7th Class

Analogy and Classification

Category : 7th Class


In such type of problems, a particular relationship is followed between two pairs of letters, words, numbers, group of numbers, group of letters given on the either side of (::). Student has to identify the relationship and choose the correct answer from the given four options followed by the question.




1.  Which number completes the second pair in the same way as the first pair?

120 : 12 :: ? : 4

(a) 40

(b) 30

(c) 20

(d) 10


Explanation (a):

In the first pair, 1st number number.

Similarly, in the 2nd pair, 1st number

Thus, the required number = 40

So the correct option is (a).


2.  Which figure will complete the second pair in the same way as the first pair?







Explanation (b):

Each one of the upper elements is replaced by an element similar to the lower element(s) and each one of the lower elements is replaced by an element similar to the upper element(s).

So, the correct option is (b).



We classify various items into a group on the basis of their common properties.

These items may be numbers, letters, figures, things, places etc.

In such type of problems, some items are given.

All these items except one are similar in some manner.

A student is required to identify the odd one out.

Let us illustrate problems with the help of examples.


3.  Find the odd one out.

(a) 27

(b) 42

(c) 39

(d) 33


Explanation (b):

Except 42, all other are odd natural numbers.

So, the correct option is (b).


4.  Choose the figure which is different from the rest.






Explanation (d):

Except   , all other are formed from two straight lines.

So, the correct option is (d).


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