2nd Class

*      Medicinal value of the Plants Plants have always been considered as a healthy source of life for living organism. They are very useful for healing various diseases, therefore, called natural medicine. Particularly the ayurvedic medical system is fully depended on different plants and herbs for the treatment of various diseases. For example, Amla is very useful in cough, cold, diabetes, hyperacidity etc. Similarly, basil or Tulsi leaf and muleti is a good medicine in cold. Sandalwood is used for the treatment of skin disorder, burning, jaundice, and cough . Some other medicinal plants are Ashok, Aswagandha, Sarpagandha, etc.     common.jpg        Which one of the following is correct? (a) Every plant has medicinal value (b) No plant has medicinal value (c) Only very small plant has medicinal value (d) more...

*   Food from the Plants The following are the name of some food which are obtained from the plants: Cereals, pulses and wheat. Fruits and vegetables. Spices like turmeric, garlic, ginger, mustard etc. Sugar, tea and coffee. Different kind of oil like mustered oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil, etc.   *         Look at the following picture of some food :                                                                   Rice                                    Wheat                                     Pulses                       Fruits and Vegitables     common.jpg        Which one of the more...

*    Characteristic Features of Different Parts of a Plant   *          Look at the following picture of parts of a plant:         *         Roots The following are the properties of roots of the plants: This is the part of the plants that develops inside the soil. This acts as an anchor providing underground base to the plants. Roots absorb water and mineral from soil and send it to the other part of plants through stem.   *         Stem The following are the properties of stem part of the plants: Stem gives support to the upper part of the plant. Water and dissolved nutrients from the soil travel up more...

*    Types of Plants   In general, there are about 350,000 plant species. Therefore, their classification is very difficult. Some plants grow on land, whereas some grow in water. We can differentiate plants on the basis of their habitat as well as on their structure.   *   Classification of Plants on the Basis of their Habitat 1. Terrestrial 2. Aquatic   *    Terrestrial Plants Plants, which grow on the land are called terrestrial plants. Structure of terrestrial plants are well defined to survive on different types of soil on the land. Some plants whose leaves are pointed like a niddle grow in sandy soil.   *    Look at the following picture of some terrestrial plants:                    more...

*   Introduction Living things are divided into two groups Plants and animals. A feature which differentiates the plant and the animal are that, the plant cannot move from one place to another, but an animal can move from one place to another place. In this chapter we will learn about the characteristic features of plants.   *    Importance of Plants Plants are the oldest living organism on the earth. Plants make their own food from the sunlight and take necessary nutrients and water from the soil. Hence plants do not depend on others to obtain food for itself. Living organism, other than plants, is directly or indirectly depend on plants for their nutritional needs.   *      The following are some importance of plants in our daily life: They provide food to other living more...

*    Intake of Food   Eating is the process of taking food that provides the living things nutrition, that is, energy for growth. Plants also need food to survive. See some facts about the intake of food of living things.   *       Food for Human Human is the most knowledgeable living organism. They require food to provide them nutrients, like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins, water etc.   *     To get these nutrients, human eat following food items: Cereals like rice, wheat, oat, great millet, pearl millet etc. Pulses of gram, lentil, pigeon pea etc. Fruits and vegetables Non vegetarian food items like mutton, chicken, beef, pork, fish, eggs etc. Milk, curd, ghee, butter, cheese, paneer etc.       * more...

*   Breathing Breathing is the physical activity of inhaling and exhaling air. Living things do this act to be alive. Living things, those are not able to do breathing become dead. Human and animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide to complete their breathing. The plants inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. For example men, women, boy, girl, dog, cat, cow, goat, lion etc. inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, while a banyan tree inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen.   *      Look at the following picture of living organism inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide:                                                                                                                                            more...

*   Reproduction Living organisms produce offspring’s of their own kind. Adult male and female of same kind take part in their reproduction. For example, human male and female produces human male or female child. Male and female of animals give birth to same kind of animals, male and female birds give birth to the same kind of birds. This reproduction process goes on for all the other living organisms.   *   Look at the following pictures of living organism and their reproduction:                                                                                          more...

*   Introduction There are different types of things around us. Some are living and some are non-living. The things which can grow and have sense organs are called living things. Non living things are different from the living things as they can not Grow and don't have sense organs. In this chapter we will study about the both living and non-living things.   *  Characteristic Features of Living Things    *   Growth Growth is the main characteristic features of living things. A boy grows as a man, a girl grows as a woman, a baby grows as an adult one, a small plant grows to a tree. These all are the examples of the growth of living things. However, proper growth of a living thing can not be possible without proper food. In fact, rate of more...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help you to:—
  • Learn about different means of transport.
  • Identify the various means of transport and their importance in daily life.
  • Study about communication and identify the various means of communication.
  QUICK CONCEPT REVIEW We all move from one place to another for our work, for study etc. for example, every morning we go to school by school bus. My father goes to office by car. We go to meet our grandparents by train. These all are the means of transport.   MEANS OF TRANSPORT All the vehicles used for travelling from one place to the other are called means of transport. There are 3 types of transport: Land, Water and air.   more...


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