2nd Class


Category : 2nd Class


The nouns that do not denote either female or male gender are called neuter gender. For example shoe,  



This lesson will help you to ·  

  • Understand nouns as naming words. 
  • Understand different types of nouns.  



Nouns are naming words. The name of a person place or thing is called a noun. Everything around us has a name like the Chair you sit upon, or a place that you go to study, is known as a school.



Common Nouns: names given to common things around you like dog, cat, .school, mat are called common nouns.


Proper Nouns: Names given to people, countries, cities, lanes, rivers, months, day?s pets are called proper nouns. Proper nouns always start with a capital letter. For example India: Qutub minor



Collective nouns: nouns that tell us about a group of things are called collective nouns. For example: a bouquet of flowers, a flight of steps,        


 Some common collective nouns



Singular nouns: singular nouns are names given to single things. For example a flower, a box               


Plural Nouns that are more than one in number are called plural nouns. Singular nouns can be changed into plural by:


Nouns that end with Y can be changed to plural by replacing Y with ies. For example Baby can be written as Babies. ·         If a word has a vowel before Y then only s is added to make it a plural.               ·         If a word is ending with f then we can replace f with ves to make it a plural.                    For example Wolf becomes Wolves. ·        

If a word ends with Sh, Ch, X, to make it into plural we add 'es* to it. For example Box becomes boxes.


Plural Possessive Nouns: Plural possessive nouns tell us about ownership by more than one person like Boys books, Girl's room.

Countable Nouns: A noun is countable if it can be counted like one biscuit, two biscuits. Countable nouns can be singular as well as plural.

Uncountable Nouns: A noun is uncountable if it cannot be counted. Like Sand, salt, sugar. They cannot be made into plural.


Masculine Nouns: A noun is a masculine gender if it denotes a male like father, son, uncle, brother.


Feminine nouns: A noun is a feminine gender if it denotes a female like mother, daughter, girl, aunty



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