7th Class

Comprehensions Based on Story / Incident

Category : 7th Class


Comprehensions Based on Story / Incident


Direction: Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow:


·                     Example 1

I was lying on a ridge scanning with field glasses a rock cliff' opposite me. I saw tahr the most sure-footed of all Himalayan goats. On a edge halfway up the cliff, a tahr and her kid were lying asleep. Presently the tahr got to her feet, stretched herself, and the kid immediately began to feed. After a minute the mother freed herself, took a few steps along the edge, poised for a moment, then jumped down on to another and a narrower edge   some twelve to fifteen feet below her. As soon as it was left alone the kid started running backwards and forwards, stooping every now and then to peer down at its mother, but unable to summon the courage to jump down to her for below the narrow edge, was a sheer drop of a thousand feet. I was too far away to hear whether the mother was encouraging her young, but from the way her head was turned I believe she was doing so. The kid was getting more and more agitated and, possibly fearing that it would do something foolish, the mother went to what looked like a mere crack in the vertical rock face and  climbing it, rejoined her young. Immediately on doing so she lay down, presumably to prevent the kid from feeding.


After a while she got to her feet again, allowed the kid to drink for a minute, poised carefully on the brink, and jumped down while the kid again ran backwards and forwards above her. Seven times in the course of the next half-hour this procedure was gone through, until finally the kid, abandoning itself to its fate, jumped, and landing safely beside its mother was rewarded by being allowed to drink its fill. The lesson for her young, that it was safe to follow where she led, was over for that day.


1.            Which of the following excerpts from the passage best bears out the description of the thar as a sure-footed mountain goat?

            (a) "Seven times in the course of the next half-hour this procedure was gone through."

            (b) "The lesson for her young was over for that day."

            (c) "The mother went to what looked like a. mere crack in the vertical rock face rejoined her young.

            (d) ?I was too far away to hear whether the mother was encouraging her' young I believe she was doing so.?

            (e) None of these


2.            The mother goat feared that the kid "would do something foolish like:

            (a) drink more than its share of milk.

            (b) throw itself off the cliff

            (c) follow her down the vertical rock face.

            (d) continue to pace up and down indefinitely

            (e) None of these


3.            In the second paragraph, "abandoning itself its fate" can be replaced by which phrase?

(a) Making the most of the situation 

            (b) Taking the bull by the horns

            (c) Facing the music                

            (d) Taking the consequences

            (e) None of these


4.            One way in which the kid was encouraged to follow its mother was by:

            (a) not being allowed to have its fill of milk until it  had jumped.

            (b) running backwards and forwards on the ledge before it jumped.

            (c) getting very agitated before it jumped.

            (d) being rejoined by its mother several times.

            (e) None of these


5.            The mother goat taught her kid the lesson through:

            (a) agility and sure-footedness.       

            (b) severity and punishment.

            (c) patience and perseverance.        

            (d) praise and reward.                 

(e) None of these


·                     Example 2


Once, an ant who had come to drink at a stream fell into the water and was carried away by the swift current. He was in a great danger of drowning. A dove, perched on a nearby tree, saw the ant?s danger and dropped a leaf into the water. The ant climbed onto this, and was carried to safety. Sometime after this, a hunter, cripping through the bushes, saw the dove asleep, and took a careful aim with his gun. He was about to fire when the ant, who was nearby, crawled forward and bit him sharply in the ankle. The hunter missed his target and the loud noise of the gun awakened the dove from her sleep. She saw the danger and flew swiftly away to safety Thus, the ant repaid the dove for having saved its life from the foaming current of the stream.


1.            The ant came to the stream to _______.

                        (a) fall into it                         

                        (b) to drink at it

                        (c) look at the swift current         

                        (d) carry back some water

                        (e) None of these


2.            The dove dropped a leaf into the water to _________.

                        (a) drown the ant            (b) save the ant

                        (c) help itself                   (d) perch on it

                        (e) None of these


3.            The dove was in danger because:

                        (a) there was a bush nearby.          

                        (b) a hunter was about to shoot it.

                        (c) it had fallen off the branch.       

                        (c) a hunter wanted to care for it.

                        (e) None of these


4.            The word ?aim? in this passage means:

            (a) to look at something.

            (b) to have an ambition.

            (c) to point a gun at something or someone.

            (d) to try to reach somewhere.

            (e) None of these


5.            The ant repaid the dove by:

            (a) biting the dove.                 

            (b) bringing the hunts.

            (c) biting the hunter.                

            (d) making a loud noise.

            (e) None of these


Answer - Key



1.     (A)

2.     (B)

3.     (D)

4.     (D)

5.     (A)


1.     (B)

2.     (B)

3.     (B)

4.     (C)

5.     (C).



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