2nd Class

Our, Surroundings

Category : 2nd Class

Our Surroundings



We live in a house with our parents. Near our house, there are many houses. We call them neighbours. Neighbours help each other. They celebrate festivals together. All these houses together make our neighbourhood. In a neighbourhood, there are many services.


Post Office

The place where we post letters is called post office. Postman takes all letters to the post office, from where they are delivered to the required places.


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Post Office





Bank is the place where we deposit money and can take it out when required. We can make use of ATM to withdraw money. An ATM is an automatic machine that allows People to take out money any time and from anywhere.


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Police Station

Police provide protection to the public. They are always there for our safety. Traffic policeman is the person who handles traffic.


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Police Station



Fire Station

We call firemen when a building catches fires. They helps us in putting out the fire.


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Fire Station



We visit hospital when we are sick/ill. In hospitals doctors prescribe the necessary medicines for our illness.


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It is a place from where we can buy necessary things for our daily needs. There are many shops in a market.


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Railway Station

This is a place from where we board trains. Before boarding trains, we have to book our tickets. Trains are fast and low cost means of transport which are used to go to distant places.


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Railway Station



School is a place where we learn to write, read, sing, dance, also to respect, obey and love teachers. We also learn good habits and good manners in school.


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People Who Help Us

In our neighbourhood, people do various kinds of works.

Image result for chemist sells medicine.                                              Image result for Greengrocers sell vegetables

    Chemist sells medicine                                                             Greengrocers sell vegetables


Image result for Blacksmiths make things from iron                                             Image result for Carpenter makes furniture from wood. He also makes doors and windows for our houses.

Blacksmiths make things from iron.                             Carpenter makes furniture from wood. He also

    makes doors and windows for our houses.


Image result for Tailor stitches clothes for us.                                            Related image

            Tailor stitches clothes for us.                                                                Cobbler makes our shoes.


Image result for Plumber fixes the pipes and taps so that we can have water.                                         Image result for Electrician fits wires, switches, bulbs, fans etc.

Plumber fixes the pipes and taps                                              Electrician fits wires, switches,

                  so that we can have water.                                                                        bulbs, fans etc.



In our neighbourhood, we celebrate many festivals. Festivals bring the people of neighbourhood together. It unites us and brings happiness in our life.


Festivals are mainly of two types:

(i) Religious festivals – Holi, Eid, Diwali, Christmas, etc.

(ii) National festivals – Independence Day, Republic Day, Gandhi Jayanti, etc.


Religious Festivals


People of different religion celebrate different festivals. Holi, Eid, Diwali, Christmas, Guru purav are some of these festivals.


Holi is the festival of colours.

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Diwali is the festival of light. Both of these festivals are celebrated mainly by Hindus.

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Eid is celebrated by Muslims mainly.

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Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ. This is the main festival for the Christians.

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Guru Purav is the Sikh festival.

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We also have some regional festivals.

Pongal is a harvest festival celebrated in Tamil Nadu.

Bihu is the harvest festival of Assam.

Onam is a colourful harvest festival celebrated in Kerala. During this festival, a special boat race known as snakesboat, is held in Kerala.


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National Festivals

National festivals are celebrated by everyone, throughout the country.

In India Independence day is celebrated on 15th August.

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In India 26th Republic day is celebrated on 26th January.

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2nd October is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti. Mahatma Gandhi, father of India nation was born on this day.



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