest and M.P. which start from consonant but sound like a vowel.  





Fill in the blanks with indefinite articles.      


  Frankling is _____________ European.

(A) A                                                                     

(B) An

(C) The                                                                

(D) All of these

(D) None of these


Answer: (a)

Explanation: The word European begins with the letter 'E' which is a vowel but It sounds like a consonant.  



  Pallavi is ____________ intelligent girl.

(A) A                                                                     

(B) The

(C) An                                                                  

(D) None of these

(E) All of these


Answer: (c)

Explanation: The word intelligent begins with the letter 'i' which is a vowel and also sounds like a vowel.


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